January 15, 2001, 23:50
Local Time: 01:22
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I have been a loyal fan of CTP1 and now CTP2, but it is now very obvious that CTP2 is just not playable in multi-player mode... even with patch 1.1. It has become SO frustrating that I seriously doubt I will EVER buy another activision product.
I've played civ games from day one... this one is a DOG. Sorry activision... get out of "profit at any cost" and get into "quality product at any cost".
January 17, 2001, 21:10
Here, here! I'll second that comment. CPT2 is not worthy of the multiplay title
January 18, 2001, 18:46
Local Time: 02:22
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By the comments of one of the representatives of Activision, they don't think too much of multiplayer players. His comment went something like "...and solo play is MUCH more popular than multiplayer...".
Activision LOVES the people that buy the game based upon pretty pictures then throw it in the heap with all their other dead games. Activision makes their money and couldn't really care less if somebody likes it or not, or whether they multiplay it or not. Whether the game is good or bad is pretty inconsequential as long as they get that initial sale. Kind of like a bad movie with good promo. If they promote it good, they can make a profit on the movie in the first week before everyone finds out that it's a dog!
January 19, 2001, 11:37
Well, I for one will think twice before I buy another Activision game.
January 21, 2001, 19:33
Its a shame really because with the weak ai, single player is not a an option either. This game could be great if the multiplayer worked.
Chaos, panic and disorder - My work here is done.
January 22, 2001, 10:18
Just another peon
Local Time: 04:22
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If anyone needs any further proof that MP is unplayable, this forum is living proof. Only four threads have been posted to in the last 10 days and two of them are about how worthless it is. For CIV MP, over a year after it's release, the MP forum is still going strong. Yes, there were a few problems with CIV MP at first, but a lot of them were FIXED quickly because they listened. AND THE GAME WAS ALWAYS PLAYABLE.
What a shame. This will be the last game I buy from them. And I think everyone here is right. They JUST DON"T CARE.
What makes it worse, is that SP is almost as buggy. I don't know how many times I go to continue a game and it just won't load and I have to go back 4-6 turns to find a save that will load. I hate games were you have to save every turn in case the game craps out.
Too bad, the game did have some nice features.
I do appreciate all the effort here to tweak the AI, but It all goes for naught if the game won't load.
January 26, 2001, 23:31
You know yoda im a veteran.......whos been playing on CTP and CTP2 Mplayer sites for bout 3 years now.I too am very disappointed that the activision team used the same defective CTP dial up interface.The fact is that out of 672 launched "logged" CTP Mplayer launched internet games.Ive never completed a single one.
Ctp2 is going to be much the same i can tell.Im almost tempted to dust off my Civ2 disk. Even Microprose blew it with Civ2 TOT. There mplayer interface is absolutely pathetic even more so that Activision.I for one will continue buying There products because i play the AI alot. But i feel you pain yoda.
P.S. i seen you in the CTP lobby today playin a 33 player game
so much for stayin way eh?
January 27, 2001, 11:10
Well just remember folks, the eventual release of CIV III is on the horizon
The way CTP2 Multiplay is so screwed up, Firaxis/Hasbro's CIV III should easily beat out CTP2
January 29, 2001, 12:44
Firaxis is a good company no doubt , There Sid Miers Gettysburg Internet play (and gettysburg was made 3 years ago!) was nearly perfect.There Internet Servers are practiaclly Flawless. However i hope they put plenty of efort into this. I usaully am not disappointed bye Faraxis.But CIV2 TOT Mplaying was worse than CTP. It crashed every 3 turns and diplomacy was bugged. But i am satisfied with Faraxis and hope they dont use Civ2 TOT as an example. Again i Heap praise on Faraxis They are very good quality
January 30, 2001, 10:22
I too have every confidence that CIV3 will be better than the CTP series and CIVII TOT. On a side note, CIVII TOT was released by Microprose/Hasbro, not Firaxis
January 30, 2001, 12:47
Firaxis will bring quality.......sources in Software design Magazine say that the personality configuration that ACtivision setup will be used but personalitys will be different and that 3 big changes will be noticeable.One was the AI has a Broad understanding for whats going on around the globe.It will influence its diplomacy desicion making.second is the AI will get more time to make decisons instead of the MAx_end_turn_25 it will be pushed to 50.in theory If the AI is given more time , its very much possible it will make a better decison.third is The AI uses the City Defense Code (which is the only time they AI stacks units 4-5) to attack.This is interesting and worth seeing if such a modification could be made to CTP2?
2 other minor are Better Worker Management and Enhanced trade.
personally i hope Sid Mier Keeps out the "Gang up on human player Attribute" I can always remember in Civ2 The AI (regardless of how nice i was) Banding together to sign pacts.I hated this because it would always end up 5 AI vs me and maybe an AI partner (pending how much advances and gold i gave him  )
Anyway These guys were right about the Units in CTP2 and the Weapons in Rainbow6 5 months before release. This tells me they have people inside
January 31, 2001, 09:25
Local Time: 09:22
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This weekend, 4 of us are gonna play ctp2 2vs2
i hope we won't have all the trouble you had
January 31, 2001, 11:23
January 31, 2001, 11:42
Local Time: 04:22
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I seem to be having better luck lately in the MP area. I have been able to play a whole game (5 hours). It started as a 3 player, with one dropping out, and went from start to 1400 AD. We stopped as my opponent had made it tank warfare and I was just getting artillery. It appears the game works better at levels below hard and if the player pings are all green going into the game. There was about one re-synch an hour and I had only one object error crash. That seemed to happen when I was clicking on a unit as the turn was ariving to me, which thinking about it most my crashes seem to happen under those conditions.
