January 20, 2001, 05:21
Activision sent us the following statement in response to the various discussions here.

There are a lot of questions and speculation on the Apolyton message boards about Call to Power II, so we have decided to issue the following statement to clear some of them up.
When we began the design process on Call to Power II, we spent a good deal of time querying our Call to Power owners about what changes or additions they wanted to see in a sequel. Of course, there were thousands of suggestions from formal research surveys, informal message board posts, and one-on-one chats with gamers. But the majority of the requests centered around the following areas: diplomacy, combat, interface, customizability, and empire management. Our team set out to make a sequel that would address all of these features, yet would still remain true to the gameplay from the first game. We intentionally kept the graphics engine mostly the same because we felt that our graphics were, and still are, the best offered in a turn-based empire building game. We kept the setting the same because we felt that an actual historical basis would have more appeal than a fantastic or science-fiction setting. Many of the programming changes to Call to Power II may not be readily visible to the user, but in reality, most of the major engines were rewritten to accept the changes to the diplomatic, combat and empire management systems. Opening up the extensive customizability options required a level of complex code changes as well. As in all software development projects, some features from Call to Power were dropped or cut as the project unfolded, including PBEM and Hot Seat.
We have been reviewing the posts by various forum members calling for additional patches to make the AI more challenging for them, to add PBEM and Hotseat back in, and various other requests. These requests, which sound simple, are actually long, complex feature additions that would require up to 3-4 months of programming and testing time. This is not feasible, as the Call to Power II team is moving on to other projects. So there will be no additional patches, enhancements or scenarios coming from Activision. Additionally, there are no immediate plans to make an expansion or sequel.
None of these decisions were taken lightly, however, we feel that in the end, we have delivered a game that met the design goals of the project: an empire-building game that delivers new diplomatic features, more realistic combat, better empire management options, a new interface, and a customizable gaming engine to extend the life of the game. We thank all of you for your dedicated support and enthusiasm over the last four years. We look forward to seeing the results of the various mods and scenarios that the community is working on.
I guess this means goodbye.
I would personally like to thank the CTP1/2 team members for their cooperation and help over the last years, from the last days of TFGC2S(and the first of Apolyton) until today.
Markos, Apolyton Civilization Site
January 20, 2001, 05:54
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Well, I am dissapointed but not surprised. This game still has some major bugs left which are were hard if not impossible for us gamers to solve. It is sad because this game has so much potential but the bugs just ruin the experience. Hopefully people on this forum will keep on improving the game. I already enjoy the game much more now than when I first got it.
January 20, 2001, 05:56
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Well, I am not surprised at all and yes, I do understand that products are made and put on market for profit, not for the consumer's pleasure or convenience. After all, money is what really matters in business. Fine. I can live with that. Only the very last sentence of the statement "We look forward to seeing the results of the various mods and scenarios that the community is working on." is a pure slap on the face. Or was it said with good intensions to be polite?
January 20, 2001, 06:37
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Man, this is utter B.S. Not providing PBEM and Hot Seat, while lame, is at least understandable. Not every game can have everything, and some people will be disappointed. But to not even fix the most obvious and debilitating bugs is completely reprehensible and inexplicable. And the way it is justified, pretending as if the game doesn't have crippling bugs, just makes it worse.
I don't own a lot of computer games, but this surely must represent some new kind of low in terms of post-release support. Activision didn't really even release one patch, but more like half a patch. Their first patch was billed as a rush job to take care of some serious multiplayer problems only, with a more complete patch to come later.
The sad thing is, the game has so much going for it, with its virtually unlimited potential to change and add things to the game. I think once Wes is done with his mod, and other people finish mods and scenarios, this game is going to blow away any civ-type game that's come before (Wes is doing the work Activision should have done in the first place, BTW). But such mods will always be hobbled by serious bugs in the game that no amount of text file editing can ever fix, cos we can't go there.
