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Old November 29, 2000, 12:54   #1
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Earth map beta available - 14 civs 210x150
Okay I've completed the basics on the my map and only have a few things left to work out, but I decided to put the map out and let you guys tell me what you think, and how to improve it.... I'd have to say it's a VAST improvement over the released map by activision.


Any additions to this map and other maps at
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Old November 29, 2000, 15:54   #2
Triumphus Romanus
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looks fantastic so far, very nice job
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Old November 29, 2000, 16:18   #3
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I downloaded your map but my computer asks me which program I want to use to open it. Do I need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader or something else?
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Old November 29, 2000, 18:25   #4
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Mr Fun...

Not sure exactly what you're asking.. it's contained in a zip file that needs to be extracted to your CTP directory...

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Old November 29, 2000, 21:48   #5
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I know that I would have to unzip it to that directory but when I initiate this, I am asked what program I would like to use to open this file. I think I need to download a version of AdobeAcrobat Reader. ??
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Old November 29, 2000, 22:05   #6
Louis Cyr
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Originally posted by MrFun on 11-29-2000 08:48 PM
I know that I would have to unzip it to that directory but when I initiate this, I am asked what program I would like to use to open this file. I think I need to download a version of AdobeAcrobat Reader. ??

Extract the file on your map directory of CTP2
Open CTPII-editor, clik on load-map button...

Great map OmniGod ! Thx a lot !

Hey my first post !!!
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Old November 29, 2000, 22:26   #7
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Well I'm glad people are enjoying it...

But how is it running?
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Old November 29, 2000, 22:50   #8
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You can set starting locations according to Full game, player, nation, or player with nation. Click on the in the editor click on the 'Empire' button. There are four buttons that appear below that function as I described above. I am not sure the specific differences yet, but it's a start...

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Old November 30, 2000, 18:32   #9
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Everyone seems pleased with this map.

For us Brits, Aussies and continentals who don't get the game until next week, could anyone tell us how this map is better than the one supplied by Activision? (bearing in mind we haven't really seen that map either?) Is the one supplied by Activision a bit poor compared with Omni's?

Is Britain bigger on Omni's new map? On the original map it looked from screenshots as if it was only a few tiles big, a bit like it was on the original Civilisation.

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Old November 30, 2000, 20:18   #10
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MSB wrote:

Is Britain bigger on Omni's new map? On the original map it looked from screenshots as if it was only a few tiles big, a bit like it was on the original Civilisation.

I reply:
No, the world is in proportions... the UK is a total of I believe is 29 tiles (that includes Ireland and England). Other major differences include size (210x150), more details, and just overally better (I'm biased of course )

But anyways...
Okay updated map - version 1.1 beta

What's new
- River and Ocean tiles are completed
- Continental shelf is much more realistic
- Adjusted some land tiles to match vegetation

What's pending
- Conversion of Nordicus' Trade Goods
- Extensive Nations List
- Scenario startability


Check out the website to see exactly the difference
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Old November 30, 2000, 20:25   #11
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I believe that the only two civ you had in the americas was Americans and Canadians. I may be mistaken, I haven't look in the last day or so. If so than shouldn't you add some civs to that area, seems like an unfair advantage.

Yours in gaming,
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Old November 30, 2000, 20:49   #12
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Originally posted by Elucidus on 11-30-2000 07:25 PM
I believe that the only two civ you had in the americas was Americans and Canadians. I may be mistaken, I haven't look in the last day or so. If so than shouldn't you add some civs to that area, seems like an unfair advantage.

I agree - Just have to find time to place them. But initially I was going to leave N.A. empty and go on the colonial expansion idea... not sure now. Although I'd like to add Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Cuba and maybe Peru....
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Old November 30, 2000, 21:09   #13
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I downloaded and viewed your Earth map. Alas, I was a bit disappointed - it's not your fault though.

It's just not possible for anyone to make a large enough Earth map so that you can have more than one city in Great Britain. Not to mention the fact that after full maturation, London would have half of northern Europe within its city radius!

