Yup, I totally agree...the game I am currently playing with Omni's map has proved very interesting. I started off as the English and the conflict between the French and English due to England being so close to the mainland resulted in a full-scale war between us. I managed to really anger the French with an embargo and stealing his land and a few cities in the first 100 turns. I have never seen the AI retaliate so fast by attacking three of my cities one after another. Being very close to the AI seems to make quite a difference. Sometime later in the game the Brazilians actually mounted an oversea attack on me (I have read elsewhere on this forum that somebody was wondering if anyone had experienced this), with 8 units stacked, after a full-scale pillage on most of his cities and capturing three of his. My point being that Omni's map has given me a unique and challenging game, which I am still enjoying thoroughly. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys playing on a world map. Studying the map, shows that Omni put a lot of work into it and really puts Activision's map to shame! Thank again, Omni! I look forward to playing on your other maps!
Just another Civ Addict