If Activision is too cheap to properly follow through on this game, they should at least have the balls to release some or all of the coding to allow others to make the fixes they should have done. Even without having any inside clues, someone already had to make an unoffical patch to fix some things Activision should have done in CTP1. If Activision were to do this, it could only boost sales, since eventually a working game could be made out of this. If not, then its just adding insult to insult.
I'm actually not so pissed off as I should be, cos I've had a good lead that this was coming for some time now, from someone inside Activision. And from all the changes I've been making to my Alexander scenario, I get more and more excited, as I start to realize the potential this game provides to those who take the time to make the changes. So I'm not just gonna walk away from the game at this point anyways, like I'm sure many are (Civ3 is still a long time off, unfortunately). But I can completely understand those who do. Maybe I'm just a sucker or a glutton for punishment.
PS- Its true computer games are all about money for the companies that make them, but Activision could have made SO much more money if they spent more time to make a good game. Look at the Age of Empires series as a cash cow for a company that follows through properly (too bad for me I don't like RTS). Obviously sales for CTP2 were disappointing (thus leading to this announcement), because people were burned already by the poor follow through and incomplete nature of CTP1. Duh. I guess Activsion is a shoot em up type company that doesn't understand this genre.
One last thought: Wes is going to release the beta version of his mod in a few days I believe, and I have high confidence in it. I find playing it really fun, despite the bugs. The AI is definitely fixable- someone has already made an AI that's completely unbeatable, even. But by the time these mods like Wes's are finished in a few months, there may be no one left to play them, since most everyone will leave after this announcement from Activsion. So there will be this really great game, best of the civ-genre, that hardly anyone will know about or play. Very ironic and sad.
[This message has been edited by Harlan (edited January 20, 2001).]
January 20, 2001, 06:44
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Quick summary:
"We politely thank you for giving us your money. We believe we've made a high quality product for all to enjoy. We'll leave the rest to you, we're outta here!"
If this statement wasn't meant to be serious it would be hilarious....
January 20, 2001, 07:11
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Yeah, pretty disappointed. To think of all the times I stuck up for them...
This is a real opportunity lost.
- MKL ... "And a sun that doesn't set but settles" - Augie March
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[This message has been edited by MidKnight Lament (edited January 28, 2001).]
January 20, 2001, 08:03
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Mark, are you going to be able to get an interview with anyone on the Ctp2 team to help us with any of the bugs and/or instability still in the game, or at least to shed more light on them?
My question would concern the instability of user-created scenarios. At least if we could be told what we had to do to make them stable.
January 20, 2001, 10:37
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"We politely thank you for giving us your money. We believe we've made a high quality product for all to enjoy. We'll leave the rest to you, we're outta here!"
I must agree with this and feel sad...
I hope Firaxis does not make the same mistake and I'll wait for them to make a good game...
Maybe some mods will help but I feel Activision abandonned us after we bought the game and I for one will never buy any more civ games coming from them!
This is a very sad day for Civ fans !
January 20, 2001, 10:41
Local Time: 09:22
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The next Activision title will have unprecedented sales. Not! If Activision can't support games they've already released, who do they think is going to buy the next one?
I've been pretty satisfied with CTP2. Few bugs in the regular game, probably the most stable game I have (SMAC may have that title, I haven't played it in a while), though CTP2 is very slow on the larger maps after a certain number of turns, capability to make more changes than I will ever have time for. The Alex scenario was great but as released had a lot of problems. The others could have been much better in my opinion.
I've only found a few bugs with the regular game though I haven't played as much as I would like to so I'm probably not aware of all of them. True bugs should be fixed. It's just the right thing to do, even if it costs them some money. When I buy software, I expect it to work properly. Okay, you can stop laughing now. I know things can slip though, but if you're aware of bugs, you fix them. Design issues are another matter. A design change that pleases me may not please the next person. So I can live with no future design changes. To say they won't fix the bugs really makes me angry.
I finally got my saved scenario games to load. I'm not even sure how. There are many who still cannot load saved scenarios. There goes their ability to customize the game through scenarios or play scenarios others have created unless they leave CTP2 running for a few days.
