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Old December 6, 2000, 22:33   #1
Rebel Rick
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While we wait for WesW medmod...
Hi friends,

what follows is a list of minor (minor?) changes i did in some files to make the game more challenging, just while we wait that the experts finish their work. The changes are pretty easy to make, and have a great effect in the game (at least, my experience till now).


UNIT_WAGES 4.0 # what does 1 notch mean
BASE_WAGES 12.0 # gold per person when slider is zero

I changed these variables to get rid of two big problems: the "toomuchmoney" and the "toomuchscience" things. You can be sure, after that, the big bank account is gone forever and you won't see tanks in 1400 AC anymore. In fact, the tech race becomes very very tight, hard or whatever you want to name it.

AI_GOAL_TIME_SLICE 125 # time in milliseconds for an AI frame
AI_MAX_TIME_SLICE 1250 # (in milliseconds)if the ai exceeds this time its turn is ended
AI_TOTAL_TIME_SLICE 15000 # (in milliseconds) if the total time in time in the ai player exceeds this its turn is ended

As most of you know, those are the exec-time variables for the AI. The slower your machine, the bigger these values should be. I have multiplied the originals by 5 (PIII 500, 128 Mb). I see the AI attacking other AIs now, they build Wonders, and they are ahead in my game till now (far ahead, i must say). At least, untill our common friend Wes finishes the AIstrategies tweaking, these changes are a must.

PERCENT_RIVER 10 # percent of land with a river on it RJG

That's for trying to get more rivers on the map, you can adjust this value to whatever fits to your preferences. I would say it has to be roughly proportional to the number of civs competing (i am playing againts other 11 + barbarians)


NumPlayers= 13

MaxPlayers= 17

Ok, again, whatever your preferences are. The game is fully prepared to accept 16 civs + barbarians (even the colors, see colors00.txt). I was charmed when i saw that every single data screen or interface asumes the amount of civs you define here whitout any problem. You see the #above8 civs on the ranking screens, on the ranking graphics, on the diplo interface, etcetcetc. Great change compared to CTP1! Remember tough, the more civs you put in, the bigger those AIexec-time values should be.

Oh, be sure to give Maxplayers a number bigger than Numplayers, so you can count on revolting a city and forming a new civ (that should hate his former emperor after that, giving an interesting strategic possibility).


Size: Medium # RJG

This was just to fix the stupid Cargo-helo-carrying-tanks problem. It was surely a type-mistake.


Add this line to every unit paragraph that you don't want to repit themselve building. I did it for everyone, except both type of caravans.

Well, that's it by now. Hope this makes the game more challenging for those of you who felt it was "too easy", at least while we wait the for-sure-to-be-great work of WesW.

One thing to thank Activision for: CUSTOMIZABILITY. Great work in this direction, really, folks! So great, we could even forgive you for such mistakes (for example, the wages problem)...

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Old December 8, 2000, 12:36   #2
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Thanks for the Tank size heads-up and the only build one tip. You need to create a thread listing stuff like this so that we can keep everything together.

You may want to note the tank typo in the suggestions thread as well.
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Old December 10, 2000, 12:32   #3
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Someone had wrote in another thread, sorry I can't remember the extact one, that the setting of UNIT_WAGES 4.0 # and BASE_WAGES 12.0 # seems to mess up the AI's economy.
Have you found this to be the case?

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Old December 11, 2000, 01:10   #4
Rebel Rick
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Absolutely not, Ganja

As far as i could see till now, AI civs are better than mine (hard level). I don't want to cheat because this "test" game has become so fun after the changes, that i want to keep scoring...

I recently managed to finally beat one of my ancient rivals... i'm 1260 AD now, but AI still is way ahead of me... and they don't seem to have economic problems, i would say the opposite...
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