May 12, 2001, 13:04
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SuccessionGame2, Team 2
In the year 4000 BCE a glorious leader of the Irish people, Shamus McRobinson, lead his tribe out of the dark and into a glorous city named Dublin. Dublin was founded on a dry continent with a major river running east to west. His first duty was to increase the work day, while decreasing all wages and food rations. The people of Dublin set forth on a mission to recruit a band of warriors to explore and a group of settlers to settle greater cities. A second group of settlers was sent east to find better land. They ran across a small village in 3950, but it seems to be unoccupied. In 3850, the great city of Blarney was founded. Its mission, like Dublin, was to recruit warriors and settlers. In this same year, a noble group of warriors set west from Dublin to increase Irish power. In 3800 they discovered a group of indiginous peoples in a village willing to find a new place to settle under Irish power. Under this command, they head south. Blarney, in 3675, sent a group of warriors south. In 3650, Shamus McRobinson increased the food and wage rations so the people may be more content. The settlers of the discovered village are happy enough to settle and find the city of Waterford, in harsh terrain. On his deathbed, McRobinson meets the Greeks, a dislikeful and vigilant people. No opportunity is made to contact them further due to the death of our glorious Shamus McRobinson from liver failure.
Well there it is, I'm not the best story teller (this is harder than I thought). The continent (island?) we're on is dry, all plains with a river and some hills.
Good luck,
Adam Robinson
May 12, 2001, 14:38
Local Time: 04:28
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Posts: 149
Here is the account of the second leader of the might irish. The one simply referred to as; Emperial Lord Commander of the Mighty Irish People. (did we decide on a title?) Commononly referred to as Irate I.
In the year 4000 bc the great merchant known as bob crashed his ship on the lonely shores of a vast land. After exploring across a vast stretch of land he discovered upon a lost and unguided civ. Aparently the previous leader had died because to drinking to much wine. these people were lost and had no direction. these people happy to find someone who had leadership qualities quickly appointed him as thier leader. Summoning his great leadership skills he quickly began to set the irish peoples on a path to certain victory.
4000 bc . The new leader Irate as his first action had a great survey of his empire and found that it was in good standing, for the earlier ruler had done a good job.
3375 a great warrior unit discovered a ruin with the enemy right next to it. this coup gave us the knowledge of stoneworking which will no doubt help us in the future.
all is quite for the next 75 years
3375 another great warrior unit stumbles upon the knowledge of shipbuilding in the middle of a huge plain........maybe it used to be an inland see.
3350 dublin builds a settler whitch is sent to the west to build us a port city along the coast.
3325 we send a warrior on a recon mission to find the bounds of the greek's empire.
3300 our army of warriors destroys some raiders near waterford. Also a exploring unit of warriors discovers a vast artic wasteland to our south.
3225 city of cork founded on the coast Irate has visions of a great city that will someday exsist at this cite.
3200 blarny builds a settler and is sent to the east to build another sea city next to some mountains.
3175 we learn from tradesmen from a far away land that the weak civ known as the canadians are killed by the evil barbarians. This increases the happiness of our civ by 1 because they find this entertaining.
3150 Blarny starts building ramanya
3125 finally discover balistics and begin building archers in most cities. A new discovery is began, something called writing.
3100 greeks ask us to remove soldiors from their territory we accept but withdraw only out of thier visual range and continue exploring. We will one day teach the greeks a lesson.
3075 Many events happened in this great year. First we establish limerick next to the ocean and some mountians. We learn that Indonesia started building ramanya, but they are behind in the race. We also discover writing in a hut, we redirect research to a new discovery juri.
3050 we discover the greek city of athens. It is only size 4. While bigger than our largest it is only one of two cities. While we have 5.
3000 bc After his reign of a millinium the great leader had once again a tast for the life of a merchant. While he wanted to lead these people some more, his disire to discover the rest of the world lured him away. But as he sailed off he fortold that if their empire survives long enough he will one day return.
turn passed to dark Knight Good luck.
Overall we are behind the spanish, indonesian and mayans. But we are gaining rapidly. The greeks are last of all surviving civs. We are ahead of everyone in military and the greeks should be no match for us now that we have several archers but i will leave that task to dark knight. I only wish i could have been the one that destroys the pesky greeks. BTW the greeks rejected peace, so war is almost assured. i think their is an archer in the fog within our borders, south of cork. so you might want to be sure of our flank before you attack.
[This message has been edited by me_irate (edited May 12, 2001).]
May 12, 2001, 14:58
Local Time: 09:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 174
Quick question: How did you start in 4000 BC? That is when the game starts. Maybe you meant 3500 BC?
