How does one go about creating a flat map? I would guess that a special blocking tile needs to be created for use on the east/west side of the map, but I didn't see any of those tiles in the editor.
Is the Gigantic map 180 tiles wide by 90 tiles deep?
Open userprofile.txt, and set XWrap=No, and YWrap=No. That'll give you a flat map.
You can also edit the MAP_SIZE_* variables in const.txt to alter the size of the map. Both dimenstions always have to be even, but as long as YWrap=No in userprofile.txt, they don't have to maintain a 2:1 ratio.
Setting XWrap=No, and YWrap=No had little effect in CTPI. All it did was make it unscrollable IIRC. You could still move units over the border.
Are you saying that this actually does something usefull in CTPII? I have an open, hopeful and skeptical mind. If it did then why not add another button in the interface to select this on startup.
If one creates a scenario and another user loads it does it pick up those setting... I would imagine so...