That must be it I used 200 * 200.
Played it until 1600 AD yesterday everything seem to work nice. Also starting to mess with the AI again.
While working on the AI, I run into the problem that they can't have enough of units in the early middle game, musketeer etc because the support cost is to high. So I lowered the support cost of some of the middle units.
The AI have no problem building them I have given them a good production bonus.

But to bad they can't upkeep them all. Seems I solved the problem with a lot of old units by changing the obosolete techs they seem to disband units when they are obsolete. Before some of the units didn't get obsolete until very late. Changed that and looks good.
When I have a fullscale computer attack I will let you all know because thats my goal. I am starting to think its a mixture of the strategy file, goals and number of units. They have a lot of units in the start of the game and if I change the attack /siege goal they attack, but one more thing they are chosing only the enemy they dislike most. Usually thats the other computer player. Needs to fix that.
Have to check the regard costs seems they dislike each other a bit to easy, will try to identify and change regard costs. or wait for activision to release a patch for the diplomacy whatever comes first.
[This message has been edited by Matte979 (edited December 16, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Matte979 (edited December 16, 2000).]