May 12, 2001, 22:08
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Thanks, I started playing then somehow I finished
Summary is long cause I had a notebook in hand
After the dissapearence of Bob Darkknight accepted the task of leading the mighty Irish in the search for great battles.
3000BC:In his first act as ruler Darkknight increases rations and lowers wages. Research is changed to Bronze-working. Rumours spread throughout the land that this could lead to war!
2975BC:Fear spreads through the land as strongly armed greek hoplites are sited to the west of Athens. Could the pathetic greeks have gained an advantage in science. Barbarians have been sighted to the south and to the east.
2950BC:The Greek city of Olympia was built near Waterford. Fearing conflict our army stormed the town and burnt it to the ground.
2925BC:The Irish army now has 5 archers with these we must surely triumph!
2900BC:Mercenaries were discovered to the south with these we smashed the barbarian horde.
2875:Corinth the greek city to the far east falls! Seeing nobody home our glorious soldiers marched in and laid waste to the town.
2850BC:Our army of 2 archers and a warrior near Athens.
2825BC: Rumours of Bob the merchant joining the builders guild reached our ears, from then on he was known as Bob the Builder.
2800BC:Toy makers started producing replicas of Bob.
2775BC : Darkknight was been visited by his personal physician, rumours of an illness were denied.
2750BC:Bronze Working has been discovered soon our armies will march with walls of metal to thier fore!
2725BC:Our army halts near Athens reinforcements arrive. Dublin finishes Granary Farmers marvel at the sight.
2700BC:Napolean has started construction of the Chichen Itza!
2675BC:Bob the Builder dolls became a cult attraction in Ireland.
2650BC: The army advances! Darknight was rushed to the infirmary today with a suspected heart attack! Officials refuse to comment.
2625BC: A force of ten brigades surrounded Athens!
2600BC : Darkknight has been advised to rest. His physician stated that this was "merely a precautionary method".
2575BC:Athens has fallen!! A force of five warriors and five archers attacked a force of two hoplites one warrior and three archers. We lost just three warriors. Now that there capital has fallen it is just time until we conquor their nation!
2550BC: Attila has completed the Ramayana!
2525BC: Darkknight has been bedridden but even in these troubling times he has given the order to attack Sparta.
2500BC: Darkknight has died, Struck with a heart attack Darkknight the Warrior collapsed in his wife's arms. The nation mourns the loss of this true knight.
Ah jeez I think I'm gonna cry... 
It went quickly. I was just three turns from destroying the greeks 
Good luck BJ!!
EDIT: Turn my name into a smiley face then huh!
" Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few "
[This message has been edited by Darkknight (edited May 13, 2001).]
May 13, 2001, 06:47
Local Time: 09:28
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Location: Adelaide, SA, Aust
Posts: 45
Got the file 8pm AU time, will play tonight, pass on tomorrow - in approx 12-14 hours time
May 13, 2001, 20:54
Local Time: 05:28
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Location: Washington Township, NJ USA
Posts: 470
Great post! I liked the idea of the Bob dolls
That was entertaining reading!
I hope we can get Team 1 going.
At least I know the file was intact.
My reach exceeds my grasp!
May 13, 2001, 21:18
Local Time: 09:28
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Back in 2575BC, during the Battle of Athens, a young thief named BJ was revelling with the occupation of the Irish. But soon, things settled, and BJ realised the brilliance of the Irish civilisation compared with the spiteful Greeks. A favour from a friend, BJ turned over a leaf and became a warrior in the Irish mighty troops. Climbing the ladder, BJ became loyal even though he was mistrusted as of his race. The great leader Darkknight came across BJ, and was impressed, and eventually BJ became one his personal guards. Darkknight the warrior, saved more than once by this young hero, announced BJ would be his successor, and passed away in 2500BC...
2500BC - Some of the Irish people felt betrayed by their former leader, especially the occupants of Athens, and happiness was low. Regardless, BJ got on with his job and ordered a report on the current state of the nation.
Our great Military is unlike any other, but our knowledge is lacking. We have access to seas in the east via Limerick and seas in the west via Cork, but we are unable to travel these seas yet. The plains to the north have not been explored further. BJ decides to carry out the wishes of his predecessor by leading a large army to Sparta. Keeping our military strong is a must but must be accomplished along with rapid scientific advancement.
Demanding control of his cities, BJ removes all mayors. A warrior unit is sent North from Dublin to explore, fearing another enemy just out of sight. Limerick is commissioned to stop all work on a Shrine in despite of its unhappiness and build some sort of transport to take our great armies across the seas.
