I have used the editor to make a (reasonably) good map of the British Isles with the Irish, Welsh, Scottish and English starting positions preassigned. However I have noticed that the set up to use the map is less than useful. I have saved the map easily enough - Though it seems you can't just import maps to start an otherwise random game. I would have thought that this would be an obviously desirable feature (a la civ2).
I tried the approach of saving as a scenario and have not yet mastered the intricasies......
It is a plain and simple technique... first you create the map... and if you want a random start location.. you can't have that in this game... but you can preassign locations to start as per nation or player... nation is the generally liked start... you click on the empire button.. and place according to nation.... other options start as per player.. with nation choice... the least desirable is full game... since by choosing that you are limited to player1.... a small problem to say the least but with a patch maybe then you could start as any nation.. oversight by activision... I think so... by the way... I'm interested in the map.. so if you decide to post it can I get a copy and post it on my site...
I can now use my map and any of the 5 nations - Although all The Fench get is the Pas de Calais . I just need to improve the terrain types to balance gameplay and realism. Such as making the Yorkshire, Datmoor etc- plains, etc.. I don't like the available goods, Elephants on the Yorkshire Moors doesn't feel right.
It should be ready by Friday, so who (and where) should I post to?
If and when finished.. I suggest sending MarkG a copy for posting here, and for the short time until he gets his download section done, mail it to me and I'll post it with everything else that's been submitted... that's pcouw@hotmail.com