April 17, 2001, 16:49
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CTPII Succession Game; The second go.
Well it seems we are off and running. So here is the summary of my first 20 moves. We are the Greeks, and are leaded by an endless chain of Apolytons.
4000; The 1st Apolyton takes charge of his wandering people. They are a large population (2 settlers). In this same year he orders the foundation of Athens, the Capital. The second settler begins the quest to find fertile soil for a seond settlement. On a short trip dowm Apolyton river(next to greece: I found it, I'll name it), they discover a Hut, being ecplores they enter the hut, and persude the residents to jion the Greek cause (we get a third settler). Mean while, Back in Athens Apolyton I orders the commisioning of a new Warrior unit to defend Athens.
The records are patchy for the nect 100 years....i.e nothing happened.
3900; One of our Settler units finds 263 gold in an old Hut.
Life continues as normal for the next 125 years... nothing happens again untill..
3775; On this day our first military unit is built. A warrior legion. There is much debate over its proper use. Finally, it is decided that it will defend Athen for the time being, as the settlers are peforming the exploration task. Apolyton the orders the building of a great wonder, Ramayana, to testify to the glory of his leadership. It is expected that it should provide many benefits to the Greek civ...and it is better we have it than a rival civ.
3725; One of our settlers founds a costal city to the north-east, on the mighty river Sean. This city is named Sparta.
3700; Our explorations of a new fertile region in the south have slowed. It seems there is a large ice sheet; The Antartic. This settler will continue it's search fo a home.
3500; The settler is still homeless at the sudden yet predictable death of Apolyton 1. He is succeeded by Apolyton 2 (Skeeve).
NB, we are on a landmass in the extreme south of this world. We have 2 cities and a settler. We are not a an advanced civ, in terms of science, (our researchs continus to work on Bronze Working). Cartographers are unsure of the eventual size of our landmass, (continent vs island[?]).
April 19, 2001, 00:25
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Originally posted by Sean on 04-17-2001 04:49 PM
3500; The settler is still homeless at the sudden yet predictable death of Apolyton 1. He is succeeded by Apolyton 2 (Skeeve).
And a great summary Sean! I have finished my reign as Apolyton 2. I will post my summary shortly. Phoenix has the file now.
- Skeeve.
My reach exceeds my grasp!
April 19, 2001, 10:32
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The following is an account of the reign of SKEEVE, Apolyton II, 2nd ruler of the Greeks from 3500-3000BC.
3500BC: In short yet bloody struggle, Skeeve ascends to power and takes control of the small but growing Greek empire. His first act of rulership is to slash wages across the empire to a barely livable wage. Food begins to be rationed at strict levels, and work hours are increased. Needless to say, the citizens are quite unhappy with this and on the verge of riot. (Yeah, Skeeve's a real B**t**d.)
3475BC: Our third city, Corinth is built by the band of settlers discovered earlier during the reign of Sean (May he rest in peace). Sparta completed training of a new warrior. Skeeve removes the Granary from the build queue in Sparta, deciding to build another warrior for exploration.
3450BC: Skeeve has a change of heart and increases food rations across the empire. A good thing, too, because Corinth was on the brink of rioting. Citizens are content, but not pleased as punch yet.
3450-3350BC: These next 100 years become known as the PAX APOLYTON. It is a time of peace. No barbarians, no enemies, no riots. Citizens are content, finding that hard work can be its own reward.
3350BC: Capital city Athens builds the first farmland, and with it will surely come an increase in their population.
3300BC: We discover the secret of Bronze working!  Hoplite training replaces warrior training. We will soon be impervious to enemy attacks!
3175BC: After over a century of exploration, we have met a rival nation... It's the Americans! Curses, they are stronger than us. We will slowly bide our time, build up our strength, and strike them when they are weakest!!
3100BC: Hiding out in the scrubbrush outside of the American borders we find a troop of Hoplites! They happily join us. Meanwhile in other news, Athens population has increased to around 40,000 dudes.
3100-3000BC: Relatively quiet for the next 100 years. Not exactly a Pax Apolyton because the Americans are becoming an ever increasing threat. Call it a sort of Cold War.
3000BC: Terrible news!! Apolyton II, Skeeve is Assassinated in his sleep!  The Assassin has not been found. The young nation scrambles to find a new ruler. After much back-stabbing (Political and actual) Apolyton's 3rd ruler emerges: It's PHOENIXCAGER!