2475BC - The unhappiness is quelled in Athens by our troops and a newly formed Hoplite unit. Which is fortunate as the Greek residents remaining would be likely to riot with the news of the capture of Sparta with the loss of 3 units, and the consequential obliteration of the Greeks! Meanwhile, a seaworthy vessel, called a coracle, is set out to explore with a unit of warriors at the helm. (FYI The coracle is a boat native to ancient Wales and IRELAND - see GL)
The two captured greek cities are set to build shrines to convince them that our view on religion is true, converting the rebel citizens and reducing unhappiness. PW are temporarily increased to allow farms to be built on the riverland running by Dublin and Blarney.
2450BC - Military state is temporarily reduced to Alert as all current enemies of the Irish have been wiped out. Our coracle is restrained by high seas which would pose a threat to its seaworthiness, so these boats seem restricted to shallow waters. Archers are dispatched from Sparta to explore land South West of the borders of the nation.
2425BC - Exploration continues. There is indeed a small passage of land leading north from Dublin, but the majority of border has yet to be traversed. Our coracle is ordered to follow the coastline to the North.
2400BC - Jurisprudence is discovered at the same time word arrives that Nzinga of the Nigerians has started on a great wonder of Chichen Itza. Rations are decreased without major repercussions.
2375BC - Ruins of no worth are discovered to the North. BJ considers fighting the Nigerians to the building of Chichen Itza but decides a magnificent structure, like a giant Pyramid celebrating the destructing of the Greeks, might be more appropriate. Dublin, with greatest happiness and production, is set this task.
2350BC - Exploration continues. An archer is commisioned in Limerick.
2325BC - Word arrives the Indonesians are also in the race for Chichen Itza. BJ confirms his decision of 2375, believing the best efforts of his people might not be enough at this time. Enough resources have been collected to plant farms, so they are returned to city production, taking an estimated 9 turns off of the building of Pyramids. Excellent. Blarney has reached 40000 population.
2300BC - Our two former Greek cities have now built Shrines, Sparta is set to gather up a settler unit to found a new city further along the Western coast. Athens and Blarney begin on courthouses to reduce crime. Cork builds a granary but is weakly defended...more archer units.
The northern coast has been recorded. There is one small strip of land seemingly connecting two land masses. Our warriors unit, at the peak of the plains, can see coast to coast. This may become a strategic point to blocking off access to our capital...plans to create another settler unit are underway.
Happiness is adequate. Rations are reduced to absolute minimum. BJ notes he must watch closely over happiness levels - he is almost bleeding his people dry. For the good of the nation, of course.
2275BC - Barbarians arise from ruins in the glaciers southwest of Sparta and Athens. Our second archer unit is a little far away - we may lose an archer unit! Fortunately our nearby cities are adequately defended.
2250BC - Our explorers start gathering to combat the 2 barbarian warriors - they failed to attack. The land north is unfortunately sandy and infertile.
2225BC - The barbarians are spineless! They dared not follow a single archer unit in fear of our reputation.
2200BC - Waterford completes its Granary.
2175BC - Sparta, with 2 farmlands and plenty of water, is flourishing with over 50000 population. It is expected Athens will follow.
2150BC - Blarney builds a courthouse, Limerick a shrine. A sea below the ice shelf to the south is discovered. Our explorations have ended up fruitless to, desert, ruins and barbarians. BJ in frustration goes on a drinking spree in Athens, the increased revenue helping complete the courthouse.
2125BC - A barbarian unit shows up on the other side of Athens. Well protected, we'll ignore them, but are ready to strike if they dare go near our farmland.
2100BC - Finally our exploration has presented something. The art of Drama has been discovered by our troops entertaining each other while resting in a ruin in the desert to the north.
2075BC - The barbarians land on our farmland near Athens. A hoplite/archer army strikes without loss.
2050BC - Athens starts work on a City Wall and theater. Limerick begins a courthouse. Gold of reported value 485 is discovered on the ice shelf. Our coracle sights new land in the distance to the North West of our nation.
2025BC - Our researchers come up with the concept of Trade, that will eventually boost our ecomony, and as a bonus we can now build paved roads to speed our travels. PW remain at 0, to speed production of the Pyramids. Spaniards foolishly take a gamble on starting Chichen Itza. Cork builds a second coracle to start sailing the West seas.
The second barbarian unit appears near Sparta. Again we strike without loss. Thankfully that, ahem, "threat" is gone. Our warrior unit unloads on new land, only to find more desert. Curses!
2000BC - An opposer of BJ digs up his long forgotten past as a thief. The people turn fowl, even though BJ had led his people well. As a last order BJ sends his army into a new ruin on the ice shelf to discover a wailing tribe, in such as poor state they decide to join us and head north to settle. Sparta, one turn from Settler production, sends its resources into production of the first Bazaar for lack of land to settle two new cities. BJ is kicked off his throne.
