March 21, 2001, 04:57
An unofficial poll: do you still play CTP2?
I'm just curious to know (1) how many of us still play CTP2? If you do, (2) do you use any mods? Further, (3) why do you play? I mean, what are you able to get out of this game?
I played two games and after that great disappointment of the discontinuation of Activision's support I moved back to Civ2. I'm sad that this could-be great game didn't get properly finalized.  (due to those greedy Activision managers  I'm not blaming the programmers here!)
I get my joy of playing if I have decent opponents. I need challenge! The total incompetens of AI really kills this game, IMHO.
CTP2 still has some hope, in form of mod makers. AFAIK a great lot of things can be altered via editing text files and doing some SLIC (?) programming. So, if the mod makers can make a smarter AI, I might give it one more go!
I hope that everyone here who still plays the game would reply to my three questions. Thanks!
(edit: typo)
[This message has been edited by Marko Polo (edited March 21, 2001).]
March 21, 2001, 07:01
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I am not playing at the moment. I intend to give this succession game idea a go though. I am hoping this should cut down on some of the endless clicking & waiting, normally involved in this game.
March 21, 2001, 09:04
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I don't play anymore... I just create when I have a chance... hopefully someone is playing or else we're all creating for no reason
March 21, 2001, 10:00
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Originally posted by Marko Polo on 03-21-2001 03:57 AM
I'm just curious to know (1) how many of us still play CTP2? If you do, (2) do you use any mods? Further, (3) why do you play? I mean, what are you able to get out of this game?
[This message has been edited by Marko Polo (edited March 21, 2001).]
1) I've only had the game for 5 weeks... still playing.
2) No mods yet... I tried Diplomod, but I kept getting a "Global Warming" message every 2 turns after 4000 BC, so I re-installed the game. I'll give Diplomod another go after our succession game.
3) Well, I've played enough CIV2 to choke a Chieftan. There is nothing more that CIV2 has to offer me since, you name it, I've probably done it. Therefore, CTP2 is all that's left until CIV3. Despite the bugs and problems of CTP2 it's still a relief to use Public Works instead of engineers, and Trade Routes instead of Caravans. (Ug! I hated those Caravans in CIV2! Except for when I surrounded a town with them to speed up a Wonder).
To really make a long story short: Call to Power 2 is total FILLER until CIVILIZATION III comes out in 2002 (yeah, they say 4thQ 2001, but get real).
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March 21, 2001, 12:28
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Play...what's that?????? fix...before I can play!!!
March 21, 2001, 12:43
Nope, as a far as I'm concerned, CTP2 to broke, broke, broke...So the game has been shelved since early January. Presently I mess around with CIV2MGE, CIV2TOT, and EU while I await the eventual release of CIV3.
However, as you have noticed, I still visit the CTP2 Forum - with the very slim chance that someone has found a way to fix, band-aid, put on life support, etc, CTP2 so that a game can actually be finished! (and folks, I'm talking mainly multiplay here  )
March 21, 2001, 14:18
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I love cities. I love to found them. I love to conquer them.
I hate to be penalized for it. I hate messages like: To many cities! like in Civ2, and my action to build an city was canceled.  That was the end of playing Civ2. And the city administration of Civ2 slowed down my computer. Therefore CTP2 is an better game than Civ2.
There is no time to play, because of mod creating. 
But afterwards I will play with new city styles, ages and goods.
March 21, 2001, 14:21
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1) Don´t even imagine. Probably few.
2) No mods, for now.
3) I do like strategy games. Just waiting for CivIII.
March 21, 2001, 16:16
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What, Play? The majority of the CTP community returned there game like I did.The AI was too Retarded to actually keep me interested in playing a game. Its still Installed still and im tryin to fix Mplayer but I dont play single.
On the other hand.
A small swedish company called Paradox made a game called Europa-Universalis.The complaint Ive had is the computer is too good.They are also helpful.Get this,when you have an Allaince with the AI. Ok Say Im France and at war with spain. If I call my english allies too help me, They will send there navys out and blockade Spanish ports. Then they will send army over and attach them under your command or keep them independant! There even smarter when you fight them! There very good when besieging a Province or city. And they can Churn out a nice military. Best of all there not afraid to ATTACK! they will amass an army for months and then suddenly, will declare war. Wars often end up a disaster in my case  . The AI routenly burns citys to the ground before you enter them. And they constantly counter-attack with available forces.They also know when to witch over from "attack mode" to "defense mode".There isnt a single flaw in the AIs conduct that I can think of. Except for AI Genius  .Sometimes Its just fun to watch the AIs duke it out  they really, really go at it
Anyway enough of my Babbling Go to there Site and check it out !
Go Read the AARs! This is an excellent game worthy of our purchase. We need to support these kind of games.
[This message has been edited by Steve5304 (edited March 21, 2001).]
