December 11, 2000, 16:35
Local Time: 09:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Sandy, UT
Posts: 64
It seemed to me that the most important factor the AI considers is the size of your military. Unless you have a powerful military it's real hard to get the AI civs to agree to anything. They might propose something to you but I've rarely had success before building a large military.
December 11, 2000, 17:33
Local Time: 09:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Mt. Kisco, NY USA
Posts: 27
Yes I've notice the only way to get the computer to agree to anything is by building a massive army and threatening war. But thats about the only diplomacy you'll get. I hate to say it but Civ 2's diplomacy was FAR better. In ctp2 every civ u meet is hostile and it takes either brute force or tons of money to get them to agree to proposals which they should probably want to have- like peace treaties. What's this war/peace scrollbar? Has anyone ever even switched it off war??? Everytime I play there's always one civ pirating my trade, building cities within my borders- or just bluntly marching troops trough my borders.. always requiring me to keep healthy troops to protect my sovereignty.
Oh one more thing that pisses me off! When another civ pirates my trade route (which they all do every now and then) I tried sending a battleship or something to tear their pirating ship apart... and guess what happens: that nation declares war and under the intelligence report it says "this nation is incesed about your unprovoked attack"... unprovoked?!? The problem is this diplomacy is a half-assed job and it shouldn't be up to us to learn how to edit it so it's playable and not frustrating. The least activision could do is offer comprehensive documentation on how to edit this stuff. SLIC looks real easy- it's just you need to know all the variables and classes.
i really hope civ3 won't be rushed like this- i CAN wait for a good quality game.
December 11, 2000, 19:22
Local Time: 09:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Sandy, UT
Posts: 64
I always demand that they stop doing it and then threaten to declare war unless they agree. I immediately declare war if they refuse and haven't seemed to lose regard yet. It think it works best generally if you declare war before attacking though.

Originally posted by lozina on 12-11-2000 04:33 PM
Oh one more thing that pisses me off! When another civ pirates my trade route (which they all do every now and then) I tried sending a battleship or something to tear their pirating ship apart... and guess what happens: that nation declares war and under the intelligence report it says "this nation is incesed about your unprovoked attack"... unprovoked?!?
December 12, 2000, 00:26
Local Time: 04:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Illinois
Posts: 8,595
Here's a trivia question for you guys - which conducts diplomacy better - the AI in CTP II, or the Israel government and the Palestinian leaders in real life?
December 12, 2000, 01:21
Local Time: 09:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Mt. Kisco, NY USA
Posts: 27
ill have to go with the computer ai on this one... ive noticed the computer in ctp2 refrain from using excessive force. many times the comp leaves the bulk of its armies surrounding home cities- and many times if it did send em to you they could probably destroy you.
oh another silly flaw im noticing- the trade routes dont take tile improvements into consideration- if you have a railroad going from one town to another the trade route will still establish the easiest route through the unaffected terrain even when the RR would obviously be much faster. anyone else notice this?
December 12, 2000, 07:04
Local Time: 09:42
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 399
Just give them your map every once and awhile and they soon are your best pals, even if you have a small military. I think itīs easy to make friends, but of course all the ancient civs had a "we are the best, kill the rest" mentality.
But I donīt like the fact that they are not making alliances and trade inbetween themselves, thatīs really something to fix.
December 13, 2000, 01:28
Local Time: 09:42
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Location: Sandy, UT
Posts: 64
I noticed the lack of friendly AI relations too. On a huge map the AI civs were keeping up with me until they encountered each other then *boom* they go to war and never make peace. Immediately their research dives and all they do is make military units - forever it seems.
December 13, 2000, 18:40
Local Time: 01:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 144
Okay, I'm trying to make a new type of civilisation, Amazons. I have created 6 new units, 2 new advances, and 2 new governments to go with that civilisation. I then created a new personality in the personality file.