Summary: We captured one city at the start of my reign, and explored a lot of land unfortunately resuling in sh*t all. Cities built a lot of improvements and units. Our military is unknown of by far, and BJ picked up the economy to the second strongest in the world. Our science is still suffering. Overall we have pulled into the lead (from 3rd), just in front of the French. Dublin, on 4, is 19 turns from building the Pyramids. BJ tells his successor to prioritise the building of the Pyramids - an important step in upping the economy/science and spread word of our strength throughout the world.
Good luck to rooboy!
[This message has been edited by bj (edited May 15, 2001).]
May 13, 2001, 23:44
Local Time: 19:28
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In the year 2000 BC, Rooboy I takes over the reigns as leader of the Irish. Lounging around in his palace in Dublin, he agrees that the Pyramids will be a fine addittion to the city. He also increases public works to 20, to help fund the building of roads and farmland around Irish cities.
1975 BC - Sparta builds bazaar. Feeling the need to expand, the training of a settler is begun.
1925 BC - Warrior on island north of Irish empire discovers a new technology called horseback riding among ruins.
1900 BC - Napoleon begins work on the Appian Way.
1875 BC - Waterford builds Courthouse. Blarney builds Shrine, and production of a settler to found a new port to the north of Dublin begins.
1850 BC - City of Calway founded on coast west of Sparta. New farmland built near Dublin and Blarney.
1825 BC - Cork builds Shrine.
1800 BC - Limerick builds Courthouse. Athens builds Theater. Mercenaries join Irish empire.
1775 BC - First contact with Napoleon of the French. We are a stronger nation, and someday, one of Rooboy's decendants will rule over the frogs. Army discover 596 gold in ruins deep south.
1750 BC - Waterford builds Shrine, and production of a settler to found another coastal city to the east of Waterford begins.
1675 BC - Nzinga (whoever he/she is) is nearing completion of the Chichen Itza. Rooboy calls a special cabinet meeting, where it is decided to rush buy the Chichen Itza for 3000 gold. Next day in the papers, Rooboy explains the decision to his many detractors, noting that crime was rampant throughout the Irish Empire, and something had to be done. Another major factor forwarded was that no other civ had begun work on the Pyramids. Dublin immediatley recommences work on the Pyramids, but there are still grumblings.
1625 BC - Limerick commences work on a coracle to explore the waters east of the Irish empire.
1600 BC - Philosophy is discovered. Scientists now begin work on Monarchy, which will surely see the Irish empire flourish. Blarney builds a settler, which is sent north to found a coastal city north of Dublin. Sparta also produces a settler.
1575 BC - Athens builds Bazaar, and work is begun on city walls to protect the city. Warrior enters ruins but is ambushed by 3 barbarian warriors. French city of Strasbourg discovered (size 7).
1550 BC - French ask us to remove forces, Rooboy asks for their map in exchange. However, they do not comply, and our forces will remain on land that is righfully ours.
1500 BC - New coracle built in Limerick, and just before it sets sail east, Rooboy I is assasinated by loyal followers of BJ, who still hadn't forgiven him for stopping work on the Pyramids.
The road network now connects Dublin with Blarney, Limerick and Waterford.
Economically, the Irish are now streets ahead of any other civ. The military is also very strong. However, problems do still exist is the science realm, and hopefully Rooboy's successor can rectify this in some way. The discovery of Monarchy will no doubt help, as will the delayed completion of the Pyramids.
Kick some ass, Levelisk.
[This message has been edited by rooboy (edited May 14, 2001).]
May 14, 2001, 05:30
Local Time: 11:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Finland
Posts: 150
Could it be possible that every players would take a pic of the map(borders visible) in his last round? IT would be nice to see how you are expanding.
You would need some site where to add maps and of course add linkt to the map to your texts
May 14, 2001, 14:31
Local Time: 09:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 174
Levelisk takes over in 1500 BC through some political maneuvering for the aftermath of rooboy's sudden assassination. When he sees the status of the Irish Empire, he is appalled at the huge military with no way of moving around (few roads). Thus, he makes it his goal to create a road system that will emcompass every city of the Irish Empire. Also, seeing the ripe city of Strasburg on what appears to be an island north of Ireland, he gets ready to build a huge army, hopefully consisting of the faster, and superior Knight unit. Thus, he rush buys a settler in Waterford to send to the river just east of Strasburg, there the campaign to eradicate the French will begin. Looking over the city situation, Levelisk tells advisors to focus on the city of Limerick for production purposes, seeing a great future in the town. Also, seeing the sad state of science (not really that bad, but not top, either), he assigns Blarney to build Aristotl's Lyceum. Lastly, he deletes all City Walls from the queues, deeming them a waste of resources because the Irish mainland is now free of any substantial empire.
