May 4, 2000, 21:45
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What game do YOU want?
Well, now that BHG is a reality. What type of game do the Apolytoners want?
Meaning what type of game do you think BHG could/should develop?
Here's Some Ideas:
TBS Games
Space Empires - Like the thread in s&d and MoO2 combined. Cool!!!
Air War: 3000 - Future empire building in the skies of a post apocalyptic earth. (see the s&d forum for the full story)
Colonization II - Sequel to a great old game.
RTS Games
U.S.A. 3500 - Post-apocalypse U.S. fights between the states, now all independent countries.
Antarctica 2010 - The world powers vie for power over this vast wasteland while trying to develop new techs to speed up their conquest.
Share your ideas...
May 5, 2000, 02:31
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colonization II!!!!!
May 5, 2000, 02:56
I want a big-scale RTS, like those space empire games, but set on a single planet. I don't know how you'd accomplish it, but there probably is a way...
May 5, 2000, 13:49
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Would you believe “BHG’s Privateers?”
Firaxis sure isn’t going to do a SM Pirates 2! anytime soon.
May 10, 2000, 00:34
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Keep the faith, jsorense!
May 11, 2000, 00:36
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Three words "Master of Magic!" I know that the rights to MoM are probably owned by Micropose still =(. But if you guies are into the "epic civ-like games" as you say, there is nothing out there that even comes CLOSE to the true MoM expericnce! The different races, the different units, resourses, spells, it was so huge and diverse! How you could impove on it, beyond updating the graphics is beyond me, but then thats why you are the game designers and im throwing you this idea! =)
May 11, 2000, 11:54
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Thanks DanS,
It actually makes sense given their mission statement. (-:
May 12, 2000, 07:24
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Well I hope BHG will suprise me with there next game, positively.
Many of these, very good, ideas presented here are sequals. I would like to se something new.
(And I will anytime vote yes for Pirates 2  )
May 18, 2000, 04:41
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Some of the old classics are worth updating. M.U.L.E., the Car Wars series, and such. I know these are not epic games by any stretch of the imagination, but they are excellent games.
May 18, 2000, 17:53
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M.U.L.E. not an epic game? Bite your tongue and go download it at!
May 18, 2000, 17:56
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Colonization II. With the advance graphic of today, they could do a great game. A much bigger map of North and South America w/Caribbean Islands. Have the Spanish always land at Haiti/Dominican Rep., the English land at Jametown or Cape Cod, the French at Quebec, and the Dutch at New York. More Indian Tribes. Have the AI nation survey and settle their terr. closer to History.
May 18, 2000, 20:03
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Why not allow the player to play as a Indian nation for a twist? That was something I always wanted to do in Colonization.
May 20, 2000, 03:29
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Thats easy, go to and its called "Empire Earth" and it will be the best PC game every made when it is released. What it is is Age Of Empires II and Civilization II meet and is what I have always wanted, also its by the same designer of AoE. Its like take the best TBS game ever(Civ2) and the best RTS game ever(AoK)and put them together and you have the best PC game ever
Now I would like to see BHG do something similar to this and I bet they will.
May 22, 2000, 03:28
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Brian Reynolds' Pirates 2! Yes please! Return to golden age of buccaneering on the Spanish Main, oh memories. RTS concept would work well too...
[This message has been edited by FinnishGuy (edited May 26, 2000).]
May 23, 2000, 17:38
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Privateers would be fun, but I still vote 1st for Colnization. The Indian Tribs that could be in a game includes the following: Aztecs, Apache, Arapaho, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Creek, Chippewa, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Crow, Comanche, Cheyenne, Delaware, Miami, Hopi, Inca, Iroguois Nation, Kiowa, Mayan, Mohave, Modoc Nez Perce, Navajo, Ojibwa, Oneida, Onondaga, Pawnee, Pomo, Penobscot, Pequot, Potawatomi, Paiute, Seneca, Shawnee, Seminole, Shoshone, Sioux, Wampanoag, Yuma, Yakima, Ute, Olmec, Tiwanakans, Moche, Plus the other tribes of South America and Caribbean Islands. Some of these tribes are minor, but some where major tribes or federation of tribes in America. Tribes like the Seminole could be hard to beat, as it really happen. Evertime you win a battle, the AI could start a new city for them and you would have to find it. If it was possible to play as one of the major tribes, maybe you could start the game two to five hundred year ahead of the European arrival. New discovery could be slow so that you would not be that strong when the European arrive. Emigration: could be set up as follow. English, out of every ten, six could be non expert, two would be soldiers, one convict, and one expert. Spain could be four soldiers, four non expert, one expert, one convict. French could be one soldier, one convict, one expert, seven non expert. Dutch could be one soldier, four expert, one convict, four non expert. Also add Portugal. The original game left them out and they did settle Brazil. I look at the information on Empire Earth. It look like fun, but it seam to be about Europe, Coloniation would be about America, both North and South. If I did not mention any Indian tribes, that is because I used the books "Across the Centuries" and "A more Perfect Union" to find all of the tribes.
