May 20, 2001, 16:42
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My Letter To Activision (Being Nice...)
Dear Sir or Madam,
The online Civ community received with disappointment the news that Activision planned to release no further patches for CTP2, as the general feeling was that the game had the potential to become the best TBS game ever. Three months later, and the CTP2 community has dwindled to just a few hundred people who are still playing or modding.
I will not comment on how *good* or not the game is, suffice to say I am still here, but it has been shown that CTP2 does not have the long-term playability of Civ2 (for example). Largely this is due to the lack of Play-By-EMail, hotseat, and a stable Multiplayer system, but the reason the Civ2 comunity is so large, is because of the huge range of mods and scenarios.
I am convinced that CTP2 is as, and indeed more moddable than Civ2, and many people, especially at the Apolyton Civilization Site have worked extremely hard to get the best out of CTP2.
I am sure you are aware that many people still feel extremely angry about the bugs in CTP2, but I'm not writing to remind you of this. I am writing because I think that the Activision CTP2 team can at least give the CTP2 community the tools to make CTP2 the best it can be. The spritetool was gratefully received, and I think I have nearly 100 fan-created units on my computer, for use in various CTP1 and 2 scenarios. Now that Activision has stopped work on the CTP series, the community would be incredibly grateful if you could allow us to use the program which was used to edit and/or compress the *.til files for terrain and tile improvements.
This one program, emailed to me, or to Markos Giannopoulos at would open up many more opportunities to add to the game, and adapt the game engine to unlimited numbers of scenarios.
On behalf of the entire CTP2 community at Apolyton Civilization Site (,
Yours faithfully,
Ben Weaver.
This is a letter that I will send to Activision, and I would like it to make an impresion. I am posting it here so that everyone can add their opinions and comments to it.
I would really like to have the *.til editor, and so I do not think that insulting, flaming or hurling abuse at Activision will help this in any way. There are other threads for more angry comments, please keep this thread restricted to: - additions to the letter
- ommissions from the letter
- other changes to the letter
- comments on changes to the letter
And also: should I post, or email this, and if by post, typed or handwritten?
I shall send this when everyone who wants to has offered an opinion and the thread has effectivly died.
Should we attatch a petition, and if so, how? Has everyone got access to a scanner, where they can scan in their name, in their own handwriting?
Anyway, let me know what letter I should send, and I'll update this post with valid suggestions.
[This message has been edited by Immortal Wombat (edited May 21, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Immortal Wombat (edited May 21, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Immortal Wombat (edited May 21, 2001).]
Last edited by Immortal Wombat; May 29, 2001 at 12:21.
May 20, 2001, 22:07
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I guess this is worth a shot, odds of success are probably small (it would be a management decision and Activision management is paranoid as hell, the A-team can assure you that) but it sure beats doing nothing. A few comments.
On the letter itself: please mind the spelling of the word Civilization and the typos of playability (l. 7), hard (l. 11) and 'opportunities to' (r. 22). Use Markos' full name and email address, it may be known to Mr Ogre & Co but they don't work for Activision anymore. I frankly don't know if anyone who even knows Apolyton still works there. Maybe change 'a few dozen people' to 'a few hundred people', there are many lurkers: a lot of files in the download database still have about 1000 or more downloads. Other than that, it looks fine to me.
I don't think a petition will be necessary, you already said it yourself: 'the CTP2 community has dwingled to just a few dozen people', a petition usually serves to show that a lot of people support something and there simply aren't a lot of people around anymore. Activision isn't gonna do this because raging hords of fans are demanding it, they'll have to do it for half a dozen modmakers and maybe a few hundred players.
Just a thought, but maybe it would be better if someone from the A-team or Markos himself would send this letter instead of you? They already know us (esp. Harlan, he might be the best candidate), so that *might* be an advantage. I don't know if Parker Davis still works there but he was kind of our contact person, so that would be a good person to send the letter to in that case. As I said, just a thought, but worth considering at least.
May 21, 2001, 11:38
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I'd like to request that the raw .tif files for the sprites be released. Much like they did with the cow sprite. If not for CTP2 then at least for CTP1. I was thinking of writing them about this myself but I am notoriously lazy.
I am told that snail mail carries far more weight than email but if you do have a specific contact person in the company then I'd think email would be just as effective.
Maybe we can get Harlan to hand carry the letter to Activision? With an armed escort??
May 21, 2001, 13:17
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May 21, 2001, 13:29
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Nice. We all should sign it.
Markos' full name is Markos Giannopoulos. Easy, I type it so often.
Solver the "Running Beer" -
May 21, 2001, 13:49
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I would like also to request the *.til file editor. And a *.rim file to *.tga converter that could save a lot of screen capuring work.
I am most interesting in opening the source code a hack patch could increase Activision's sales of CTP2. I know that is very much, but I think that would the only way to turn this game into the best civ game ever. Of course we don't need ask this at once, but this would be the last hope for the game and of course Activion.
I think there are more people than here in the forums presented playing or modding this game. One of my last image pack got 88 downloads in the last month, OK it could be more but that show that there are enough people who try to modify the game. And you can guess that there are actually more people than that who are playing this game. Therefore if Activion do release one of my requests it could help more than thousand people and of course Activion itself.