I hope they will at least provide someone to answer questions and help us help ourselves.
If this is the final word from Activision (meaning no help, period), they can count me out as a paying customer if they ever decide to make an expansion or sequel.
January 20, 2001, 10:44
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This is utter PR talk!
They believe that they made a quality game: well, from all the work that the mod community is doing, I would have to say that they didn't!
They say they met their design goals: They don't mention AI so I guess it was never a design goal in the first place! Second, it is true that the diplomacy has more options so they did meet that goal however since the AI never uses diplomacy, it is an absolute failure.
The only redeeming aspect is that they did indeed make a great interface, and they did implement some cool empire management features. But one huge flaw remains: the AI never uses diplomacy and doesn't fight wars!!!
I have one thing to say:
Ctp'ers, come over to the civ3 side. It won't dissapoint you.
No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
January 20, 2001, 10:48
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I agree.
Kudos to the Activision people for listening and adding much of what we asked for, including the customizability.
Deep disappointment with the management of Activision for releasing a game that looks to be unfinished.
I have a hard time believing a better AI would take several months......
Those of us with access to Apolyton will, I expect,get a great deal of enjoyment out of the game through the work of some dedicated fans. Unfortunately many other players may simply get turned off without realizing the potential.
"This war had such promise."(G.Trudeau)
[This message has been edited by Changmai Beagle (edited January 20, 2001).]
January 20, 2001, 11:21
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I am not surprised by this response, nor have I ever asked for anything concerning nasic design concepts of the game. However, the patch they did release did not fix the multiplayer problems and I believe this was well reported.
Shame on them for washing their hands of us like this. Design issues are one thing, but they're not even addressing bugs anymore.
January 20, 2001, 11:47
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A pity.
I'm running CTP II under Virtual PC 4.0 on a Mac PowerBook G3 400. VPC simulates an Intel Pentium II running on the Triton chipset with an MR BIOS. The major limitations are that the simulated machine runs at about 200-250 MHz, and the simulated video card is the S3 Trio 32/64 PCI video card with 4 MB of emulated VRAM. In other words, minimalistic but vanilla-flavored. CTP II with the 1.11 patch still crashes frequently, apparently due to memory management problems. I have autosave turned on, but still...
Remember the Victory at Sea fiasco, where the game was released with limited testing and then orphaned? It looks like Activision is repeating that.
Harry Erwin
January 20, 2001, 14:49
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I knew CTP2 was a sick puppy the moment i heard about the save game bug and the dozen of other issues. That's why i waited until now to make my decision about buying this game. No need to tell you my final decision right?
All in all, Activision had really two basic choices, treat this sick puppy (many patches) or kill it. I guess in both choices the puppy is no longer sick
Still this kinda reminds me of the Birth of the Federation fiasco (yet another game with great potential) about a year and a couple of months ago. It's a pity that too many gaming companies view this kind of decisions as a fair business practice. I can't seem to get the "fair" part in it, on the paying customer side anyway.
So i guess our hopes and dreams fall on CivIII shoulders now. I hope this one succeeds.
[This message has been edited by Nazgul (edited January 20, 2001).]
January 20, 2001, 14:53
Local Time: 09:22
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Posts: 371
Hmmm ... I guess there's no more reason to be visiting this forum. I was really hoping that Activision would somehow fix all (or any) of this.
Well ... to those who like the game ... enjoy! To the rest of you folks ... see ya in the Civ 3 forum!
January 20, 2001, 15:52
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I am very sad to read that statement. I had hoped for something else.
January 20, 2001, 17:44
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Originally posted by Nazgul on 01-20-2001 01:49 PM
So i guess our hopes and dreams fall on CivIII shoulders now. I hope this one succeeds.
Never put all your eggs in one basket, Nazgul. The civ community has one ultimate ace up its sleeves: FreeCiv!