Finally, I copy and paste the STRATEGY_ECOTOPIAN_DEFAULT in the strategy.txt and added a STRATEGY_AMAZONS_DEFAULT. Then I proceed to changed some stuffs in that section, the most important part being what governments the ai will use. I don't want other civilisations to use the Amazons Governments, since all the new units require the Amazon Governments. Thus, I'm only keeping the amazon units to the Amazon civilisation.
Here is the problem, how do I make the ai use the STRATEGY_AMAZONS_DEFAULT I created?
(I look through all the text files, and can't find anything to get the ai to use the stuffs in strategy.txt...except for personality.txt. But when I add the words 'amazons' to the discovery parameters, the game spits out an error something about amazons not a member class of discovery...)
Can anyone help me with this? Or am I stuck not being able to create new STRATEGY?
December 13, 2000, 18:50
Local Time: 04:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Welland, ON
Posts: 751
From what I gather... and please feel free to correct me... that you can't create any new members... I'd love to but you can't you must stay within the ones built by activision... I can't find any spot where there is a list of the members... I'm assuming it's in the exe... but a hack and a crack would fix that... but that's not legit  So for now stay within the parameters, and edit the personalities so that they won't use your new strategy... see the alexander scenario for more info.. since there are 3 new personalities and i assume that strategies are used only by the personality...
December 13, 2000, 19:20
Local Time: 01:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 144
Ah thanks. I was afraid of that. I noticed there are 5 different discovery strategies the ai use. I guess its time to remove the most peaceful strategy the ai uses and make it my own.
I had hoped to create a couple new unique civilisations with their unique units via the government types they can use without removing any strategies the ai is already using...
Oh well, I hope that maybe someone could figure out how to add a new discovery parameter without hacking the exe file.
[This message has been edited by BlueO (edited December 13, 2000).]
December 14, 2000, 01:58
i dont see why you cant make a new personality with new strategies.
you would set the personality in personalities.txt, assign it to a civ in civilisation.txt and create the strategies in strategies.txt....
December 19, 2000, 12:57
Local Time: 09:42
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Location: US
Posts: 110
The AI.
I have messed around with the Strategie files mainly to get the AI more aggresive.
I found the big problem. The AI needs to be bigger than you to attack. Also the AI needs alot of units to spare. The AI needs higher priority on attack.
I have done the following changes.
1. First the priority of Attack has been lifted in the strategies file.
2. The amount of support was raised
3. The build offence and build defence has been raised defence to same priority as growth (the highest before)
and offence to the one step below. for example 10000 and 9000.
4. The support cost for all middle game units have been lowered. Specilly all defence units halfed the support cost atleast.
5. Added higher bonus to production in diffdb
6. At the Goal attack and Goal siege i added target coldenemy so it will look for opertunites everywere.
7. Lowered distans modifier to 10-25
8. Lowered the force compare numbers some. Not sure if this part is good, some really stupid attacks. (But again thats like how CIV 2 was.
Preliminary Result: Alot more units for the AI and the defence part will quickly be reach and then the AI will build alot of offensive units and they will use them. Looks very promising. My weak cities is attacked.
Conclusion. The AI needs more units, And needs higher priority to attack. The first is the most important part.
If anybody else could try this and see the effect it might solve the problem of AIs not attacking.
December 20, 2000, 01:30
Local Time: 04:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Illinois
Posts: 8,595
Looks good - I printed out your post on this and I will refer to this when I get the courage to make the alterations you suggested.
December 20, 2000, 07:37
Local Time: 09:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Germany
Posts: 18
Hi Mathias,

Originally posted by Matte979 on 12-19-2000 11:57 AM
I have messed around with the Strategie files mainly to get the AI more aggresive.
Thank you for your research. I've had big problems with the standard AI behavior too.
First Question: Is it possible, to publish your strategies.txt in this forum?
Second Question: Modify the changed txt-files old games too, or must I start a new one?
Thanx, Andre
December 20, 2000, 14:01
Local Time: 09:42
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: US
Posts: 110
I seem to get affect in save games so you can try to change and then test and then save, change and test and save. Thats how I found some of the problems.
