May 2, 2001, 20:07
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Yeah, it certainly seems a blast to be involved in! Its given CTP2 a new lease of life for me. Being able to see what other players are thinking when they play the game has given me some new ideas and I've been playing a bit more of CTP2 because of it.
May 3, 2001, 11:14
A Chronicle of the reign of Phoenixcager II, known as Apolyton XIII
In the year 300 AD, Phoenixcager II assumed office as leader of the great Greek republic.
310 AD Our advisors reported that 4 cities were on the verge of starvation. Rations are reduced accordingly in the 4 cities. In the same year, the treacherous Germans offer a ceasefire, which we reject, hoping for a chance to conquer more German land.
320 AD We finally emerge from anarchy to the new Greek Republic
330 AD Washington D.C. builds an aqueduct. The same year we launch an attack on the German city of Bremen, and it falls with ease! No losses are reported among our troops.
350 AD Construction starts on a bazaar in Hamburg
360 AD We discover gunpowder! For the 25 turns enemy city walls are less effective! Research on Calvary tactics begins immediately. Our advisors also report that we have entered the Renaissance age.
City wall consruction commences for Frankfort. Our coracle discovers the Native American city of Sioux.
370 AD Caravan production begins in 3 cities in order to improve our trade situation. In the same year we attack and destroy a German catapult guarding the city of Munich. Our coracle discovers the NAative American city of Mohawk.
380 AD Our army retreats to Bremen on discovering an 11-unit force on the outskirts of Munich. A spice trade route is started between Essenheim and receives a huge boost.
390 AD German catpults spotted near Allenwood...we rush buy a pikeman.
400 AD Our defending force of a knight, hoplite and pikeman attack the German catapults at Allenwood and destroy them. In the process we lose our hoplite unit (may they rest in peace).
410 AD Bazaar production commences in Frankfurt. Our coracle discovers the Native American city of Iroquois.
420 AD Another German catapult is spotted near Allenwood. We rush buy another pikeman.
430 AD Our scientists discover Calvary Tactics. This should be a good boost to our military capabilities. Perhaps victory over the Germans is in sight! The scientists are set to work on Cannon-making. The same year, a Hardwood trade route is set up between Bremen and Corinth.
In the year 450AD, Phoenixcager II goes senile and the council of presidential advisors begin the search for a replacement.
phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
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May 3, 2001, 13:16
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Originally posted by Skeeve on 05-02-2001 07:53 PM- 1)
- 2) Mokael -
- 3) TR|X -
- 4) Redstar1 -
- 5) David Murray -
That means we have 15 players for the next game, assuming the original 10 want to play again.
If there is sufficient interest to get 5 more players, then "Round 2" could consist of 2 games running in parallel. Then we could race to win  .
There may need to be a mix-around of players, but that shouldn't matter.
Come on all you people who are reading this, but not posting - PLAY THE GAME WHY DON'T YOU?
May 3, 2001, 14:01
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been reading. looks like fun. think i'd be willing to join.
any ideas on that second game?
diplomod? humongous map? less civs? increased timeslices fo ai?
officially they don't help, but i still got that feeling they do 
well, but that's if everyone got plenty of ram/cpu-cycles though..
May 3, 2001, 18:16
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Welcome Vilius 
I placed your name on the list, that will make you #6.
At this juncture, we are not entirely sure how the succession game will work with Mods. It may be especially difficult to make sure everyone has the same Mod. But, heck if we don't try, we won't know, right?
Our current game is being played with no Mods whatsoever, with the exception of the patch. Maybe we could try one with everyone running Diplomod or Frenzy next.
I'll tell you what... give me a few days and I'll start a new thread and open this to a vote. This way we can get a feel for who wants Mods, who doesn't and then we can form games around those preferences.
- Skeeve
P.S. Why do I need a few days? Because I'm working on my take-home final exam this weekend! Sorry, these things always get in the way of Civin' don't they?
My reach exceeds my grasp!
May 3, 2001, 20:01
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I see phoenixcager has completed his turn. Did we check to make sure Octavius III is back from holiday? Is he playing this round, or abdicating his rule again?
On this note, if a player misses a round-for whatever reason-we should still conider him Apolyton __ . That way, I'm always Apolyton _1...easy for me to remember  (And Skeeve is _2, and berXpert is _0, etc etc). It's just easier!