February 8, 2001, 21:56
Local Time: 09:22
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somebody close this pathetic thread
no ones posted for years
February 13, 2001, 07:24
Local Time: 09:22
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Yeah, I agree to all of you.
MP playing is an important thing in these games in the age of internet! Who wanna play vs the AI?
And the CTP2 MP is poor, totally buggy, unbalanced and just takes too long.
Activision didnt get it to program the new civborders and a useable chatfunction! So what did they do all the time?
And I bought this sucking game, what can only be an ADDON!
Now I can only believe in SID, he will make it and show the world how a game must be.
February 15, 2001, 00:31
Local Time: 09:22
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Location: Racine ,WI USA
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Boby you put your faith in Sid .....so do i but i worry because of what i saw in Civ2 TOT. TOT was a HUGE FAILuRE. UTTERLY PATHETIC GAME. I surely hope it was a simple counter attack bye microprose against activision to let them know who there competiters were. But i hope Sid puts way more work into Civ3.....Firaxis will aid him no doubt,Sid coudnt have picked a better company to work for in my opinion. Go play Sid Miers Gettysburg to see what i mean
AKA - Saddam Hussien From CTP and CTP2
"shouts out to patten" its been 2 years since i seen you in CTP. We used to Play with Josep Broz Tito alot.Man was he good  owell enough with memorys ....On to the future !
[This message has been edited by Steve5304 (edited February 14, 2001).]
February 15, 2001, 01:13
Immortal Factotum
Local Time: 05:22
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Well, I have to say, sadly, I am but DEEPLY Dissapointed in CTP:2..~sigh~
I can't tell you how many nights, weekends, and months I spent playing and DEFENDING CTP:1..but alas..I am but saddened and DISSAPOINTED with CTP:2..and am looking forward to CIV3..
This CTP:2 gameplay is a joke...lots of crashes..
I have taken off my Hat, bowed down in humblesness..accepted the fate that this game is more of an addon/upgrade of sorts...not really worthy of a new game title....
DONT even get me started on what i think of Microprose/Hasbro..they dont think too much of problem resolution...
I am dissapointed in Activision and I really believe they just wanted to get out "A PRODUCT" instead of a "COMPETENT PRODUCT"
A.K.A. DrDanger..Patton..Red October...from CTP:1 & CTP:2 MP games...
February 15, 2001, 17:45
Immortal Factotum
Local Time: 05:22
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Originally posted by Steve5304 on 02-14-2001 11:31 PM
Boby you put your faith in Sid .....so do i but i worry because of what i saw in Civ2 TOT. TOT was a HUGE FAILuRE. UTTERLY PATHETIC GAME. I surely hope it was a simple counter attack bye microprose against activision to let them know who there competiters were. But i hope Sid puts way more work into Civ3.....Firaxis will aid him no doubt,Sid coudnt have picked a better company to work for in my opinion. Go play Sid Miers Gettysburg to see what i mean
AKA - Saddam Hussien From CTP and CTP2
"shouts out to patten" its been 2 years since i seen you in CTP. We used to Play with Josep Broz Tito alot.Man was he good owell enough with memorys ....On to the future !
[This message has been edited by Steve5304 (edited February 14, 2001).]
Hello my friend..yes it has been awhile..I am so darned dissapointed in this CTP:2//~sigh~..but yes we had some real sweet games in CTP:1..Mr.Black..Yoda..Pin..Swissy/Gen.MacArthur..Aero..DrBibber..Quebec...Tal...That SoUl Clan..that was so aggravating..so many faces..soo many games..NOSTALAGA
I shall look for you soon..maybe we can try a three way game of CTP:2..I have had terrible luck so far...I have Cable/AThlon 700 256 RAM..but still so many resynchs..crashes...GRRRR!!!
February 17, 2001, 16:32
Local Time: 09:22
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Location: Racine ,WI USA
Posts: 483
Actually my biggest problem with AOL is "system timer dilema"  This makes so where if AOL is minimized/Idol, The service boots me after 20 minutes. When i play CTP2 im away from it for hours ! and it boots me constantly......Ive left chat rooms open , Reeresh pages , And still.......No damn Success. This is Ridiculous, It comes at the worst time eg: when im about to switch to monarchy or Wonder almost built. Or even worse just today I was outside the walls of baalbek with 9 knights and guess what  ...i got disconnected and the AI split the knights and sent them to the 4 corners of the earth  that pisses me off ! Isp does that so we consumers must dial up more so we gotta pay more $$$$$$
If it were up to me ide feed Steve Case and Bill gates to the lions.
[This message has been edited by Steve5304 (edited February 17, 2001).]
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