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Old November 30, 2000, 22:04   #14
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Originally posted by MrFun on 11-30-2000 08:09 PM
Not to mention the fact that after full maturation, London would have half of northern Europe within its city radius!(

Sorry to hear it's not what you wanted... but as a matter of fact, last year I began on a 500x1000 map where England was 125 squares... but dam it takes much to long... I finished the Americas and started on Europe... but I was just tired of building it... and not to mention, it was sloooooooooowwwww...

As to the part about London encompassing Europe, that's exactly what I wanted, since I don't think that the cities are really cities but states and this creates the tension between the French and English since they are fighting to be first to grow into there respective areas... if they grow near equally they encompass half the Channel and all the land on their respective sides... but anyways.

Thanks for the feedback... good or bad

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Old December 1, 2000, 01:50   #15
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Are you using PKzip or Winzip? Pkzip is a DOS base zip file and Winzip is a windows base file. I was using Pk on Wesw Med mods and it would not work. Then a person (I think his name is Roberts) put out a mod for Civ 2 and had Winzip with it. I used it on Wes mod and it then worked. I think you can get a trial verson on the Internet. Just type And btw after using Winzip for a while I went ahead and paided my 20.00 to them. It is very easy to used. It will ask you what file you want unzip to and you tell it CTP 2 maps file and that is were it will go.
You can also get a older verision of Adobe for free on the Internet. Just type Adobe

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Old December 1, 2000, 09:45   #16
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Is it possible to import your partial map to CTP2? I think that it would make a great scenario for the European expansion into the Americas. Kinda like Sid's Colinization but with the CTP format.

Set up established cities in England, France, Spain, Netherlands, etc and set their tech to be fairly advanced, also set up a few nations like Mayan, Inca, and Native American with techs appropriate to their level.

Find some way to forbid (or make really stupid) the idea of attacking another home nation, possibly founding the European cities on 1-tile islands and giving them walls.

Basically, the goal would be for the advanced European nations to colonize the "New world" and the less advanced nations of America to try and fend them off.

Could lead to some interesting alliances. Might have to work on the personalities with regrards to expansionistic ideas and attitude towards being on the same continent.

What do you think?
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Old December 1, 2000, 15:01   #17
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Originally posted by Dogbreath on 12-01-2000 08:45 AM
Is it possible to import your partial map to CTP2? I think that it would make a great scenario for the European expansion into the Americas. Kinda like Sid's Colinization but with the CTP format.

It is a good idea... but when I tried to import it into CTP2 with no goods, no civs my computer just crashed... not sure if the map is just too big, or if there is something else that I am missing... I'll sort through my files to find the last update I did to it and post it on my games page hopefully by tomorrow, and you can try it out if you want, but don't yell at me if you crash


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Old December 1, 2000, 18:54   #18
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Okay... well I think that the map is complete as per a map only... I'll upload the finished version later tonight... now the next thing is that my hands are now idle...

And I hate idle hands.... anyone wanting a map for a potential scenario or just for a map... I'm open... and just remember that this map end up taking 20 hours of work over a week and a bit so no going hog crazy saying something like "a 500x1000 map by tomorrow of Madagascar"... not that anyone wants a map of Madagascar


Although I do have a feeling that North Atlantic to Mid-Russia will be the next large scale task... just maybe a super huge map of just Great Britian and Western Europe for MrFun
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Old December 1, 2000, 20:28   #19
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Hey, you can be my Santa Clause, Omni.

I know you have a life like everyone else does, so I might go ahead someday and make a Europe map on my own. But if you want to, you can let me know how it goes.
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Old December 2, 2000, 06:48   #20
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Maybe it's just me- but my computer uses ZipZilla to unzip and I cannot get it to work. It is there in my WorldMap file under scenarios- but the editor will not recognize it nor will the scenario program.
Help- I sometimes have these problems!!!
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Old December 2, 2000, 16:23   #21
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Thanks- I got pretty far- the file is now in the right spot, but when I load it in the editor, a voices kind of screams and does not load. Sorry to be so much trouble, but I love playing on the world maps.