Sure, Freeciv improves in small incremental steps but those steps come along way in the end (take a look in the Freeciv forum or www.freeciv.org).
January 20, 2001, 18:06
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like we needed to be told that they really dont care about the quality of what they produce ...like we couldnt guess they were not gunna even make an effort to help...hah this is what the fans want is it ? BS We are the fans..and the rest of them just dont utilize web message boards or the internet at all to voice their opinion. We are the come back fans that care enough about the vidoe games we play to get in knee deep and debate the various aspects...
half ass job doing acivition employees..I hope you are proud of yourselves...and sins of the father..you kids are gunna learn this behavior from yu and turn out the same way..unless you lie to them and say "daddy worked hard today and brought positive change to the world"...which is another problem entirly..
bah I'll never by a product from you nor will any of my friends..I'll be sure to see to that...
January 20, 2001, 18:24
Local Time: 09:22
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Posts: 139
Alright Activision, I have been defending you from the start, but now I am totally pissed off after the work Ive seen other companies put into their games.
1. Look at valve. They fully supported HalfLife and spent many a month creating the free addon of Team Fortress Classic for it. In fact this was a very awsome mod. Along with that from the original halflife they added multiplayer support, and tons of customization ability. HalfLife has also been followed up with many patches and fixes. How long do you think it took them to create this?
2. Sierra created a free EXPANSION PACK for its great game of Ground Control. This aint no little scenario folkes.
These are only too examples but you can also look at plenty of other games. I have never seen a company so recklessly abandon one of there games. If you put in as much work as Sierra and Valve did, I will gaurantee sales of CTP2 would triple. You are probably abandoning CTP2 because it isnt making sales requirements. Well go ahead and abandon your ****ty game. Right now I am too pissed to say anything else, I will think 1,000,000,000 times before I buy another Activision title, especially when there are a lot of other great companies out their.
January 20, 2001, 19:10
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Okay... I thought that they'd have the brains to keep the people happy. I hoped they'd fix up the actual problems that they've given us. I hoped too much it seems. I was on the pro CTP2 side with the hope that changes would come, but now I am let down, pissed off and just generally peeved. I would now love to change the other post I had to read "I'm disgusted at the level of ACTIVISION intellect" I hate to say it but I think they will be losing any business from me in the future... a ctp3 will only be downloaded off the internet for free. If they don't wish to back up their product, I feel that I shouldn't have to pay for it. I don't generally advocate warez products, but if this is the road that Activision would like to go, I have no problem changing my stance on warez. You still have a change Activision... undo the statement you've made and come out with some patches... or give us the source code... some things really need to be fixed, or at least explained better.
Rich - the disgruntled Civer.
January 20, 2001, 19:36
I just signed on to check the forum....And I can't believe it!
Activision MARKETS and SELLS a MULTIPLAYER compatible game - CTP2 - which turns out NOT to be Multiplayer compatable AT ALL. We gripe, we complain, we report the problems/bugs....and their answer? Tough Titties, we're through with this game and we're moveing on to other horizons.
I've just gone through my "collection" of computer games, and guess what? I actually own 22 different games by Activision!!!
Activision, you ROYALLY SCREWED the customers that have in the past flocked to the Activision name - I realize that I have been one of your flock...until now.
How do you expect to get away with this type of criminal activity - False advertisement for one? You are not actually expecting your sales revenues to increase in the near future?!?!
Mark my word Activision, Firaxis/Hasbro is taking note. Let's see how well they will treat their customers with the eventual release of CIV3...I have every confidence that we will not be treated the same them!!
So, on a last note, let's all move on over to the APOLYTON CIV3 Site forum, since the CTP2 is just a waste of time!
PS: Apolyton, you have done a great job cutting through the BS and for that I'm thankful and will remain a avid follower of your site
January 20, 2001, 19:59
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Maybe we should rename this thread to:
"It's official: Activision sucks!"
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist the temptation!