Good luck!
Edit: Changes suggested in the next message have been made.
My reach exceeds my grasp!
[This message has been edited by Skeeve (edited April 19, 2001).]
April 19, 2001, 17:24
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Well it all looks very promising.  Except for those pesky Americans :/
Just as long as we keep the war out of the "homeland". And the quick discovery of ballistics would ensure victory!!
This is actually rather exciting, to see how things pan out.
Give me Liberty, or give me death!
[This message has been edited by Sean (edited April 19, 2001).]
April 19, 2001, 19:37
Local Time: 05:28
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I vote that we gear up for war and take the American cities!! 
(Of course, I wanted to during my reign, but it ended too quickly).
Edit: Maybe during the reign of Apolyton IV & V... It's all in you guys hands now!
My reach exceeds my grasp!
[This message has been edited by Skeeve (edited April 19, 2001).]
April 20, 2001, 00:08
Skeeve, you seem a bit confused. Apolyton is the name of our civs leager. We are the Greeks.
A Chronicle of the reign of Apolyton III
In the year 3000B.C. Phoenixcager ascended the throne of the Greek Nation, taking on the title Apolyton III. This is a record of his reign.
3000 B. C. Training of a new unit of warriors is completed in the city of Corinth. They are immediately sent North as scouts. We send a unit of warriors+hoplites on a reconnaissance mission of American land.
2975 B. C. Our wise men begin the pursuit of the knowledge of stone working. A unit of our Hoplites discovers the American city of Philadelphia to the Northeast of Sparta.
2950 B. C. Our Corinthian warriors stumble uppon ancient ruins, where they find gold.
2925 B. C. Our warrior+hoplite army discovers the American city of Washington D. C. to the East of Sparta. It is a rather large city of about 50,000. We decide that it is best to avoid trouble, and skirt around its city limits pressing deeper into American land.
2900 B. C. - 2775 B Further exploration of American land takes place. Our army reaches the other border of the Americans and into unclaimed territory.
2750 B. C. Our wise men discover the secret of Stone Working. They immediately embark on their next project -- Wrting.
2700 B. C. The city of Corinth seems to be stagnating in its growth due to the lack of good land. An order is issued for the construction of nets so that the citizens may have food. Meanwhile Sparta builds a granary. Our warrior unit near Corinth stumbles on a band of renegades that is awed by our power and joins our ranks as a hoplite unit.
2675 B. C. Our Army meets a party representing the Germans. They do not seem friendly, and obviously do not trust us. They choose to escort us for part of our journey. Down south, our new hoplite unit discovers the American city of Boston. It too, seems to be doing well.
2650 B. C. Our growth efforts at Corinth receive another boost...a granary is built.
2575 B. C. Bad News!!! The Americans declare war on us. It seems our little forays into their territory have incurred their wrath.  A quick check of the power chart shows that they are leading overall, but that we are ahead in military. No blood has been shed at this point.
2500 B. C. Apolyton III, under pressure from the council of advisors and the people, abdicates. The sceptre of rulership passes on to Octavius III, who will be Apolyton IV even as the fate of the newborn nation hangs in the balance. May he live long and prosper.
phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
Visit the CGN forums.
April 23, 2001, 16:15
Local Time: 05:28
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Note: In order to keep this game flowing, we may need to impose a 72-hour rule. The clock starts when the player sends the file, not when it is received.
The 72-hour rule should allow for folks to be away all weekend and still be able to play the game and send it to the next player before time expires.
If there are any objections, let me know, otherwise this should go into effect now.
Also, if and when the 72-hour rule is violated, it is the responsibility of the 2nd player down the list to write and ask for the file.
- Skeeve
Edit: By "2nd player down the list" I mean the guy who's next after the guy who's holding things up. Sorry, I hope that's clear now.
My reach exceeds my grasp!
[This message has been edited by Skeeve (edited April 23, 2001).]
April 23, 2001, 16:20
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Make sure y'all write the time and date (GMT) into your email so the next person knows when their time is up.
April 24, 2001, 20:12
Local Time: 04:28
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This scroll you are reading is an account of Apolyton IV's (Jonny's) reign (2500 BC-2000 BC) over the great Greek Empire.