The strategies file is to big to post here. I can post the first default strategy as mine is configured and you will get the idea what i have changed.
Made some other changes aswell. For example don't like the new diffrent specialists so have removed all but entertainers and scientists.
PopAssignmentElement {
// percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that
// should be used as specialists
Specialists 0.1
// Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0)
FarmerPercent 0.0
LaborerPercent 0.0
MerchantPercent 0.0
EntertainerPercent 0.3
ScientistPercent 0.7
Top 0.2 ProductionCities
PopAssignmentElement {
// percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that
// should be used as specialists
Specialists 0.1
// Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0)
FarmerPercent 0.0
LaborerPercent 0.0
MerchantPercent 0.0
EntertainerPercent 0.3
ScientistPercent 0.7
Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities
PopAssignmentElement {
// percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that
// should be used as specialists
Specialists 0.1
// Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0)
FarmerPercent 0.0
LaborerPercent 0.0
MerchantPercent 0.0
EntertainerPercent 0.3
ScientistPercent 0.7
// other governments
// set how unhappy our most unhappy city be
MinimumHappiness 73
// set maximum deficit spending percent (ie. spend no more than
// 10% of our savings each turn)
DeficitSpending 0.1
// set maximum percent of gold that should ever be spent on wages to not choke science
MaximumWagePercent 0.25
// try to decrease food
SliderElement { Delta 2 Food }
SliderElement { Delta 1 Production }
SliderElement { Delta 1 Gold }
// percent of gold to put into science
SciencePercent 60
// maximum percent of production used for military readiness
MaxSupportCostPercent 50
// Peace = 0, Alert = 1, War = 2
ReadinessLevel 2
// percent of production to put into public works/materials
PublicWorksPercent 30
// amount of public works (materials) to keep in reserve
PublicWorksReserve 100
// only consider building best n tile improvements
MaxEvalTileImprovements 200
// rounds to wait before fixing roads
TimeToFixRoads 10
// rounds to wait before fixing polluted tiles
TimeToFixPollution 20
// stored PW must exceed cost to fix + threshold
FixPollutionThreshold 2000
// bonus for building road tile improvements
RoadUtilityBonus 200
// bonus for building production tile improvements
ImproveProductionBonus 150
// bonus for building growth tile improvements
ImproveGrowthBonus 100
// bonus to apply to cells with goods
ImproveGoodBonus 75
// bonus for growth improvements in smallest 20% of our cities
ImproveSmallCityGrowthBonus 100
// bonus for production improvements in most productive 20% of our cities
ImproveLargeCityProductionBonus 150
// ordered list of terrain improvements that increase growth
// ordered list of terrain improvements that increase production
// ordered list of terrain improvements to be randomly spread around
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 500000 MaxEval 2 MaxExec 1 PerCity }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 510000 MaxEval 50 MaxExec 40 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 510000 MaxEval 80 MaxExec 50 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 455000 MaxEval 50 MaxExec 35 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 7000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 2 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ENSLAVE_SETTLER Priority 420000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SLAVE_RAID Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority -1000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 1 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PATROL Priority 5000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CONVERT_CITY Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BIOTERROR_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NANOATTACK_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 30500 MaxEval 3 MaxExec 1 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 510000 MaxEval 60 MaxExec 30 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPEL Priority 9000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PIRATE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_COUNTER_STEALTH Priority 390000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0.1 PerCity }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 7800 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PLANT_NUKE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CREATE_PARK Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SOOTHSAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ESTABLISH_EMBASSY Priority 900000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_FRANCHISING Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_STEAL_TECHNOLOGY Priority 440000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INVESTIGATE_CITY Priority 430000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INCITE_REVOLUTION Priority 460000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INJOIN Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ASSASSINATE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_UNDERGROUND_RAILWAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 2 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_WANDER Priority 1 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SALLY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_REFORM Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity}