January 20, 2001, 20:22
It figures. Let me say that CTP 2 is the best of the Civ games so far. But its very dissapointing that Activision has chosen to orphan such a worthy project. I will not be buying anymore of their products in the future either. Are a few AI tweaks to toughen the damn thing that difficult?
January 20, 2001, 20:49
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i'd just like to mention you can have PBEM and Hotseat if you want as said by noone from activision 
There's a secret hidden in english/uidata/layouts/spnewgame.ldl. If you search for two buttons whose ypix value
are -490, and take the - sign off, two much requested features will become visible on the main screen.

but still they are dumping us after only two months we payed good money for this game and expect some support
" mind over body "
January 20, 2001, 22:07
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Originally posted by Darkknight on 01-20-2001 07:49 PM
i'd just like to mention you can have PBEM and Hotseat if you want as said by noone from activision 
There's a secret hidden in english/uidata/layouts/spnewgame.ldl. If you search for two buttons whose ypix value
are -490, and take the - sign off, two much requested features will become visible on the main screen.
It may be there and it may or may not work properly. I see no reason for myself or anyone else to 'barf' up $50 for a game that "officially" does not have the options (PBEM/Hot Seat, or other such items) they want. I and others do appreciate your efforts to reminds us of these hidden features that Ogre posted sevearl weeks back.
Thanks, but they are not support by Activision, so may not work properly. Therefor, I will save my money for something better.
This is typical of todays big business monguls. Sell you crap, pretend to be concerned, then 'piss on you' and claim they don't have the time to correct THEIR mistakes. It's plain and simple, they do not give a s__t about their customers. Therefor, they shouldn't have any customers. We should all join together and BOYCOTT all of their crap!
One thing I can be happy about. I DIDN'T WASTE MY MONEY ON THIS LOUSY GAME. IT DIDN'T HAVE WHAT I WANTED (Hot Seat), so I didn't waste cash on it in hopes that this thoughtless company would ever upgrade the game with the required patches. I saw through their EXCUSSES from the get go.
From what I read in these forums on CTP2 and saw in CTP1 (played it all the time with the family), this game had lots of possibilites. Instead they created a flop, that was rated a flop, and therefor fell off the sales charts. Thus, they feel they cannot make any economic recovery worth the time it would take to correct the game and add the desired features, now. They probably could have done them, if they hadn't let the 'bean counter mentality' force them to rush the game out before Christmas. I sure hope that the folks making CIV3 are following the posts on this site and are learning something.
[This message has been edited by Mike the Nuke (edited January 20, 2001).]
January 20, 2001, 22:20
Local Time: 05:22
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Sales are probably down.
Going to go finish a game of SMAX now. HAHA!! GET IT?! FINISH... LOL!!
uh, hmm..
January 21, 2001, 01:46
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Well, Activision shows its true colors. I guess they're happy since they got my 40 bucks. I hope they spend it well since it will be the last cent they ever see from me.
I'm sure it doesn't matter to them too much, but I'll be sure to write a letter to AAFES about activision's lack of consumer support. I'm sure they won't pull the games from the shelf, but it'll make me feel better.
January 21, 2001, 01:47
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Well, Activision shows its true colors. I guess they're happy since they got my 40 bucks. I hope they spend it well since it will be the last cent they ever see from me.
I'm sure it doesn't matter to them too much, but I'll be sure to write a letter to AAFES about activision's lack of consumer support. I'm sure they won't pull the games from the shelf, but it'll make me feel better.
January 21, 2001, 02:55
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January 21, 2001, 03:12
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For all of those that know the game has bugs, I'd return it to the store with the valid claim that the game has bugs that activision does not intend to fix and as such you want a refund. I thought it was strange that I didnt see the game in some local software stores. Guess some stores were smart and didnt want the hassle of dealing with a defective game. As I suspected all along, the problems with this game had less to do with bad programming and more to do with horrid management. It amazes me that putting out defective software has become the norm because its so hard to return opened software.
To activision, as the song says "kiss this!!!!!!"
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