Now in detail: I found the leader images, they are stored in the pic555.zfs file. This file can be found in the ..\ctp2_data\default\graphics\pictures folder. If you want the single picture files you need a program called UNzfs.exe. This program can be downloaded from
After unzfsing you have the single picture files, but you can't view them, because these files are rim files. And I haven't a rim file viewer except the game. In the add_str.txt you will find something like:
# Diplomat pictures. Bit weird storing these in a string file, but it works.
# Transplanted, and modified (filenames are updp* now, ctp1 was upd*), from civ_str.txt
But in the zfs file you won't find a file like updp023.tga only like updp023.rim. This file format is unknown to us.
To view these emissiary photos you can put them to a place somewhere else in the game, use the uniticon.txt. My first impreesion of the photos was poor: The diplomatic images looks like buttons and are smaller than the CTP1 pictures but I don't know how to put them at the correct place in the game.