2500 BC - Apolyton IV becomes the ruler of the Greek Empire. I lower rations, but lower workday and raise wages.
2475 BC - In this year, we discover writing. We start researching slave labor. Also in this year, we begin a campaign of pillaging the farms around American cities.
2325 BC - In this year, the Americans build a new city, named New York, right next to a group of our warriors. The warriors destroy New York.
For the next 200 years, not much happens. We continue pillaging farms in American land and begin a troop buildup near the American city of Philadelphia.
2125 BC - We complete the Ramayana in Athens. Because of the happiness this wonder brings, we lower rations and wages to the least possible and raise work hours to the most possible, but the people are still content.
2075 BC - After gathering together troops near Philadelphia, we attack Philadelphia. Although we lose half of our troops, we capture the city.
2050 BC - We discover slave labor. I plan to capture American citizens with slavers to use as slaves. We start researching jurisprudence.
2000 BC - After reaching the age of 547, Apolyton IV decides to resign from Greek leadership. He leaves Apolyton V (Immortal Wombat)in charge of the country.
[This message has been edited by Jonny (edited April 24, 2001).]
April 25, 2001, 00:12
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Hello! I have to admit, this is fairly entertaining. It also allows us lesser able ctp2 players learn the tactics of the more able.
Thanks again!
April 25, 2001, 05:47
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"After gathering together troops near Philadelphia, we attack Philadelphia. Although we lose half of our troops, we capture the city."
Our first major victory/conquest!! Well done Jonny!! You did well as Apolyton IV...since the rightful heir abdicated, in favour of a holiday.
I take it most production is geared toward military production. A swift victory against the Americans should provide us with many advantages against the other civs.
April 25, 2001, 18:55
Local Time: 03:28
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Skeeve, could you please send out an email to everyone in the game that tells everyone's email addresses? The only list I have is from March 28th, and only goes up to the 8th player, Vivala.
Someone seems to have played a strange number of years, so they're off a little bit. Here's the play by play for 1800-1300
1800 BC - An American assassin broke into Immortal Wombat's bedroom one night and killed him in his sleep. Immediately, a guy named Adam was unanomously elected to be leader.
1780 BC - Coronith completes it's 2nd Hoplite and begins production of an Archer to join in the war against the Americans. Production in Athens and Sparta has been changed to Archers. (Sorry to whoever began the pyramids, but in my opinion, I think winning this war is the first priority) The army outside of Washington has been moved back and fortified since they are not strong enough to take Washington. Also, two mines have been built to help support the army.
1760 BC - A stray American archer has been killed near Washington. Unfortunately, one of our own warriors was killed in this battle. WE NEED MORE FLANKING UNITS!!! Luckily, two new Archers are on their way.
1700 BC - A new Archer is built and sent to join the army.
1640 BC - We now have a ton of archers. Once they join up with the other army, I think we'll be able to take Washington.
1600 BC - The Greeks discover the technology, Jurisprudence, and begin research on Trade.
1580 BC - Philidelphia and Athens have completed City Walls. Philidelphia begins work on a Warrior and Athens starts the Pyramids.
1460 BC - WASHINGTON FALLS! With a size 12 army, Washington has been taken. Philidelphia completes it's warrior and starts work on a settler. Two American hoplites are heading towards Athens. I think I'll let them go. If they attack, we are strong enough to defend.
1360 BC - The Americans have gone to war with the Germans.
1340 BC - Trade has been discovered. Research on Iron Working has begun.
1300 BC - Adam has died of very old age.
April 25, 2001, 19:37
Local Time: 05:28
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As requested, I am sending out the current e-mails of players. Check your e-mails.
We are back down to 9 players because Smellymummy has decided to drop out and wait for a round #2.
Good job with the summary aebbeka. What actually happened to Immortal Wombat, anyway?

1360 BC - The Americans have gone to war with the Germans.
So they've gone to war with Germany, eh? Too bad we're pummeling them!
My reach exceeds my grasp!
April 25, 2001, 20:01
Local Time: 04:28
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Does everyone still have a copy of the game file at the point when they recieved it? If everyone does, after you send the file to the next person continue playing the one you have to the end of the game, then we can post up what each of our individual games did. It would be interesting to see what differences come out. Oh, and just o clarify, we are playing with the origional game with the official patch installed, correct? No mods or anything? Thanks! looking forwards to my turn!
Edit: how may turns are we playing for?
[This message has been edited by Rhuarc (edited April 25, 2001).]