Give me Liberty, or give me death!
May 3, 2001, 22:40
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Yes, good idea... and it also allows us to have fun with the story. For example: "As Apolyton XIV steps up to take office, 5 men with knives stab him in the back and Apolyton XV is the elected leader!!"
Okay... so I borrowed a little from Julius Caesar.
My reach exceeds my grasp!
May 4, 2001, 00:32
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Another great job, Apolyton XIII!
So we have reached the Renaissance!
I know it's early, but I've begun speculating about who will actually get to have the honor of winning the game. The bad part is, if someone trys to achieve the science victory, he probably won't be able to finish it in his turn. Not to mention, that his successor could very well decide to abandon the whole project! I think the end-game is going to be quite exciting.

In the year 450AD, Phoenixcager II goes senile and the council of presidential advisors begin the search for a replacement.
Nice touch there!
My reach exceeds my grasp!
May 4, 2001, 01:52
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I'd be willing to join a new succession game, if you'd have me. I'd consider myself a novice level player. Hope my skill level doesn't effect my being chosen for a new game, I've been playing civ since 5th or 6th grade, and I'm in 17th grade now
May 4, 2001, 02:10
Thanks for the positive comments, Skeeve

Originally posted by Sean on 05-03-2001 08:01 PM
I see phoenixcager has completed his turn. Did we check to make sure Octavius III is back from holiday? Is he playing this round, or abdicating his rule again?
Actually, I didn't check. How do I do that? Did he mention somewhere how long he'd be away?
phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
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May 4, 2001, 06:43
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You know that e-mail address you sent the game file to? Well it can also be used to find out these sort of things...  It should of been done earlier of course, and not neccasirily by you. He did post somewhere, in this thread or the other one, and he did give a rough estimate.
I just checked the old thread. He e-mailed Jonny the file, with the explanation he was on holiday...So, did he say when he was getting back Jonny?
PS, of course Octavious III may surprise us all yet, am post his transcript!
[This message has been edited by Sean (edited May 04, 2001).]
May 4, 2001, 11:27
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i would be willing to play if you still need more people.
May 4, 2001, 13:05
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Will the 72-hour rule stretvh over the bank-holiday ? I can play, but it will be about 8pm GMT monday...  Sorry, but I'm stuck on a yacht, and before you all say "Lucky Wombat, on a yacht", I am in Britain remember, with the rain rain rain...
May 4, 2001, 13:07
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After this game is over someone should go back in the thread and place all of the accounts of the game into one new post on a new summary thread. in this way people could go to one place to see the whole account of the game instead of having to search through this thread to find the relevant posts. it's just an idea, so let me know what you think.
May 4, 2001, 13:11
Now, now need for sarcasm...
I'm sending the file to Jonny with the message to play the turn if Octavius doesn't post within 72hours of 3rd May 11:14am (site's time)
I'll cc a copy to Skeeve just in case.
I probably won't be checking the board/email until Sunday night (this site's time)
phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
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May 4, 2001, 15:52
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Okay, Jackazz and Me-Irate you are both on the list for next game.
Jackazz is #7, Me-Irate is #8. I'll try and post an update this weekend.
(Rather funny names for future Apolytons, don't ya think?)
Wow! This means we would potentially have 18 people!
By the way Mr. Wombat: I still say "Lucky Wombat on a Yacht", because rain or shine it's got to be better than going to the office!

After this game is over someone should go back in the thread and place all of the accounts of the game into one new post on a new summary thread. in this way people could go to one place to see the whole account of the game instead of having to search through this thread to find the relevant posts. it's just an idea, so let me know what you think.
Rhuarc: I was planning to do exactly that! But, if someone else would like the responsibility, I'd be glad to turn it over, 'cause its going to be a lot of work.
May 4, 2001, 17:05
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The MedMod is really beginning to shake up and is looking quite impressive. My vote is that we have a game using the MedMod. :-)
May 5, 2001, 00:57
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I am finally back! My post should be up by Saturday afternoon (not tonight due to SATs in the morning, ick). I seem to have bad timing for my vacations... Well, time fill the vacuum of power left after PhoenixCager abruptly died. On to Apolyton Octavius I (I'm thinking it's a bit like "Pharoah," which was a name and a title?)
