Sorry about that.. my bad... the files need to be extracted into scenario\northatlantic... the zip file didn't add that part of the sub-directory structure...
I'll fix it in a bit.. but just by doing that will fix the problem...
Omni - thanks for pointing out a large blunder
ALL FIXED - Next problem...
[This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited December 07, 2000).]
Take note on the scenario thread that I started a bit ago... it appears that more than 8 civs isn't supported by CTP2 with the nation start feature, but the full game feature does work but restricts you to player1.... so this error that you should come across (a crash) is known about, and I don't know how to fix it yet other than to reduce the # of civs to 8 and increase the max# to 32 and hope there are a few revolts Which actually would make sense in the colonization setup... is 8 enough to start it though? Be back in a bit... got some editting to try