April 25, 2001, 20:21
Local Time: 04:28
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We are playing 20 turns each during this phase of the game.
April 25, 2001, 22:13

Originally posted by Skeeve on 04-25-2001 07:37 PM
As requested, I am sending out the current e-mails of players. Check your e-mails.
We are back down to 9 players because Smellymummy has decided to drop out and wait for a round #2.
Skeeve, like I mentioned in the email, what about berXpert? wasn't he supposed to be in too?
phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
Visit the CGN forums.
April 25, 2001, 22:22
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Posts: 367
Ok, thanks for the info Johnny.
April 26, 2001, 00:17
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Yes, Well Done Jonny! Soon those pesky Americans will regret the day they unpacked their stone knives and bear skins on our continent!

2325 BC - In this year, the Americans build a new city, named New York, right next to a group of our warriors. The warriors destroy New York.
I laughed out loud when I read this line. It just struck me as very funny for some reason.
New York in founded and then destroyed immediately. Pretty sad fate for a city of such potential!
Keep it up guys, this is going great, and as Jackazzstudent above mentioned, quite entertaining!
- Skeeve
My reach exceeds my grasp!
April 26, 2001, 03:46
Local Time: 09:28
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The REIGN form 1300 BC to 900 BC
VivalaCTP2 Apolyton (VI) ascends the mighty throne of the Greeks and His Greatness is indeed honoured to share the rule with such worthy compatriots, those rulers who have gone before Him. They’re memory and patriachal contribution to Greek life as it stands so far will be indelibly etched in the hearts of generations to come ……
1300 BC Public works has been reduced from 30% to 10% as production capacity is very important at this time. Rations and wages are still at a minimum and work hours are at a maximum.
1260 BC Isabella Gregory has completed the Chichen Itza, the first other civ to build a wonder. As our mighty army of conquerors turns its eyes to the thriving city of Boston, it comes across an American settler and accompanying hoplite. Needless to say, they horribly mutilated in the ensuing battle which lasted all of 5 seconds as a deadly hail of arrows struck them to the ground. Our army moves forward, ever closer to its target …… Onward to Boston!
1240 BC The Germans have begun pillaging our farms in the vicinity of Philadelphia. As Apolyton VI consults his diplomacy council he finds they have declared war on our mighty nation. We are now at war in the east and in the north!
A unit of hoplites is offloaded of our exploring coracle to enter and reveal the German occupied northern continent.
1220 BC Our exploring hoplite has entered an empty village and found 180 gold! The coracle continues on its quest to circumnavigate the globe.
1200 BC A settler has been trained in Philadelphia. He starts off to the east in search of fertile land.
1100 BC Our scientists discover iron working!!! We know have the knowledge to train samurai and consequently all orders are changed in city queues to build this great type of warrior.
The last 100 years have been spent doing two main things: developing the infrastructure of our empire through the construction of roads connecting Philadelphia, Sparta and Washington. Also, the great army has been waiting outside the walls of Boston while large numbers of reinforcements arrive, just in case of stiff opposition.
1060 – 1040 BC FOW!!!!!! Our humble navy has circumnavigated the globe and we now have an extra movement point for all seafaring vessels for the next 25 turns.
The Battle of Boston: Our army consists of 7 hoplites and 5 archers. They encounter 7 archers and 2 hoplites within strong city walls. Apolyton VI thinks about retreating but decides that it is not something such a great leader should do and so he watches in anguish as the army is destroyed, although it takes 2 US hoplites and 1 archer with it. The reinforcements move up for the next turn. They consist of 1 warrior, 5 archers and 4 hoplites. After some more heavy casualties we succeed in taking the city.
1020 BC The city of Olympia is founded to the east of Philadelphia, nestled in fertile grasslands to the north and forest to the south.
920 BC Our magnificence manifests itself in the completion of The Pyramids. we now have a regular income to ensure strong science research in the future.
Granary is rush bought (600 gold) for Olympia to encourage quicker growth.
900 BC No one unprovokedly declares war on our nation without paying for it. The last 100 years have been spent assembling an army of 4 hoplites and 2 samurai for a northern conquest into Germanic lands. As He lies on his deathbed, Apolyton VI issues the orders to attack Essenheim. The successful capture of the city fails to reach our leader as he passes away quietly in his sleep.