A riot in Galway breaks out. This is quickly quelled, and money is saved to give the citizen's a theatre. The settler in Waterford is trained, and is send north to meet a coracle for transport to Strasburg.
On an island south of Strasburg, our archer witnesses the slaughter of a French archer by two barbarians. We decide to evacuate the archer to the area near Strasburg. Good thing he got to the ruins first.
The city of Donegal Town is founded on the coastline southeast of Cork, with dedication put to training a Phalanx unit for defense. Galway rush buys a theatre, greatly improving the happiness of the citizens there.
The city of Slige is founded on a river north of Dublin. The abundant plains and the river will make this city a large city in the future.
Sevilla, under Barbarian control, is found. Sligo riots, so entertainers are found in Sligo and Donegal Town to distract angry citizens. Athens completes an Academy, and is assigned to build caravans to get trade going in the Irish Empire.
Madrid is found! Monarchy is also discovered, and Levelisk decides to change the government. A farm is also built near Limerick to help bring Levelisk's dreams of the city closer to reality. On the military side of things, 3 warriors unite on the eastern border of Strasburg, waiting for the archer that was just evacuated to reinforce them, and maybe take the city. Also, the settler that is going to Strasburg to found a city boards a Coracle, and is sent on its way.
War is declared on the French for the sole purpose of murdering a French settler. Levelisk has decided that until direct military action can be taken, the French must not be allowed to expand if it can be stopped. Also, an offering is sent to Spain in the amount of 500 gold so that the Spanish maps can be acquired.
Levelisk is officially decreed King Levelisk (by himself  ) as a Monarchy is established. A settler is now trained in Sparta and is sent towards the hills and river to the west. Limerick completes a theatre and now builds a bazaar. The Spanish map is obtained to find that it falls on the same continent as France, or at least Strasburg. Spain is currently a small country of only 4 tightly packed cities.
Sligo completes training of a Phalanx, now is building a theatre. Galway completes a granary and now is building a Courthouse in an attempt to stop crime soon.
Allenwood is founded to the west of Sparta in a river valley near mountains and hills, and a glacier field to the southeast. Levelisk also projects it to be a highly productive city, despite the large glacier field. Donegal Town also completes its Phalanx garrison training, and starts up its own Theatre.
Masonry is discovered, and Feudalism is now being researched, as it will bring our long-awaited knights.
With the completion of another Caravan, our first trade route is built, carrying Spice from Athens to Galway for 40 gold. Our archer lands on the coastline near Strasburg and comes together with the 3 warriors.
Strasburg is scouted by a lone warrior, who is KIA. He finds 1 Phalanx, 1 Archer, and 1 Mounted Archer garrisoned inside.
Dublin completes the Pyramids, a commemoration to the swift destruction of the Greeks! Nigerians are met up with, and we give them 500 gold, trying to get their map.
The Nigerian map gives us very important information. We now know where 5 French cities are, and know that France, Nigeria, and Spain are all on one huge super-continent. 500 Gold is given to the Mayans, to see if their maps will help more. Also, another farm is built near Limerick to help production, as well as the construction of an Academy being started in both Galway and Waterford.
Levelisk acquires the Mayan map, which puts them on the same continent. Both the Mayans and the Nigerians appear to be large empires.
Levelisk is assassinated on the night of May 14, 1000 BC as he looks over his greatly expanded maps. He now has built a road system that efficiently connects all the cities of Ireland, and has a coracle very near Strasburg with a Settler inside. Even with these accomplishments, citizens were unhappy with his rule, rioting often. The assassin, whose name is as of yet unknown, reported said (and left a note to this affect) that Levelisk's rule was not good enough, saying how the Irish Empire's army improved by 2 Phalanxs, and lost 1 Warrior, over the course of 500 years. He also said that it has been reported that the Mayan Empire stronger overall than the Irish one, too. It appears that Levelisk was assassinated for these reasons.
May 14, 2001, 19:29
Local Time: 05:28
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Location: Washington Township, NJ USA
Posts: 470
Hmm... I must say, nice touch on the Assassination explanation.
Don't ya wish they would've done the same for John F. Kennedy?
My reach exceeds my grasp!
May 14, 2001, 19:50
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I received your email, however either the file wasn't attached or something funked up in the process of sending. Would you please resend the file?