May 23, 2001, 09:53
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Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
Good idea, but um... whats the A-team ? Apolyton team ?
I'll mail it to Harlan then.
What? you heretic! Don't you read the credits?! It's a group of Apolytoners (I don't think the debate on whether the A stood for Apolyton or Alpha was ever settled) that was invited by Activision's programmers to help out to prevent that CtP2 would be the disaster CtP1 was and so we could start working on mods even before the game was released. As I said, an idea of the programmers: management didn't really like it so things didn't exactly work out as planned, but we still gave them some useful tips, Harlan got to make the Alexander scenario and we could all start working on mods very early.
Solver: Sure, but can you pronounce it correctly too?
May 23, 2001, 10:40
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Originally posted by Locutus
What? you heretic! Don't you read the credits?!
I read the credits in the manual, which upon futher inspection, appear to be incomplete...
It's a group of Apolytoners (I don't think the debate on whether the A stood for Apolyton or Alpha was ever settled) that was invited by Activision's programmers to help out to prevent that CtP2 would be the disaster CtP1 was
ha ha ha That one worked then...
Damn management.
So thanks to the utterly unsung work of: Skorpion69, Morgoth, Nordicus, Celestial Dawn, Locutus, Mrs. Morgoth, Paul, WesW, Thomas Pelz (TP?), and Mark Cummings (who?)
Activision sure hid that away
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
May 23, 2001, 11:19
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Yep, the deadline for the manual apparently closed before the decision to include us in the credits was made.
ha ha ha That one worked then...
Yep, everytime I read another one of those posts of people bashing CtP2 or Activision this is exactly what comes to my mind too But if you look past the AI and multiplayer disasters it's not even all that bad a game... (but let's not go off topic here)
Very good IW, you got them all except one! You didn't win the Ferrari but instead you get the no-expenses paid trip to the Bahamas Anyone who recognized Mark Cummings is a real vet, he's dutcheese.
May 23, 2001, 12:18
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May 23, 2001, 12:19
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Ah of course, I was sure I knew the name. I have his cool CTP scenario pack.
Yeah, but to stay On-topic, maybe the remaining A-team could sign the bottom ?
When's my no-expenses paid trip then ?
May 23, 2001, 12:51
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Well, I for one wouldn't mind doing that but I can't speak for the other guys of course. Seems like they haven't read this thread yet, I kind of expected more replies...
You can leave tonight if you want
May 25, 2001, 16:15
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couple suggestions.
1) type it out, and mail it. It's more formal that way.
2) u might want to spell out PBEM, MP, and all that -- you might never know who will be reading it
hmm, let's see if I can think of anything else ...
oh, ask them why the emeperor dude in the end movie looks so gay
May 26, 2001, 22:13
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Does anyone know if these file formats are Activisions. Some companies create their own and don't like giving them to the public. I think simcity uses a specific file format. I would love to be able to edit the terrain that's what I liked most about modding civ2 Yeah the restrictions was one of the reasons I quit the Mod editor post.
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 29, 2001, 12:18
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I think the file is an Activision type. There are other types of *.til files, but they are different from Activision's. However, I think they are just CTP file formats, and so Activision shouldn't mind letting us edit them, now CTP is dead.
What exactly was the role of a mod editor Darkknight? We don't have enough mods for CTP2 to need much editing
May 29, 2001, 13:10
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Would a mod editor make people like WesW's job any easier? I know he is putting a lot of time into the MedMod2, and anything that would help him out would be worth it. In my opinion anyway!
May 30, 2001, 16:24
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Damn them
May 30, 2001, 16:31
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Actually, the til editor wont make modding any easier, but it will make it possible to do more modding, of tile improvements and terrain graphics.
On a related topic, I emailed Martin the Dane (creator of the *.zfs editor for CTP) about whether he would have a go at writing some software than will decompress .til files, cos Activision are such gits... He has agreed to give it a shot, so things are looking more hopeful.
May 30, 2001, 18:19
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Yeah! great news immbot.
I took up the post around dec15 or so just before Christmas so there wasn't many mods out around then. I made a few of my own at the start but left the heavy duty (Slic) modding to programmers. I had to gather knowledge on all the various parts of modding and help newbies along. But there was so many areas I couldn't really know it all and Mark wanted some tutorials for newbies about all the different files. I didn't have time and the modding was dieing down a bit so I resigned. I only had it for about five weeks.
I'm still looking for my 400 posts that I was supposed to get I could upload my own avator if I had those. Now I have to slog through 200 more posts.
It was good fun, got to help a load of people and I got to know how a game like this is made. so not a dissapointment.
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
May 30, 2001, 18:38
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Shame about the post count thing
I would subtely suggest floating down to the OT, but post-count no longer counts there, so just keep posting I guess...
I think the post of Mod Editor has been taken on by the collective group here, everyone is willing to answer questions and stuff.
May 30, 2001, 19:14
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That's good news about Martin the Dane.
Btw, Wombat. Thanks for the tip about getting a city's production over in CTP1. It was just the idea I needed. Great lateral thinking!