Much has been achieved in this era: the Greeks are on the verge of discovering horse riding, their navy has established itself, transportation is much quicker, cities have been overtaken and formed, exploration both at sea and in distant lands has expanded our maps and the Americans are almost dead. May the memory of VivalaCTP2 live forever in the hearts and minds of His successors.
April 26, 2001, 03:59
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Sorry double post
[This message has been edited by VivalaCTP2 (edited April 26, 2001).]
April 26, 2001, 06:52
Local Time: 09:28
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Just a quick point;
Wonder info is NEED TO KNOW, and we all need to know. Tell us if you start one, so it isn't a surprise. And tell us if there is a race on. We won't be able to get them all, but with the quick building of the first one, and the conquest of the Germans and Americans to come, we should be in a postion to get damn near all of them.
PS, Another great effort from the latest two Apolytons!!
April 26, 2001, 07:28
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Special Note:
I forgot to include Berxpert@yahoo.com.mx in my e-mail coorespondance.
Rhuarc, if you are next, please send the file to him when you are done, and after Berxpert is finished we are back to "Top of the Order"!
April 26, 2001, 11:20
Local Time: 04:28
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Any body have the list of e-mails addresses? can I I have my own copy?
Thank you.
April 26, 2001, 14:27
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And so...
The long lost history of the reign of Immortal Wombat has been recovered! An archaelogical triumph akin to the Dead Sea Scrolls!
April 26, 2001, 16:59
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Indeed. Sorry about that, I was a bit rushed yesterday, and didn't have time to play and post. I figured 24 hours wouldn't hurt
April 26, 2001, 17:31
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First, I want to say how great of a job the most recent Apolytons are doing at conquering the Americans. Now, I have a question. In vivalaCTP2's post, he mentioned that he captured Boston and that the Americans are almost dead. Do we know where their last city(cities) is? I was just curious about how long it would take to finish them off.
April 26, 2001, 20:05
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Johnny, i think the yanks have one city left, just a small one, we haven't discovered it yet but it should be to the norh east of Boston somewhere i think...
Everyone: I didn;t start a new wonder, just completed the pyramids, there was no race on when i finished .... the chichen itza was completed by the irisah and the irish are looking very stron but i'm sure that they are no match for the mighty greeks
April 26, 2001, 20:43
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My Fellow Apolytons... I apologize, that I haven't kept better track of the current player list of e-mails. To prevent further confusion, would anyone object to me posting the official list here? The reason I ask is that some of you do not wish your e-mails publicized. Therefore, I will wait and see if there are any objections before doing so.
April 27, 2001, 00:49
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Flipping heck, 18 hours away from my PC, and already Apolyton VI and VII have posted their reigns
I never got to account for my reign. (which I think was shorter than everyone elses too, bit rushed for time  )
The research was changed to Ballistics to provide some support for our hoplite army.
Phillidelphia commissioned a new hoplite to aid in the great Greco-American war.
1980 - 1960BC
The long march to Washington continues from 3 sides
In 1860BC I was offered a cease-fire by the American leader George Washington. Naturally my first thought was to refuse, but instead I counterd their proposal, insisting that if they wanted peace, they would have to submit Washinton to my rule. They refused, and the war continues.
Corinth completes another hoplite unit.
I increase the PW to 30% to speed up the time needed to get enough stored to build some mines.
The Philidelphian hoplite joins my warrior army.
The hoplites from the south and west meet in the mountain range to the south of Washington DC
A coracle is complete in Sparta - It begins to explore the northern coast with a hoplite on board as shore-crew.
Phillidelphia begins city walls.
The coracle continues north, and the army is almost complete, just south of Washington.
In my to-be-last acts as emperor, I move my hoplite army together to form a 50,000-strong host at the gates of Washington DC, and select Jurispudence as the next advance to aspire to.
Apolyton VI will have (has) the ability to build the new "archer" unit to aid our long war against America...
April 29, 2001, 08:12
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Just a quick note to my fellow rulers;
I received a copy of the file from berXpert this evening (NZ time). I have played my 20 turns, and passed the file onto Jeff (Skeeve). Round two has begun!!! But it seems our quickness in playing the game is not matched by a similar speed in the posting of the transcipts. As such, I will wait until the other two players (Rhuarc and berXpert) to post their accounts, before posting mine. I assume this should be completed within 24hrs
Keep it up guys!
Give me Liberty, or give me death!
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