May 14, 2001, 21:27
Local Time: 03:28
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In 1000 BC a descendant of Shamus McRobinson, Shamus McRobinson the 69th, admitted he indeed killed the previous leader. But on a platform of new government and military growth he was chosen the rightful heir to the throne. His first major act as leader, in 975BC, was to raise our military status to at war, since we were really at war, really! In 950 BC our scientists discovered fuedalism, greatly increasing our military potential. Our scientists thought beauracracy would help us form a new government, a republic, so it was chosen to be researched. In 900 BC, utilizing new knowledge, Sparta and Athens began construcing knights. In 875 BC Dublin and Cork began work on pikeman units. Limerick joined Sparta and Athens in creating knights. These units, and others, when built, are to be sent to Galway where ships will be constructed to transport them to foreign shores. In 850 BC, anticipating a wide-spread empire, Shamus McRobinson the 69th, began work on The Appian Way, to decrease unhappiness throughout the empire. In another bold move, Shamus ordered the commissioning of Glasgough within 4 squares of a French city. to defend Glasgough 3 units are pulled back from french territory. Glasgough is to be used as a launching board for our invasion of Frog territory (pikemen, citywalls and ballistas are ordered to be build). In the absense of large ships, Galway is ordered to construct 2 coracles. In 775 BC Beauracracy is figured out and a switch to more efficient (haha) government begins! In 750BC Aristotles Lyceum is complete! In 775 BC our leader Shamus became concerned with our lack of industrial output and traded fuedalism to the spainards for slave labor. While he was at it, he signed a peace treaty with them as well. In 700BC our new government is inaugurated, the people are happy as piss. In 675BC we had a tremendous military victory!!! A french force (oxymoron anyone?) of 3 hoplites and 2 mounted archers attacked Glasgough (our military outpost). In a moment of enebriation Shamus had forgotten that city even existed (yeltson). However, in a tremendous display of Irish ass whooping, we jumped up and beat the tar outta them with 2 warriors and one hoplite! In 625BC our mission for better ships continued with the discovery of Iron working (samurai here we come). Geometry is researched next. In 525BC Geometry is discovered and work begins on shipbuilding. Old and weary, Shamus McRobinson the 69th dies of senility brought on by a severe case of Syphillus.
Although I did no conquering I increased the state of our military affairs. There is now a force near Galway of almost 8 units (mix of pike and knights), all you do is add samurai and catapults and there you go. Shipbuilding will be available soon, but if not,a few units can be transported by 3 carracks I sent to Galway. In the cities not building military units, I built academies and bazaars. Advice to next player, the french sent 3-4 caracks loaded with who knows what to the island directly NW of ours. You may want to send some units there to kill everylast one of the mother loving freaks! Over-all we are way ahead of the others, we now rank 3rd in military and our science has passed the spainish!
May 15, 2001, 00:21
Local Time: 04:28
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Posts: 149
After a long and glorious reign, Shamus died of senility, but before he died he appointed a successor. His successor was a bob doll that he had purchased at an antique show. Knowing this once a great leader he chose this doll as his successor and made all sware they will serve bob. Shortly thereafter the poor decrepit shamus died. The people were at a loss of what to do, having swore to serve bob they were at a loss. When finally one came up with an idea. Why dont we find the real bob. With this sugestion they searched and searched for many years for the lost leader. Finally they found bob living in the barb civ which is all that remains of canada. With their request he returns and takes the name once again of Irate.
500bc the first years of Irate(bob) reign was quite he uses the surplus pw
to build mines and begins transporting the army via the coracles.
475 people rejoice in the streets with the reign of bob now under way. They forget that he is nearly starving them to death. They are just happy to have such a legendary leader guiding them again.
450bc we discover hullmaking and begin a new research project of oceanfaring. this new discovery will allow us to further increase our master of the seas.
425 We land to knights to explore the island to the northwest and hopefully discover the evil french peoples plans for this island.
400 Bob notices that some cities are lacking in growth and order several farms to be built. He also orders blarney to build great wall, with intentions of changing it when a better wonder is available.
375 The knights spots a small army of 2 units and 2 coracles one with units still aboard on the island.
350 The old bob dolls make a comeback fetching huge amounts of money from weatly collectors. Bob donates his doll to charity and the people adore him even more.
325 The evil french pillage near Glasgough. We destroyed there army and pledge to fight them to the death for their evil deads.
300 our force of 1 knight and 1 horse archer valiantly defeats the french force of 1 hoplit and 1 archer on the island to the northwest.
275 we complete appian way. Also a carrack discovers the borders of a barb civ. This is rumered to be the land in which bob was residing.
