Firaxis will bring quality.......sources in Software design Magazine say that the personality configuration that ACtivision setup will be used but personalitys will be different and that 3 big changes will be noticeable.One was the AI has a Broad understanding for whats going on around the globe.It will influence its diplomacy desicion making.second is the AI will get more time to make decisons instead of the MAx_end_turn_25 it will be pushed to theory If the AI is given more time , its very much possible it will make a better decison.third is The AI uses the City Defense Code (which is the only time they AI stacks units 4-5) to attack.This is interesting and worth seeing if such a modification could be made to CTP2?
2 other minor are Better Worker Management and Enhanced trade.
personally i hope Sid Mier Keeps out the "Gang up on human player Attribute" I can always remember in Civ2 The AI (regardless of how nice i was) Banding together to sign pacts.I hated this because it would always end up 5 AI vs me and maybe an AI partner (pending how much advances and gold i gave him

Also the AI will have way , way better domestic policy, this example given in the magazine.
"In Civ2 If the Citizens of an AI civs nation are unhappy The AI instead of raising gold or food would normally build units and have martial law in every city (this was a major flaw in the design).In CivIII they will have some Loose control over the Tax bar and Rations bar.
Anyway These guys were right about the Units in CTP2 and the Weapons in Rainbow6 5 months before release. This tells me they have people inside