March 21, 2001, 16:50
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Wow! EU looks like a great game... uh oh...
The sheer promise of a better game is pulling me away from CTP2...
Could this be the Filler we've been looking from until CIV3??
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March 21, 2001, 17:44
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1. Nope. I'm working through the campaigns of Cultures (not bad for a filler). EU isn't on the two-month lists of EB here yet, so I'm completely bored. Actually, to tell the truth I got a life back since stopping playing CTP2 a few weeks ago.
2. When I do play I use diplomacy mod (naturally  ) only. Frenzy is good at all-out attack, but there's no defense left afterwards.
3. See 1.
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
March 21, 2001, 18:52
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Skeeve it is an awesome game. Its AI is very smart! I kid you not, This AI is the smartest in any game, ever. Not only is EU selling like Nuts. It is getting great reviews and is much better than, dare I say it.
here goes,
may the Civ Gods have mercy on me
Europa-Universalis is Better Than Civ2 !
that said
Go out and buy the game.
Unlike Ctp2, I am telling you. Player to Player that this is an amazing game. Unlike CTP2 with all the paid reviews.This is coming from the mouth of someone who is drueling,thinking about loading up an EU game.
Girlfriend is starting to think I am Impotent, Im running outta excuses. How am i supposed to tell her that EU is alot better to play in the middle night  .
[This message has been edited by Steve5304 (edited March 21, 2001).]
March 22, 2001, 01:42
Yes I played the game since the Nov. release with a small break (a few day at most) here and there to play other games. I think there are a lot of people playing the game, however most will not post here. This is a really good game if you give it a change. Yes there is still a bad bug in the game that make the game crash to desk top.
I'm just now starting to play around with the game files making small changes. When Wes and the other mods maker finnish with his mod, I will start to play it. I also belived that if all of the bad mouthing would stop maybe Activision would make that last patch that we all could use.
March 22, 2001, 04:41
I'm still playing. No mods at all.
I have yet to finish a game, I've got 2 games kind of hanging in the air...mainly because I've been busy with other things.
I spend most of my game-playing time with the CtP1 PBEMs these days, though.
phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
Visit the CGN forums.
March 22, 2001, 11:36
Halelujah!! I'm a Prince! off the subject here...
March 23, 2001, 09:57
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Nope, played two games, got bored with the ai and starving cities to disband them.
What a waste. Some real good features, but overall half-finished.
March 23, 2001, 19:51
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Funny, I had not actually played the game much the last few months since I have been busy putting the Med pack together. Things are far enough along now that I have started play-testing again, and I have been having so much fun that I have continued games in spite of the minor slic bugs present in them. If you are like rah, and thought the game had un-fulfilled potential, I urge you to try out the Med pack beta. Much of that potential is now being realized. I am not self-promoting here (like I get paid to make these things), but I am just spreading the joy that I have had recently playing the game.
Rah, I hope you visit this thread again, because I would like for you, along with Yin, to test the public release version of the mod and write up a review of it for Apolyton. I would like for you to compare it to civ2, and Yin to compare it to SMAC. If Ming owns a copy of Ctp2, he would be great to ask as well.
[This message has been edited by WesW (edited March 25, 2001).]
March 24, 2001, 08:38
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1)I play almost everyday!
2)I do use "Mods"..but not ones made by the greats here..although I commend theeir efforts and hard work! I use my own modifications to please me..and...
3) I plaay because this is still a great game despite some glitches and bugs that I have learned to overlook!
The way I look at it is this ..My God created me and well..I am so far short of where he wants me to be and he still loves me and still doesnt discard me, he works in my life to transform me, so I am so far from being perfect, so I need to follow what God does, forgives me for my imperfections and still loves me and wont turn his back on me!
I try to play this game and work around a few minor inconveniences!
BTW I play 2+ hours a day as I am real busy at work, and have some other interests such as SWAT3, Rogue Spear Series and of course AOE!!!
Hope you folks enjoy!
Yours in Civin!
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March 24, 2001, 10:39
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If I do play it all, Its a scenario, occaisionally a mod. But I just discovered the joy of modmaking, and that occupies most of my civ time now.
March 24, 2001, 21:50
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No, I don't still play. Given that this poll is in the CTP2 forum, there's still a large number of "no"'s in here. Most of the time I don't even bother coming in here any more.
When I do decide to play again (and I will at least try again, because I want to get something for my money) I'll definitely give the mods a RHG.
- MKL ... "And a sun that doesn't set but settles" - Augie March
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March 25, 2001, 02:27
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Yep...I still play. Flaws and all, its still fun.
It's inevitable though, that CTP2 will be on the shelf when Civ3 comes out, but until then, its my civ builder of choice
March 26, 2001, 04:08
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A friend of mine recently got CTP2 and told me he was having a great time on Easy level. That was suprising. This guy was pretty good at Civ2 and SMAC so I figured he'd be pissed at CTP2, especially on an easy level. So I decided to reinstall it and give it another try, only on very hard level.