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Old December 2, 2000, 16:31   #22
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Did you try the different start location types. Instead of placing settlers, try placing strat location by nation and see if that helps. I am not sure how these different start locations work yet but maybe one of them will help you out.

Yours in gaming,
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Old December 2, 2000, 16:39   #23
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That I did... and it causes a error in CTP2.exe.... and my computer crashes... it drives me absolutely nuts... I've also tried the other tabs available in the editor and it still crashes... my games seem to crash pretty often with any type of minor change...

Thanks though... any more thoughts

Landbuilder... I get the screams too but there is no problem with loading, I would suggest changing your userprofile.txt to include 14 players and try it again... other than that I'm not sure... I'll look at it later, but I think you might be the only one... sorry

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Old December 3, 2000, 01:53   #24
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Originally posted by LandBuilder on 12-02-2000 05:48 AM
Maybe it's just me- but my computer uses ZipZilla to unzip and I cannot get it to work. It is there in my WorldMap file under scenarios- but the editor will not recognize it nor will the scenario program.

Okay my .txt file may not be the clearest, for this map to work as of today you have to take the actual map and place it into your ...\ctp2_program\ctp\save\maps and from there you load up the editor and choose to load map and one of the options should be World Map 14civ. Right now I'm having trouble with the scenario startup since it's hanging, and I don't have a clue yet as to how to correct that and another thing that needs to be investigated is when and if you save then load your game it doesn't work properly and automatically assumes you are the first player(England)... and again I don't know how to fix that yet, but I gather that one should correct the other... only time will tell

Hopefully that helps...
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Old December 3, 2000, 11:31   #25
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Whew!! thanks I finally figured out how to get started and played several turns as England.
Can you run me step by step how I can play as America?
I tried the empire button and it appears to start as America then after one turn, goes back to England where it stays!!
thanks for all your hard work.
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Old December 3, 2000, 14:43   #26
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To become the Americans you should go into the editor and on the empire tab select player1 on the far right column and change that to America, delete the settler in the UK and place on in America... near Washington is a good place. Then choose player13 and change that to English, and delete the player13 settler from the USA and place one in the UK...

You can do this for any of the players if you don't like the ones that are defaulted for the map... save the map and play on...

I thought about a release with a map for each civ.. then I thought... you guys can do the minor changes if you really don't want to be the english

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Old December 3, 2000, 22:34   #27
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Everything worked as planned. Thanks for a great map!!
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Old December 4, 2000, 14:24   #28
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Great Map Omni! Took a look at it but haven't played yet.

Anyone up to making a mediterranean map that spans from Baghdad to London and Morocco to Moscow? It would include the entire Med basin and run East-West from Portugal to Azov. North-South limits would be approx Oslo and Gulf of Sidra.

I think that a map with those parameters would be ideal for ancient, middle age, rennaissance and even 19th century scenarios.

'Blood will run'
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Old December 5, 2000, 16:24   #29
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Omni God-
I am playing your map around year 1800- it takes 5 minutes between each turn. I am afraid it will take 10 minutes soon. I have a 600 Mhz- lots of mem- maybe 14 civ's are too many?
any suggestions on how to use your great map, but lessen the number of civ's?
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Old December 5, 2000, 17:08   #30
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Originally posted by LandBuilder on 12-05-2000 03:24 PM
any suggestions on how to use your great map, but lessen the number of civ's?


It's easy to remove some civs, just go into the editor and remove some of the settlers, if you left my default as was, if not then you probably set up nations and you'd have to save the map only and reopen the editor and place nations for say 8 civs... or however many you want...

Sorry that it slowed down, I never got to the 1800's so I didn't test for that range and the shear number of units the computer would have created. With my new map a bit larger, I may set the number of civs down to 8 to 10... but maybe the best answer is ATTACK more and kill the computer off quicker

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