May 31, 2001, 03:44
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I didn't say easier, I said better. There's a difference That's good news though, but one thing, how do I instal mods, without overwrighting the original game files. Is there a mod controller like with Close Combat games?
May 31, 2001, 05:52
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Originally posted by The Evans
I didn't say easier,
Rhuarc asked
There are two ways to install mods.
1) Like the MedMod, use modswapper (download program and readmes here.) This makes all the gamefiles swap from the default and use the mods ones, assuming they are named slightly differently. See the medmod, or CityMod2 for examples.
2) Put it into a scenario directory, copy the layout of the Activision scenarios, then start a game using "select scenario" This is not ideal because of various savegame bugs, but it is easier to get the hang of.
May 31, 2001, 16:15
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I also know two other methods:
3. You put in a *.zip file all the necessary files with file structure. This method has the disadvantage that it will overwride all the original files, you can't swap back if you want to play a scen or another mod and you forgot saving the overwritten files.
4. The method used in HARLAN'S GRAPHICS MOD for CTP1 and Citymod for CTP2 was renaming the files to something else Harlan used a suffix (MODPACK) and also Citymod (MOD). The second step is to tell the user were these modded files goes. The third step is renaming the original files to something else and the final step is to cut of the suffix. Instead of the suffix you can also use a prefix. For ModSwapper you just need to add three files to the list.
ModSwapper is a very powerfull but sinple program. First it searchs for a *.txt file with gamefile in the filename. The gamefile.txt contains a list of all files that are in the ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\.
For example:
CityMod2 (Deutsch)
CM2_Great_Library.txt |
The game will load a file called feat.txt and a file called CM2_agecitystyle.txt and not file called agecitystyle.txt. That's the magic of ModSwapper you give your modified file a different name and change also the name of the file according to your modified file in the list of the gamefile.txt. The default gamefile.txt has 65 lines. All lines afterwards this line are ignored by the game but not by ModSwapper. Line 66 will be displayed in ModSwapper therefore this line is for the name of the mod. The files newsprite.txt and Great_Library.txt aren't loaded from the regulary gamefiles therefore line 67 and 68 are for ModSwapper only.
Now I will explain what ModSwapper do. Modswapper search for *.txt file with gamefile in their names. The 66th line of all of these files will be displayed in ModSwapper. Now you select one of these mods from the list. ModSwapper has already placed the files:
This are files identical to the original files created by ModSwapper as you installed it.
Now Modswapper will overwrite these files:
Withe these files if we use the example above:
In general ModSwapper will overwrite the file newsprite.txt with the file that is located at line 67 of ???_gamefile.txt and the Great_Library.txt will be overwritten with the file at line 68.
And finally the gamefile.txt will be overwriten with the modified gamefile.txt.
And one last thing of ModSwapper the files in the ..\ctp2data\german\gamedata folder are not included in the gamefile.txt. Therefore you have also to modify the Strings.txt in the same folder. It contains also a list of files. That is the only file that is in the gamefile.txt.
In comparison to the scenario file structure ModSwapper has the advantage to prevent savegame bugs. With the patch I get a the extra turn bug. A turn only for me and not for the AIs. I the move points for my units are reset, I get extra PW, Gold, Scinence et cetera. And maybe your savegames becomes corrupted. In my last game savegames produced crashes and crashes also already loaded successfully savegames. And early savegames showed strange effects: My land cities used the sea city sprites of CTP1 I don't know why. I only know that I put them into a self created sub directory but I didn't implement them.
But there is also another advantage of ModSwapper for a small mod like CityMod2: CityMod2 is compartible with your old unmodded savegames. That's not true for the scen structure. So far as I know you have just wait for the next tech or til a city grows and you can see the new city styles. CityMod2 is just a mod for your eyes no changes of the rhules, I think that is the reason for its compartibilty. A mod based on a scenario file structure is be limitated with changes afterwards you started a game.
I didn't mentioned how to install ModSwapper but I think you should know how to install a program.
May 31, 2001, 18:45
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June 1, 2001, 07:42
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I know that both possibilities are very ,therefore I explained how ModSwapper work. I didn't find any readme or other documentation about it. Every mod should be for Modswapper. So you can play this mod, today, and another mod tomorrow. This program is the golden way to install a mod and is of course very . it should be in the Apolyton CTP2 Database.
June 1, 2001, 10:18
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Yeah, I agree, ModSwapper is a great tool. Just scenarios should need the scenario structure.
June 1, 2001, 10:24
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Thanks, but either it was too complicated for me to understand, or I didn't really care I'll look at the mod-swapper sometime. But not now, Thanks for the "help" (/brain hurting waffle )
June 1, 2001, 20:51
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I hate complicated programs. I just do it the manual way.
I also hate it were you come back after 10 minutes to find this screen waiting for you to reply and you cant remember what you were going to say
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
June 22, 2001, 18:06
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Locutus, I think the time has come to send the letter.
I think that probably you are right, and that it would be better off going through a member of the A-team, and sometime before Activision go backrupt.
If you could send it as a letter, then I would be very grateful.
Whatever you think would be best. Thanks
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