When I playtested the 'king of the castle'-map last sunday I seemed to have a tremendous amount of techs:
ten. At first I thought I had a lucky fluke but afterwards I took another look at the map and decided to try again to see how much extra techs I got. The results were amazing: 7 to 10 techs (including monarchy many times) almost every time. No matter what civ I chose I always ended up with 7-10 techs except for
one civ. But more on that later...
I believed that the formula for getting extra starting techs was based on the distance relative to other civs and landmass. And for the first time I had a chance to test this premise. Because the starting location for all civs on the 'king of the castle'-map are fixed and evenly spaced relative to one another. The results will always tend to be the same.
I simply restarted every game on
deity ,restless tribes, 7civs, no random starting positions, revealed the map and counted the techs every civ got at the start. All the civ's (AI controlled) that started on islands got around 7-8, sometimes 5 but I've never seen a civ on an island get less than 5.
The only civ that was odd was the 7th, the purple civ exactly in the center of the map. It never received any techs. All the times it would get
0 techs even when I selected the civ to start with. I would never receive any techs.
Preliminary findings (25x) would tend me to conclude that tech allocation is based on:[*]Relative distance to other civs[*]Landmass (the 6 civs all started on small islands, the 7th had an entire continent to itself)[*]Starting location (the purple civ had a lot of good squares in the center)
You can check out the map on this thread:
And the testgame on this thread: