I played the Native Americans on a huge random World with following settings:
8 Civs, Very Hard, pollution on, bloodlust of, mixed warmth and humididty, minimum landmass, islandic, minimum goods, maximum diversity.
At 4000 by my reign began. Starting with 2 settlers I had the task to look for a suitable place to found the capital. It was not so hard cause a river and a Elephant was in direct vincinity so 3975 the capital was founded. The other settler boldy went to nowhere has gone before, a ruin. Luck was on my side and I got bronze working. Swiftly I redirected the build in the capital to hoplites. 3800 my 2nd town was founded and the hoplite began to scout.
At 3000 BC I had only these 2 towns but my trusty farmers got them to over 50000 inhabitans each.
Granaries and shrines were also built, defense was assured by 2 hoplites each. Now the time of expansion began. All Citizens were sent to the fields (workers) to boost production of new settlers. I was located on a medium sized island, alone with enough space for 9 towns. Only 1000 years later 8 towns were built. The spot of my 9th town was already colonized by Japanese, who loved on the other side of the ocean and sailed to us with their triremes. Angry about that my two main towns began to produce military. Having researched ballistics aready I built 4 archers and some Hoplites.
Grouped with my scout-warriors I got a formidable force of 10 and sent them directly to the Japanese Beachhead.
Just as my force arrived the Japanese towns built its city walls. What a feat cause I didn't had that tech, but this pesky town has to be eradicated. Direct assault was ordered. After a long and heavy battle I took the town but lost all my scouts, all but one hoplite and 2 archers. the last 3 Units are then destined to be the garrison for the last town. So I disbanded satzuma (after selling all improvements) and founded my 9th town. The japanese were not happy with this but frightened that I would come towards them and offered a cease fire, I acceped. Now all towns (exept the 2 first) sent all to farming to boost growth, the other 2 to build wonders. until 500 AD all towns exeeded 70000 inhabitans, Pyramides and Aristoteles were built. Now I sent all citisens back to the filds again. Lots of Townimporvements had to be built.
I went to Renaissance at 1100 AD, Gunpowder at 1400, Cannons at 1500. Now the Time of conwuest begun.
Cause my towns had built all improvements my science hat to offer and all suitable tiles had been improved I built calvary and cannons (and some carracks to transport them). I met the Americans who were located in the north east and they were pillaging my seafields.
My first expitition landed at baltimore and caputed it without losses. Those Americans had gupowder but no cannons and they were chanceless against a 12-Army force of 7 Calvary and 5 cannons. The next town of Detroit was also taken with minimal losses. Pushing forward to the main Island of the Americans my backupforce (8 Calvary) were also ready to embark and send them directly towards America. Disembarking without resistance my Veteran force took NewYork with some losses which are replaced my my backup.
My generals found that the americans built roads to connect their cites. This advantage I exploited and took Boston with ease. Now only Washington was in the way to total conquest. A american retaliationforce with 4 Hoplites and 3 Archers and 3 Catapults were sent toward me and died horribly under the hooves of my calvary and were scattered by my cannonshells. Now I ordered the assault of Washington. Surprisingly Washington was well defended with Infantrymen, Archers and Catapults, so I recalled my force after my Calvary died bevore their citywalls. Regouping with my reserves I assaulted again next turn and took the town with the last 2 cannons. America was Conquered. Now there is only one America, those of the Natives, hahahaha!
Meanwhile my Homeland built 2 other Expeditionforces and they were awaiting orders. Just in this time the Japanese cancelled the cease fire which was in effect over 2 millenia. This Invitation I couldn't resist...
Heading Southeast I soon found the Japanese soil.
Disembarking the 2 Shook-troops I quickly took 2 of the 4 Japanese towns. The other 2 fell only a few turns later. It was 1750 and it was time to be peaceful again. The age of science was born. All citizens who weren't nessecary to grow the crops unveiled new wisdom at an amazing pace (Chemistry in 3 turns, Industry in 4, Fascism in 2), while the conquered cities built the improvements. At 1960, the germans sailed toward my shore with ironclads and Ship of the line, filled with machineguners and Aritlleries. They sank even bevore they could land cause my PTboat and battleship task-group were simply to good for them. Luckily for the germans they did't saw that I already entered the genetic age...
At 2100, just being Diamond, my empire consisted about 18 Land and 40 Underwater-cities. My Virtual Democracy bloomed. 2 other civs, the Germans and the Irish were the only one tho could be a nusiance, all other are already allied (vassaled) with me. Being the leader if the world preace centre I managed that only those 2 other powers could wage war at each other. All others were allied with me and mostly with each other.
It is normally not my style to give technology but having all these petcivs equipped with state of the art defenders discouraged all to wage war.
At 2200 my Gaia-controller was finished and all the world hailed me as the glorous leader.
Hints to Play:
Start with your town, build some Warriors (2-3) and explore. If your town has reached 2 or 3, put all into farmers (if ya have agric) wheny your town exeeded 5 put all into the field again and build the setters. Colonize the points which you scoutetd earlier.
-> You are alone: Colonize everything.
-> You are not alone: Build 7 Hoplites (or Samurai) and 5 Archers. Go conquering until you have the continent.
After the continent secured, go to building.
If you already built everthing, put the PW to 90 and start improving tiles.
When you can set citizens to scientists, do so and research the hell out of it. Normally each 3rd round you should get something. Do this until 5 or 6 new buildings are avaible, then switch to building.
Go directly towards Republic. If monarcy is in the way, take it. If you can obtain Democracy, take it asap!
It is the best Form you can have (exepting those future-styles). Forget Corporate Republic. They are polluting like hell and arn't much better than Demo.
In the future-Stlye you can consider Technocracy if Virtual Demo ist avaible yet.
If you have the Nanitefactory avaible, you should build
it asap. Newly founded cities (those underwaterthings

build: factory, Robotic, Nanite.
It will cost you 100.000 bucks but then you obly have to pay 1 buck per production. in 20 Rounds your underwatercities are fully built.
(And pying only 20000 bucks for the central matter decompiler make things much easier