May 5, 2001, 05:10
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OctaviusIII, good to have you back in the fray!!!
There was talk of a mutiny, and of assination attempts, while you where away, from the greek people. They demanded to know where their leader was, and what he was doing with the republics funds!!
Luckily we regained calm with the enactment of Skeeves 72hour rule.
May 5, 2001, 19:50
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Posts: 18
The Reign of Octavius I, as told to trusted scribes from his deathbed:
450 - Advisors find an up-and-coming Senator, Octavius I, and appoint him Apolyton XIV of all Greece. His first action was an inspection of the empire, finding it ready for the aquisition of another city, Munich. Final construction of the Essenheim-Dusseldorf road is begun, along with much partying with friends in joy of the recent appointment.
460 - Attack Munich. Advisors and generals determine this move as unwise, Octavius pushes forward. The ensuing battle is fierce, killing all units except the catapults. Munich, however, comes under the rule of the mighty Greeks. The large German army posted outside Munich withdraws in the face of our stunning victory.
470 - Creates a cotton trade route between Frankfurt and Corinth, the most profitable route yet. Production begins of an "abolishionist," which is really a spy to scout for enemy positions.
480 - Mary Stuart of the Scots makes contact, but doesn't seem to like us too much. Reinforcements are sent from Sparta to Munich.
490 - More reinforcements are sent to Munich. In boredom, Apolyton Octavius sees a bad play and takes up checkers.
500 - Munich celebrates! After only 40 years of Greek rule, the people of Munich already consider themselves Greeks. A good economy will do that, I suppose. Unnecessary defensive knights are sent from the heartland to Munich, creating a veritable stream of military men.
510 - Pikemen arrive in Munich, freeing up the defending catapults to move out against the Germans. American coracle is spotted but, figuring it can't to any harm, it is left to be.
520 - Knights arrive in Munich, and the new army begins to take shape. A fort is begun to the south of Hamburg to make the forest there safe for a road to be built between Bremen and Hamburg.
530 - Move catapults out to pummel Germands while mounted reinforcements work their way to the front. Also, seeing the poor defenses of nearly all Greek cities, a program is begun to replace defending units with infantrymen.
540 - The German capital, perhaps the last city on the continent, is spotted by the advancing catapults. Bombardment of the outer defensive army is begun.
550 - At this point, the eyes of the benevolent Octavius I turns towards the lands east of the front. Seeing Dortmund's puny size, he decides to stimulate growth by catching more fish and builds two new fish nets. Back at the front, more units (a samurai and three cavalry) arrive outside of Berlin.
560 - The fort is completed! The road is now safe to build, and construction is started.
570 - Since the American coracle hasn't moved in decades, a request is sent to the Americans demanding them to move. Of course, they accept.
580 - We discover the printing press! Although not the first in the world, it is still a remarkable achievement. Deciding that coracles, including the one exploring North America (and that just discovered the city of Cherokee), are much too slow and their cargo holds aren't worth the wood their made of, the scientists recieve orders from Octavius himself to get to work on building something more stable, called a "hull."
590 - The now aged Octavius orders his troops to attack the defenders outside of Berlin. Although not nearly as important as Berlin itself, it is a position from which the catapults can begin to bombard the city itself, softening the defenses for a final blow. However, that blow will be left to his successor, as he dies in a hunting accident outside Athens.
May 5, 2001, 21:57
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Hi Skeeve,
I just read through it all and I think it's a great idea! I would love to take part in the next game if there's still room. I sent you an email about it. My email is
I usually play on very hard with diplomod but I would prefer just using the original game with the official patch. I tend to vary from peaceful 'buildup' times to bloodbaths and destruction.
" Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few "
May 5, 2001, 23:21
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This document you are reading is a history of the reign of Jonny II, who shall from now on be referred to as Apolyton XV.
AD 600 - After Apolyton XIV dies in a hunting accident, a search begins for a new ruler. Someone announces that his ancestor was Apolyton V. This person is crowned King Apolyton XV of the Greek Empire. He begins the construction of Gutenburg's Bible in Athens. He also asks some American troops to leave our territory.
AD 610 - We discover Hullmaking. We begin researching Naval Tactics. We also start bombarding Berlin with catapults.
