Report on 18-Civ-Conquest Challenge (ECC?)
I tried this challenge today (see my post, "a NEW challenge") on chieftain level, because I thought the challenge would be well-nigh impossible. I had forgotten how easy chieftain level was. There would have been no problem completing this challenging successfully if the game had kept spitting out new civs to conquer. I just basically built a few crusaders and roamed around destroying cities.
In the end, I destroyed eleven civilizations, and an AI destroyed a twelfth, meaning that over half of the civs in the game were used. For some reason, only certain colors were restarted, and this number dwindled, until restarts stopped altogether. It wasn't a date problem--I finished this game in 480 BC!! Nor was it a number-of-turns problem, because some colors stopped restarting while others did again and again.
Anyway, if there were a way to assure that the AI civs kept coming back, there would be no problem doing this "challenge" on lower levels. On Deity it would indeed be a challenge, perhaps more difficult than the OCC.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989