It was fun up until about 1000AD. Before then, as the americans I was sandwiched in between the nigerians, the vikings and the russians. All of us were slaving, the vikings and the russians both tried to extort gold out of me and the nigerians were the only ones I accepted a peace treaty from. (mainly because I was expanding in their general direction and didn't want them enslaving my settlers or attacking newly founded cities.)
The reason the game stopped being fun by 1000AD was that it was too easy. I held off on conquering the russians hoping they'd at least make a last ditch effort to save themselves. They never attacked even though our cities were right next to each other. The vikings constantly threatened me but did nothing while I took their cities. Defenses were good, but still I overwhelmed them. Oh, yeah, the vikings did attack Baltimore a few times with one catapult at a time. (Why didn't they stack the catapults? They could have crushed the one measely pikeman in there and took the city!)
From then on it was a turkey shoot. I started a war with the nigerians just to have something to do. I built every single wonder available with no challenges. The japanese went to war with me, the french stood by and did nothing. The japanese actaully stacked some units! They had two wolf packs of 4 subs each that went after any of my ships. They landed a few spies and one or two fascists every so often....and got spanked, because they would send these units in ONE AT A TIME! They even developed air power but didn't get a clue to use bombers even after I bombed Kyoto five or six times. It was so easy to crush them it wasn't even a challenge. I was too bored to continue so I threatened the Frnech into an alliance and quit.
I know this is a long post, but I needed to rant that out. I'm sure its been said a dozen times already. But I was so disappointed in this game I regret the time I spent playing it. Too really could have been great.
March 27, 2001, 14:36
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Not to get too much off topic here, but How is the SimCity genre, anyway? As much as a CIVer that I am, I must admit to never actually playing any of the SimCities!
Also, if I were to start playing now... would you recommend going right to SimCity 3000 or one of the earlier versions?
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March 27, 2001, 15:25
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Originally posted by Skeeve on 03-27-2001 01:36 PM
Not to get too much off topic here, but How is the SimCity genre, anyway? As much as a CIVer that I am, I must admit to never actually playing any of the SimCities!
Also, if I were to start playing now... would you recommend going right to SimCity 3000 or one of the earlier versions?
Well, I'll reply just now, but if you like we could continue the conversation over email or in the OT forum if required.
The SimCity genre is doing pretty well...SimCity 2000 was an all-time classic, but seeing as how you've never played a SimCity game before I recommend you go straight for the "SimCity 3000 Unlimited" (known in Europe as SimCity 3000 World Edition) version. It has extra things in it that SimCity 3000 doesn't, and overall is a huge improvement on SimCity 2000. The first time you play, you will be amazed at this game. However, for me, the magic wore off pretty soon...perhaps because I'm a veteran of the SimCity 2000 days and the 3000 version isn't as different to 2000 as it *should* have been...but I would say that if you like the idea of managing a city, and want to play a game that will keep you amused and challenged, go for SimCity 3000 Unlimited. The AI is excellent.
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March 27, 2001, 22:45
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I play all the time. It didn't take long for the 1 player game to grow tired. I only play online now. The main problem with the game is the AI; and with multiplay we only include AI's to beat up on.
March 27, 2001, 23:03
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Hi David,
Hmmm ... I'm really suprised to read that you have purchased CTP2 (or did you simply borrow it?). You appeared as one of the forerunners in stressing caution before purchasing this game.
Well, what's done is done. Judging from your post, I presume I shouldn't bother purchasing the game. Correct?
March 28, 2001, 01:16
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First Question, no I do not play CTP2 now.
When CTP2 first came out I gave my civ2 cd away, Dec last year, but then I found as many others have that the AI sucks. I got bored with trying to make the modifications, and decided that it was better to go back to civ2 and wait for civ3. I gave CTP2 away. In reality CTP2 should not need modifications after all the time and money spent on it. The AI really is so bad.
I am now having fun with things such as the One City Challenge on civ2. Also I still have ctp1 which I couldn't even give away, so at least I have something to play if I get bored with civ2.
March 28, 2001, 01:41
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Yes, I still play...I use the MedMod now...although I've got disheartened by the peace-loving AIs and the fact that no one knows any other way to improve the AI other than through the Frenzy Mod, and a lot of people don't like the Frenzy Mod anyway.
Honestly...I think I'm going to just go back to playing C&C: Red Alert 2 and SimCity 3000 WE if things don't start looking up.
March 28, 2001, 12:31
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Not to answer for David, but I think if the game is selling for under $20 than it's still worth it.
Maybe I'm just saying that because I paid $50!
edit: By the way, Dave, thanks for the info on sim city 3000. I'm going to check that out.
My reach exceeds my grasp!
[This message has been edited by Skeeve (edited March 28, 2001).]
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