May 24, 2000, 16:38
May 25, 2000, 10:50
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Isaac -- check out the MoM2 thread in the Games forum.
Wingcommander "Privateer III," -- a sequel to their original Privateer  and NOT their abysmal Privateer II
Sentinel Worlds II
Stunts II
Windows95/98 versions of "Machievelli, the Prince" and of "Pirates."
"Thief" According to Andz, this is a RPG where you're not supposed to kill people.
A really good financial/economics game.
May 29, 2000, 14:21
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You couldnt make a game called Space Empires, since there is already a game with that name...
"Now Lone Star, you will see that Evil will always triumph, because Good is Dumb!"
-- Dark Helmet
June 1, 2000, 16:18
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June 5, 2000, 15:58
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Colonization 2, surely would be my first hope.
Failing that, and given their intent, a "Pirates!" type game.
June 12, 2000, 03:41
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June 22, 2000, 04:15
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Are there any computer games set in the business world? Take overs, mergers, flotations, legal hassles with courtroom scenes, commercial espionage, weird entrepreneurial characters (Morgan in SMAC)?
Start small, get big. Lots of negotiation.
One of the players could maybe get to be Sid or Brian and try to build up a some company with a silly name.
In the very long ago Monopoly was a much loved board game.
If such a game exists or got designed playing it might represent my last chance to get rich.
PS All rights reserved.
June 22, 2000, 05:44
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Struck me as I walked to work. Am I just talking about Tycoon?
Never played it. Should I?
And yeah, I am one more who likes both Pirates and Colonization. In fact took Colonization out of the box again 6 or 9 months back. Reminded me that the war of independance phase sucks tho'.
June 23, 2000, 01:31
I would like to see Space Bucks 2. Space Bucks was a game developed by Sierra. It is a pretty old game. It is like a Space Transport Game. You choose one of 5 Races all with unique abilities. There is a whole Galaxy to Create TradeRoutes.
I would like to see a Cross of Transport Tycoon, Civilization 2, and Space Bucks. Also I remember the game M.U.L.E could you give me a link so i can download it and also what it means.
June 27, 2000, 22:40
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How about an RPG set in the universe that never ends. I know it sounds weird but stick with me. Obviously it will need to be a massive multiplayer online game, but make it deal with the whole universe. You join as any race you want, and if you don't find one you want, you make it. The universe will never end. That might be a little hard, but it is possible with time and reaserch. You get upgrades to travel, weapons, etc. You can control robots, and AI persons. Control planets, solar systems, and galaxies, or more. Sounds like EQ but I want something that is much bigger, less bugged, and it must have more interactiveness (just made that word up, check the 2005 "Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary" for it) Something like a mix between EQ and the upcoming Deus Ex, except set in the whole universe.
P.S. All rights reserved (James Cotellesse)
I wanna make video games!
[This message has been edited by zichlen (edited June 27, 2000).]
June 28, 2000, 18:53
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Colonization 2.
This time with a almost full world map, opening up Africa and East Asia for colonization and trade etc.
It would introduce new commodities like rice, tea, coffee, spices and opium etc.
You would still exit off the map to go to the high sea's, but you would have a choice of going West to America, or East to Asia.
This sequel has to be done by somebody, whether it's Brian or Sid, it's too good a game to pass over!
June 29, 2000, 18:17
A game without the need for a dozen patches would be awfully nice.
What I suppose I am (naively) saying is that Brian should make this a labour of love. He has junked FIRAXIS and all the problems that seemed to go with that and is now making the sort of game he wants to make.
There are many games manufacturers out there and a lot of mugs ready to be parted with their money. That means that Big Huge Profits are not going to be there in a MeToo game. If Brian wants to design the greaest RTS ever, then I say take 5 years over it - enjoy it and stand proud. Don't rush something for some artificial window and then have to defend it later amongst a hail of criticism as expectations have been so badly hyped (Shogun, anybody?).
Go for the whole show Brian. That's what Game God status is all about. And go with the blessing of Jesus.
July 19, 2000, 14:00
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Eh - hem.
Did I ever mention how much I would like an updated version of a game based on pirates? I don't care where or when, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Baltic, Coral, any sea will do. Yeah, Brian Reynolds and BHG could make a financial killing if they did it right. I know I would buy it.
Oh, I see that I did mention this before.
Never mind. (-:
July 22, 2000, 14:45
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jsorense: I play this every now and again using C64 emulation. It is quite a cool game and I would love an update.
Game: again, you can find M.U.L.E. at -- it is abandonware. You'll need a Commodore 64 emulator, such as CCS64, 32 bit. While you're at it, you can check out Pirates!, which is also Commodore 64 abandonware.
Did I inadvertently mention Pirates! again? Good.
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