250 our army in Glasgough bravely fend of an attack of a horse archer. More importantly we discover ocean faring and begin to learn theology. This new advance will allow us to deliver catapults and other slow moving units more quickly.
225 Our first Carrack is built with much fanfare. bob promises that this ship will not only revolutionize troop transport but trade in general.
200 We killed a barb near sligo, and rush bought another Carrack. Our fleet will now be able to transport our vast army more effectively.
175 french offer ceasfire, but being as greed as bob is, he rejects it.
150 Our first knight finally arive in glaslough (those coracles take forever)
125 dublin undertakes the hagia sophia. This will hopefull allow us to keep our wages low even after we switch to a new form of gov.
100 Limerick undertakesEast indai company with plans to change to a better wonder later(hint gutes)
75 Plans to attack strasburg changed when we spot a size 11 army. We must wait for more reinforcements, 2nd carrack will arive in a few turns.
50 Bob seems to be growing weary of this tedius troop transport. He wishes he could have captured strasburg.
25bc bob seems to be getting distant. He often stares at the ocean for hours. His advisors wonder what he has on his mind. Never daring to ask, they leave him alone
1 ad. With the lack of military activity, bob gets bored of leading these people. he seems distracted. Finally one night he dissapears without notice. Many rumors abound that he has returned to the barb city for more dangerous and exciting life. others say he was taken hostage by the evil greek republican army with plans to restore their empire.
Summary We have 3 wonders getting built. I would advise changing the current woders to build observatory and gutes next then hagia. but whatever you decide is ok. Also there is an army of 11 located in glaslough. There is an army of 11 on the move. also the secon carrack will be arriving soon with more catapults and pikemen aboard. Im using the huge island as a bridge(the one to the northwest with the enemy units on them) i transport to the knights and horsearchers to the island. then they traverse it and are picked up on the other side by more coracles. now that we have carracks this should be easier. there are several units on the island now as well as some more in coracles near glaslough. the french wont be mutch trouble(hopefully) due to our large army continueing to arrive. I passed file to darkknight. goodluck.
[This message has been edited by me_irate (edited May 15, 2001).]
May 15, 2001, 00:30
Local Time: 03:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: dallas, TX USA
Posts: 53
Ooops, I called the coracles carraks (sp? dammit!!) in my entire post. Yea the lack of a decent navy really tempered my ambition, I tried to remedy it for you, but I guess it took more than 30 turns!
May 15, 2001, 01:12
Local Time: 11:28
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It seems that your game and you are introverted just as other suggestion game 2 team
No one does even comment my idea about pic of map. It was nice to read about frst suggestion game but when the game goes on and on you just can not follow the game anymore without the maps. But maybe you do not like audience  You just lost one of your reader.
May 15, 2001, 04:28
Local Time: 03:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: dallas, TX USA
Posts: 53
Sorry Janilxx,
I'm not sure, but I believe that you can post pics (bmp,jpg??) to the forum. Is anyone familiar with this? If so, does anyone know of an easy way to take a screenshot of the map to add with our posts?
May 15, 2001, 07:05
Local Time: 05:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington Township, NJ USA
Posts: 470
I never actually tried it, but I think you need to reference the file that has the graphics and then use the UBB code (img) (/img) - except use [ brackets.
To capture a screen shot, all I know of is the old Ctrl-Alt-PrintScreen method. Then paste it in MS word or MS Paint or some such software.
Pretty good suggestion if it can be done easily. It would add a whole new
dimension to reading these threads.
May 15, 2001, 07:22
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Posts: 753
If I get the chance today I'll work on a website to keep the logs updated and the Empire map. Maybe for all 3 games if you like?
May 15, 2001, 08:10
Local Time: 11:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Finland
Posts: 150
Yeah, kicking you guys a little helped right away
May 15, 2001, 10:14
Local Time: 09:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 94
Redstar - a Succession game website is a splendid idea! It'll be great if you could make one!
[This message has been edited by Mokael (edited May 15, 2001).]
May 15, 2001, 10:59
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Posts: 753
Anyone else got a comment on this? Maybe I should start a new thread for a website.....
Righty ho, I'll get something knocked up then. Anyone know what Apolyton's rules are for linking to it etc? Don't want to tread on any toes.
May 15, 2001, 11:12
Local Time: 04:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 149
hey im not sure how to post stuff like that. I do have a free drive account if you guys want to use it. its free and i dont use it i dont mind. Yea i noticed about coracles and carraks. i figured you just got them confused. It took forever to transport them i put the first soldiors onboard first turn, had about 5 more units there at end. its after 1 ad so turns 15 right???? i thought that was when you changed them. correct me if im wrong.