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SUE_FRANCHISE Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity}
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_RETREAT Priority -300000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 1 PerCity}
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DESTROY_ENDGAME Priority 450000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 5 }
GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PROTECT_ENDGAME Priority 460000 MaxEval 30 MaxExec 15 }
// multiplied by #rounds to target
DistanceModifierFactor -10
// number of armies to try and disband units from per round
DisbandArmyCount 3
// minimum distance between settled cities
// (eg. new cities must be founded atleast 2 cells from nearest cities collection border)
MinSettleDistance 4
// cells with settle scores below this threshold will not be used
MinSettleScore 600
// Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city
// used when deciding what city to rush buy in
RushBuyThreatBonus 10
// Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying
RushBuyReservePercent 2.0
// Percent of civilization support dedicated to units
UnitSupportPercent 0.50
// Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%)
OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.20
DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.30
RangedUnitsPercent 0.20
SeaUnitsPercent 0.15
AirUnitsPercent 0.15
// Number of special units that should be built
SettlerUnitsCount 2
SeaTransportUnitsCount 6
AirTransportUnitsCount 2
SpecialUnitsCount 6
// Do not certain items in cities where if it takes too many turns
MaxSettlerBuildTurns 30
MaxUnitBuildTurns 20
MaxWonderBuildTurns 40
// maximum percent of conventional units to build before building
// special units of specified type
BuildTransportProductionLevel 0.25
BuildSettlerProductionLevel 0.25
// Types of standard units that should be built
// Types of special units that should be built
// minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison
OffensiveGarrisonCount 1
DefensiveGarrisonCount 1
RangedGarrisonCount 1
// For each city with an empty build queue, build from
// first sequence that applies
BuildListSequenceElement {
Priority 10000
Bottom 0.2
BuildListSequenceElement {
Priority 9000
Bottom 0.2
BuildListSequenceElement {
Priority 6000
Bottom 0.2
BuildListSequenceElement {
Priority 8000
Top 0.2
BuildListSequenceElement {
Priority 8000
Top 0.1
BuildListSequenceElement {
Priority 4000
Top 0.1
BuildListSequenceElement {
Priority 9000
Bottom 0.2
BuildListSequenceElement {
Priority 6000
Bottom 0.2
BuildListSequenceElement {
Priority 2000
// priority for fear motivations
FearInvasion 1000
FearCityDefense 1100
FearPiracy 900
FearScienceRank 800
FearMilitaryRank 800
FearTradeRank 800
FearPollution 900
// priority for desire motivations
DesireAttack 800
DesireGold 900
DesireScience 900
DesireMakeFriend 1500
DesireEnlistFriend 1500
// only accumulate count of piracy if it occurs within
// memory of last piracy
PiracyMemoryTurns 3
// number of piracy events to accumulate before we kill the route
MaxPiracyEvents 3
// AttackMatch - ratio of army's attack strength to target's defense strength
// DefenseMatch - ratio of army's defense strength to target's attack strength
// RangedMatch - ratio of army's ranged strength to target's ranged strength
// BombardMatch - ratio of army's bombard strength to target's bombard strength
// ValueMatch - ratio of army's value to target's value
Offensive {
AttackMatch 0.6
DefenseMatch 0.2
RangedMatch 0.5
BombardMatch 0.0
ValueMatch 0.6
Defensive {
AttackMatch 0.2
DefenseMatch 0.6
RangedMatch 0.2
BombardMatch 0.6
ValueMatch 0.7
Harass {
AttackMatch 0.6
DefenseMatch 0.3
RangedMatch 0.6
BombardMatch 0.0
ValueMatch 0.4
StealthAttack {
AttackMatch 1.2
DefenseMatch 0.0
RangedMatch 0.0
BombardMatch 0.0
ValueMatch 1.1
Bombard {
AttackMatch 0.0
DefenseMatch 0.8
RangedMatch 0.0
BombardMatch 1.1
ValueMatch 0.0
Special {
// no force matching for special attacks
AttackMatch 0.0
DefenseMatch 0.0
RangedMatch 0.0
BombardMatch 0.0
ValueMatch 0.0
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