AD 620 - A lone catapult is sent in to Berlin to see the garrison there. There are 2 catapults, 2 mounted archers, 2 hoplites, 2 pikemen, and 1 archer defending the city.
AD 640 - In this year, we CAPTURE BERLIN!!! We lose 6 units in the process, but we capture the German capitol. We also exchange maps with the Irish.
AD 680 - We sign a cease fire with the Germans, so we have time to build up forces before attacking again.
AD 690 - The Americans don't leave our territory, so we declare war on them.
AD 700 - We discover Naval Tactics. We begin research on Theology.
AD 710 - Either the Irish or the Scots (I forget who, I think its one of them) begin work on Gallileo's Telescope. We build the city of Delphi in this year.
AD 720 - Gutenburg's Bible is completed in Athens.
AD 740 - We discover Theology. We begin researching Fascism. (Talk about a change of taste!)
AD 750 - Apolyton XV mysteriously vanishes. A search is begun for an heir to the throne.
May 6, 2001, 05:32
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Good work Octavius III and Jonny,
How near are we to conquering th Greek homeland (ie our continent)?
Also, in my day...the yanks only had one city left... on an Island. We should build a boat or two and finish them off!!
Give me Liberty, or give me death!
[This message has been edited by Sean (edited May 06, 2001).]
May 6, 2001, 13:26
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Originally posted by Sean on 05-06-2001 05:32 AM
Good work Octavius III and Jonny,
How near are we to conquering th Greek homeland (ie our continent)?
Also, in my day...the yanks only had one city left... on an Island. We should build a boat or two and finish them off!! 
We're still a long way from conquering our continent. It's one big landmass! There are still some German cities and the green civ. (irish?) The Americans still have that one city on an island / small continent. I built a longship and some cavalry and was beginning to send them to the last American city, but my reign ended too soon.
May 6, 2001, 18:37
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Another player interested in a succession game!  Looks like a lotta fun.
May I suggest that one or two of the existing players start the new game and all the newbies (who arent new to ctp2, just the succession game) can play that one. Or, list all the details regarding Version (i use 1.1) difficulty, land and goods and all that tripe, and one of us can start it.
Else in the next round games could be split up into hemispheres or some other structure - I'd imagine 20 players would be a bit much. Just a suggestion to the regulars.
May 7, 2001, 08:40
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Hello Darkknight, BJ and Welcome!
You two make players #9 and #10 of succession game #2.
I think BJ's suggestion is good... however, can you guys give me another 2 days? I have a Take Home Final due and I'm devoting much of my time to that right now.
Afterwards, (Tuesday night) I'll post a new thread that will consist of preferences to vote on for the next game. Then maybe we can get it started with just you guys, while the regulars finish up the one we already started.
If all works well, we can get two simultaneous games going.
You know what would be interesting? If we took one of our oldest files from the current succession game, and let you guys play it from there to see what you come up with. (just a thought).
- Skeeve
P.S. Great job and good summaries from the last two Apolytons!
My reach exceeds my grasp!
May 7, 2001, 11:48
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Great idea skeeve, maybe sean and yourself (being the first 2 apolytons)should check your hdd's/mailbox's to see if you've still got a pre-3000bc save.
It would not only be interesting to see how the two games eventuate but also the differences, if any, in playing styles of pros to amateurs (in a sense).
Take your time...organizing everyone takes a while anyway and i know exactly what its week i've nothing to do, next week I've got too much to do. Why do all topic administrators set due dates on the same day!?!?
May 7, 2001, 16:34
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The "Immortal" Wombat has returned, and his heritage stood him in good stead coming into the elections of 750AD...
So begins the transcript of the reign of Apolyton Wombat "The Immortal" the Second.
He came to lead the Greek republic in the year 750 AD, a year of much greiving among the pepole, as the new ruler was harsh, and made wages lesser, and workdays longer. Nevertheless, the Greek pepole accepted it, as was their whim, for the God Activision had made them humble and compliant, for reasons best known to himself...
In the year of his rise to power, Wombat II had been on excursions with the Greek navy, so confidant was he in the run-up to his election. He had learnt much about the life in the navy, and felt that these brave men were an example for all Greeks. He swiftly made orders for a great navy, the like of which had never before been seen on this earth. The new "Ships of the Line" as they were know, were started in Berlin, Allenwood, Hamburg and Frankfurt. 2 other cities: Dortmund and Dusseldorf, began to build Longships, to transport troops across the sea. That was the northern navy. On the small inland sea to the south, Longships prepare to carry a large cavalry force across the sea to the last American city.