May 15, 2001, 11:51
Local Time: 05:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington Township, NJ USA
Posts: 470
Yep, 15 turns after 1AD. Wow, you guys are quick!
May 15, 2001, 21:06
Local Time: 04:28
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Posts: 149
Thanks skeeve im glad you liked it, i try to add some personality to my posts.
May 15, 2001, 22:39
Local Time: 09:28
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Check my edited post above for suggestion as to how to take pics for posting here. Save them as JPGs with as much compression as possible so pages dont take forever to load, without making the pics too lossy.
I took one with terrain and units off to make borders and cities obvious, another to show terrain and units as well, and the powergraph (or whatever its called now) for Overall.
If you need hosting space for your pics you can email them to me, just remember to keep them small as possible.
Edit your post, at the bottom put the URL of your pictures surrounded by IMG tags. See here for more info:
If you dont put a return in between the first two pics (so they are on one line) they will appear side by side like that.
May 16, 2001, 00:09
Local Time: 05:28
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Location: Washington Township, NJ USA
Posts: 470

Originally posted by me_irate on 05-15-2001 12:21 AM
After a long and glorious reign, Shamus died of senility, but before he died he appointed a successor. His successor was a bob doll that he had purchased at an antique show. Knowing this once a great leader he chose this doll as his successor and made all sware they will serve bob. Shortly thereafter the poor decrepit shamus died. The people were at a loss of what to do, having swore to serve bob they were at a loss. When finally one came up with an idea. Why dont we find the real bob. With this sugestion they searched and searched for many years for the lost leader. Finally they found bob living in the barb civ which is all that remains of canada. With their request he returns and takes the name once again of Irate.
[This message has been edited by me_irate (edited May 15, 2001).]
Irate - I guess I didn't read this the first time, but now that I did I'm ROTFLOL! That was just the funniest succession of a leader I've read so far!!
I must say, I enjoy reading these summaries during my lunch hour!
[This message has been edited by Skeeve (edited May 15, 2001).]
May 17, 2001, 16:17
Local Time: 09:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Darkknight, seeing that noone actually wants to rule the country as rulers tend to get assasinated steps in to fill the vacuum. In his first day on the job he hires bodyguards to protect him from Shamus McRobinson the 70th.
1AD: news of a comet in the sky arrives from six men on camels. Hoplites are sent to the northwest to chack the peninsula there as French coracles have been seen nearby.
20AD: Two French coracles spotted coming from the east.
40AD: Rumours from France tell us that the Bob doll has been banned and all dolls are to be burned in a ritual sacrifice. Hearing of this Darkknight vows to conquer the French and rescue our famous patriots!!
60AD: Spanish share Alchemy for Theology, Soon our ships will rule the seas! We begin researching Gunpowder. A barbarian city, Ottawa, has been found to the North.
80AD: Army expands near GlasLough (NOTE L, I thought I'd never heard over glasgough  )
100AD: army moves to surround Strasbourg, several skirmishes with catapults.
120AD: French coracle destroyed by new fire trireme!
140AD: STRASBOURG CAPTURED!! Force of twelve attacked, three knights lost but ten enemy units destroyed.
160AD: Gunpowder discovered! Research on Horse tactics have begun.
180AD: Army moves to Toulouse.
200AD: Darkknight drops into a coma as his bodyguard accidently knocks him with his Xtra long Xtra heavy ACME halberdier.
220AD: Toulouse captured, two of our knights were lost but a size 7 enemy army was destroyed!
240AD: Darkknight has by mistake finished the East India Trading co. but this could go well with plans to expand the trade system.
260AD: Nigerians and Spanish join us in our battle against the French, Subjects marvel at darkknights diplomacy skills!
280AD: Darkknight has again by mistake finished Hagia Sophia, He contemplates a plan to find out what else he is building.
300AD: Darkknight was accidently shot today by his bodyguard who was still unused to his new Xtra bulky Xtra powerful musket.
Just keep on bashing at the French, TallyHO!!
May 17, 2001, 17:13
Local Time: 03:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: dallas, TX USA
Posts: 53
Thats not a problem, bashing the French is an old hobby of mine!!
May 17, 2001, 18:51
Local Time: 04:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 149
that was the funnies post i have ever read Darkknight. i liked the part about the bob doll. not a prob with the wonders, india will help us transport better, i just dislike it because it expires. and hagia is only a little bit less powerful than gutes. we will most likely get all the rest of the wonders anyway. so its not a prob. Did you notice that i had two building india? i was hoping you would change it to something else b4 it got built. if not thats ok. good work. i just hope that they can survive long enough for me to get my revenge. but the way our army is going i doubt it.
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