Please help with various questions and editor crashes
I am new to CTP/CTP2 (I haven't played Civ since Civ2) and I have had a number of problems with the scenario editor.
First, I would like to use the Alexander Map (at least in part) as a basis for a Roman Empire scenario. I followed instructions posted elsewhere on this board for saving and loading the map, but I get a crash to desktop upon loading every time (and I have tried several times). I would be satisfied using the copy/paste function to duplicate parts of that map, but after pasting to a new map, the proram crashes to desktop upon saving the map. There is a svae load clip function that seems to do nothing at all (I can save a clip, but it doesnt appear in the load window). Does anyone have any idea what could be causing all of this, or what I could do to get around these issues?
I would also like to know how to do things like remove all units, erase cities (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't), remove civilizations from a map, and so forth.
The game runs fine aside from these editor problems, so I do not think this is an issue with my system.
Thanks in advance for any help!