How to win the game...
I've toyed with a number of ideas on this matter, but this is basically what I've come up with...
There are several different stages of gameplay, and you may choose to begin the game at any stage and end it at the end of any stage. Or you could go completely beginning to end which would take a lot longer than a few evenings. Each stage has a win, and should you continue the total number of wins are counted toward your final score when you do eventually retire. The stages are as follows:
Prehistory- This is before people decided to live in cities. Nomadic herders and fishermen ruled the land. Major advances include "Agriculture," "Domestication," "Copper Tools," and a few others from that time period. In order to win, you must posess the "Three Milestones." These are Agriculture, Trade, and Administration. Once you have discovered these three, you can begin raising a city. The first tribe to become a civilization by having a city greater than 20,000 people gets the win-point for the prehistoric era.
Ancient- Once you are a civilization you can begin to expand an empire or area of influence. Organized societies arise from savagery and pagan religions. Pretty soon, the one true God will send his messiah. To win the ancient game, you must make the conditions in your civilization right for his coming... your empire must have at least 100 million people and stretch for thousands of miles. Your history must include exactly 3 prophets, no more and no less. Your society must be a shining example of corruption and wickedness. Unto the best suitor at the appointed time a baby will be born who is not of this world and ye shall call him Messiah. If you play your timing right you get the win here.
The Classical Era- In the days of old when knights were bold and rubbers weren't invented, you wrap a sock around your **** and babies were prevented. This could take a long time as it did here on Earth, or it could be a few short turns... To win this round you have to be the one to enter the Industrial Revolution first.
Industrial Revolution- To go from railroads to highways, building cars etc. To win this round you have got to be bold, and set the first foot on the moon.
Information Age- With billions of people growing closer and closer together, cultural diversity is slowly become less and less of an issue as language barriers and cultural politics breaking down. With all this, it is possible to have all people work together. As such, you win the information age by uniting the world under your flag, or the flag of your alliance or federation. But the game doesn't stop there, new opponents take form as you set colonies on other worlds.
Space Age- Key units include Interstellar Battlecruisers and Assault Ships touring in 3d space. Cool huh? But you're being tested. Administer the survival of the human race by fighting a war against an alien alliance bent on genocide. Their purpose? To see if you're strong enough to join the Galactic High Council as its newest member.
These can be modified, of course, but the theory is sound I think, several eras of play with multiple win points. This allows the player to focus on a particular genre, or to try and make a Civ last forever like China.