January 27, 2001, 03:47
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Dead last place showing...
Am I the only one here who experienced a sure of sadistic glee, when news of CtP 2's recent drop in the GD polls from 14th to dead last at 100th was announced?
Sure, Activision stock might not have plummeted, but we have solid proof that the community can produce some results.
January 27, 2001, 06:00
perhaps you're not noticing that even last, ctp2 is the 10th best strategy(both rts and tbs) game of 2000, being released in the last 2 months of the year
and the poll is totally biased since rts idiots much more than tbs players. SE4 should be(alogn with ctp2) way higher...
January 27, 2001, 14:25
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I have been voting for CtP in the Global100 for quite a while. When Activision dropped CtP2, I got a little disenchanted and stopped voting for it. I would guess quite a few others are/have done the same. I plan on letting it take a beating before going back to voting.
January 27, 2001, 23:28
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Originally posted by MarkG on 01-27-2001 05:00 AM
perhaps you're not noticing that even last, ctp2 is the 10th best strategy(both rts and tbs) game of 2000, being released in the last 2 months of the year
and the poll is totally biased since rts idiots much more than tbs players. SE4 should be(alogn with ctp2) way higher...
You can use statistics to support any idea you wish so I don't put much faith or substance in the fact game A is 5th and Game B is 10th. It all depends on how you crunch the numbers.
That being said I think CTP2 got too much of the vote.
The real test of this game will be in a few months. How many people will still have it on their hard drive.
For me, I haven't played CTP2 for a month and it's coming off soon. I guess I keep hoping that one day I'll check back on this site and a new patch (Activision made or not) will be available to fix some of CTP2's many gameplay faults.
As a testimony to the longevity and gameplay of CIV2 and SMAC they have never left my hard drive. I still play them today and will probably continue. As far as CTP2 goes, it's days are numbered in my household. Some poor dope can pick it up in the used game store for cheap and maybe I'll get a few dollars back on this dissappointing venture.
I would be interested in 3 or 4 months time to see how many people will still be playing CTP2 and how many have shelved it.
January 28, 2001, 02:52
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Mark-Respectfully, my point here is that, ever since they were released, ToT and CtP 2 have both bounced around roughly in the 10-20th place rank, week after week, showing community support.
The fact that CtP 2 plummeted 86 places in one week, I hope, will send the message that game players don't stand by companies that take the money and run. We didn't see a gradual losing of interest, we saw a huge exodus.
That said, I look forward to the day when Civ3 comes and wipes the board with all other games
January 28, 2001, 04:13
Touche' KhanMan!
January 28, 2001, 05:24
guys, you seem to have goten something wrong(and i didnt notice it right away)
CTP2 was last(10th out of 10) in the GamesDomain Readers Awards 2000
on the G100, as Dan will post today, CTP2 is 17th down from 14th.... that's 3 places not 86... http://www.global100.com/chart.asp?Chart=1
January 28, 2001, 06:53
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I agree with you. When I began playing ctpII for the first time I was very impressed by all features and figured to have made a good deal. Now it is totaly different but in the meantime I voted positively for ctpII. It was a mistake!
January 28, 2001, 17:53
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Hmmm . . . I think Bush's analysis of all these statistics would be "fuzzy math."
January 28, 2001, 21:03
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Originally posted by Ferdi on 01-28-2001 05:53 AM
I agree with you. When I began playing ctpII for the first time I was very impressed by all features and figured to have made a good deal. Now it is totaly different but in the meantime I voted positively for ctpII. It was a mistake!
Yah. That's exactly what I thought when I first bought the game. Flashy, seems fun. But after a few more hours I was left with the feeling that this game is trash. I've tried to give it a chance by not judging it on just one game like so many Game Reviewers do but it fails every time. Too bad, because CTP2 definitely had potential.
PS: CTP2 is now off my hard drive and I have started another game of CIV2 but I will keep checking back on this forum to keep updated on this tragic "soap opera".
PSS: Dear Activision: Have a nice bankruptcy !!! I think the McDonalds by my house is hiring.....
January 29, 2001, 04:51
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Originally posted by MarkG on 01-28-2001 04:24 AM
guys, you seem to have goten something wrong(and i didnt notice it right away)
CTP2 was last(10th out of 10) in the GamesDomain Readers Awards 2000
on the G100, as Dan will post today, CTP2 is 17th down from 14th.... that's 3 places not 86... http://www.global100.com/chart.asp?Chart=1
Well, Mark, I guess we'll just all have to join hands and wait for the day when CtP I and II fall off the bottom end of the Top 100 Charts.
Mark my words, that day with come.
January 29, 2001, 05:05
Local Time: 10:20
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To add to that .. I recently cleaned my hard disk up .. and discovered I had over 350Mb of space taken up by CIV2 .SAV files past and present ..
I have removed CTP2, and re-installed CTP1 (ohh the shame of it all) .. as I can't play hotseat in CTP2 .. so whats the point !
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