Meanwhile in the centre of the Greek continent, Washington DC is seen to have great potential, and the government comes up with a 100-year plan, to make it the best productive city in Greece. Large amounts of public works (Set at 20%) are invested in mines for Washington. Boston is also seen to have potential, so Wombat II decides to make it the golden city of Greece.
In the last stronghold island of America, my scout cavalry unit has killed a settler and archer escort.
My scout cavalry has slain another settler, with a hoplite escort.
The troops are arriving in the last corner of America.
We have discovered facism, but being a good peaceful ruler, Wombat II decides to remain a republic.
The army in America is assembled, and the longships in the straits go their separate ways, to explore the coastline.
Out of the blue, an American settler appears to the North east of my civilisation, far from the "last" American city  . But no matter, because as my samurai went to investigate, the 10-strong army of cavalry took Baltimore, the last American city, crushing his defense of 3 archers and 2 hoplites without sustaining casualties. The Americans are no more
Allenwood rush-buys the first Greek Ship-of-the-Line, so cannon making can commence there.
Washington DC, as the most productive Greek city, begins building the Hagia Sofia.
and Corinth begins building a publishing house.
The Greek wise-men discover the art of Ocean Faring. We can now build carracks to carry troops, and construct fisheries to farm the oceans to their greatest ability. Wise men now persue the art of OPtics, in the hopes that we can construct a devise that will let us look to the heavens. (Galileo's Telescope btw)
Munich starts to prepare a band of settlers.
Athens completes a university, to aid our learning.
Half our cavalry army is back on home soil.
Berlin has completed its Ship-of-the-Line, and eager to stay level, Hamburg rush buys hers. Bremen has completed the last southern longship, and is now constructing a courthouse.
Dusseldorf has become the drop-off point for cannons and infantry going north to Germany.
The last cities have completed their building work, and across the north coast of Greece, ships are rolling from their dry-docks to the sound of many champagne bottles, as the great navy of Wombat II is realised.
Apolyton X today mourns the loss of the far superior CTP1 cannon sprites...
We discover Optics. Galileo's Telesope is commissioned in Athens, which becomes the third target of Wombat II's 100-year plans. Wise-men begin work on the secret of banking.
The last cavalry units in the South polar continent are boarded onto a ship going eastwards.
Munich completes the settlers, and moves them towards the chokepoint to the east of german-annexed Greece, and starts to build caravans. carracks roll of the line at Dusseldorf and Dortmund. One has aboard 2 infantrymen, and a cannon. A kinght and cavalry unit disembark in Scotland, but in his dying act as consul, Wombat II signs a treaty agreeing to the removal of Greek troops from Scotland.
It is recorded in the annals that for his great build up of naval power, and the discovery of Ocean faring and telescopes, Apolyton Wombat II "The Immortal") is known as Apolyton the Seafarer.
So ends the transcript.
(Shouldn't have typed this online...)
May 7, 2001, 17:16
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An excellent in depth transcript of your rule, Immortal.
The Americans are no more!!!!  :0  They have finally paid for their treachery, and in feriortiy of thier civilistation.  A general well done to everyone, we have achieved our firist conquest of an entire people!! May they serve as excellent citizens of the Greek empire (or slaves).
Finally a navy...though with two evil empires on our home continent, land armies where the focus of our technological research.
Sounds like you have prepared a spring board for our armies to advance into Germany further, excellent. Our front must be secure. It is good to see that you have started building so much infrastructure, it is important.
Especially those the world will marvel...
May 7, 2001, 21:39
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Since the Greek Empire has grown so much, and the new leader (me) is really lazy (also because he has a splitting headache right now), i'm only reporting on the big things. Also, I only played 10 turns.
900 AD - A few cities were very overcrowded and began production of Aqueducts.
910 AD - Research of Chemistry has begun. A fleet of ships was destoyed. (The captain was drunk, luckily he didn't survive or we would have to execute him)
960 AD - Chemistry was discovered and research of Nationalism has begun. A cease-fire was signed with Germany. Someone else completed the Telescore, so we switched to East India Company.
990 AD - Completed Hagia Sophia
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