February 20, 2000, 01:57
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Rate the Civs
Lets see....
Romans 10
Everything else 0
What do you think?
What is your favorite civ to play as?
I always play as Romans... unless someone takes white... then I curse them off and leave the game  j/k
I know War plays only mongols... anyone else like this?
February 20, 2000, 02:29
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I'll snatch up white and take the Russians(though sometime customize to Ukrainians), and also the Egyptians 'cause of their snazzy city names.
February 20, 2000, 02:51
Apache: well that's my favourite custom
Chinese for my favourite regular civ
February 20, 2000, 02:53
The Empress
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I usually play as either the French or Viking because I have found that the darker blue is my lucky color. Although occasionally I play as The Indians b/c purple is my favorite color.
February 20, 2000, 05:37
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Empress don't you dare infiltrate my color scheme..... purple that is, with the pathetic Indians of either continent for that matter.....  Purple is a MONGOL color only
I am the kind of guy who likes to eat cereal in the morning while watching tv in my undershorts.
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February 20, 2000, 06:17
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Hey, War... I have nothing to do ALL week, up for a game??
Sometimes I will customize the Franks or Holy Romans, out of French, German or Romans... but thats only if my color is taken...
February 20, 2000, 15:12
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there is a slight disadvantage for white in MP.Barbs appear right before white's turn leaving no time to rush a unit if necessary.
February 20, 2000, 15:14
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I always play with National pride.... the Brits!!!
But I like Blues, so I always kill any blue civ I find, thinking its lucky.
Not that I have anything against the French...
February 20, 2000, 18:01
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Good point, Smash, I never thought of that. Perhaps that's why barbs kill me horribly so often.
Either way I always play Romans, usually headed by The Divine Caligula. Oh and I customise the city names also.
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February 20, 2000, 18:30
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GRAAG.... lol yes you do customize your names
Caesar.... it appears the time for the destruction of your holy roman empire is upon you..... its time to siege Rome
February 20, 2000, 20:55
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I like to play as the Germans or English the most, although it seems I have better luck with the English. I know...it's all in my head. Those two are my favorites even though I rotate playing each of the civs equally, except for the French. Can't stand to see them on the map at all.
February 20, 2000, 21:32
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i too play other civs in SP..... especiallly the light blue color... as they are the weakest civ.... i wish i could play against the chinese when i was the Americans..... or vice versa.... just for some historical value here..... after all the russians just aren't the same anymore  However, only the mongols in MP unless someone takes my color group *cough Rah cough* then i get even more bloodthirsty and to quote the "thing" and "Steve Clark", its clobberin time
[This message has been edited by War4ever (edited February 20, 2000).]
February 20, 2000, 23:52
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I play as the Romans (with my Italian ancestry) or the Americans (my, er, "patriotic side"  ). If I know I'm playing on a world with a lot of water and seperated landmasses, I'll go for a great naval power (English, Greeks, Japanese). If the opposite is true, I sometimes go French or German. But most of the time, it's Roman or American.
February 21, 2000, 02:37
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You don't want to play me when someone took white... I get pissed!
February 21, 2000, 16:52
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Hey War, whatcha doing here? Isn't the baby due about now?
Playing one civ versus another makes very little difference (like the turn order). The choice comes down to color and nationality, I guess. When playing as a civ, it is only as weak as you are. War4 said that the light blues are the weakest civs? I always play the Americans and they are ALWAYS the strongest civ.
February 21, 2000, 20:18
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LOL @ steve.... baby is here buddy..... watching me type at this very moment
what i meant by weak..... as in when the ai uses them..... i never have problems with any light blue civ..... unless i am going for AC  which is always a mistake lol j/k to all you peacekeepers... and i "let the Chinese go for the spaceship too"
February 21, 2000, 22:41
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Congratulations friend. I see that with the new youngin', you got yourself promoted to King
BTW, you had the newborn at the computer? Don't you think it's kinda early for the baby to start civing? At least hold off a bit on teaching him/her to clobber.
February 22, 2000, 21:27
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Havin' 4 sprouts of ma ain I kin sympathise wie War4ever although mine have all bin eager to learn fae an early age!. It's no held maself back frae using the CELTS to conker the world, thou back int' the olde days I hud tae mak du wid playing the Englis! Thank guid for Civ2
help ma boab! and Irn bru a' roon.
Amoebas are very small
Witches hats are fairly tall!?
February 22, 2000, 21:46
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Wow Blackbob.... is that southern english or what?  or is your space bar broken like CTG
February 22, 2000, 23:58
The Empress
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You can tell he's not a real suthernor because it would be gawd instead of guid. Although he did do a good job of conker
February 23, 2000, 00:12
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Empress quit following me
February 23, 2000, 02:02
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Well I thought blackbob's scottish accent was perfectly good.
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February 23, 2000, 05:51
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... and Scotland is to the (other) South of England.
I imagine that BlackBob will be sharpening his claymore when he reads that he is believed to be a Southerner.
Scouse Git[1]
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February 23, 2000, 21:58
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I tend to go for the greeks (for using all the mean ancient greek phrases I know) or germans (ditto
The Aztecs are fun to do, but I'm always tempted to play around with the city names...A-O-Incognito...Techno-Chick,ON!, etc...
Plus, my Multiplayer games thusfar were with the great Makeo (evil lord of the Aztec horde)
Sanctus Grecia, et Spiritus Galli
February 24, 2000, 01:16
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I always used to play the Russians or Americans because the city names were easy to remember, but lately I’ve been playing with the Aztecs. I’m taking a class in anthropology and learned how to pronounce their city names and what they mean. I’ve finally learned something in school that can help me in the real (civ) world
February 24, 2000, 03:10
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Hoss - well done! Now you have cracked how to pronounce the Aztec city list, will you share it with the rest of us? 
SG (2)
February 24, 2000, 11:00
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Here are a few of the Aztec city names and their pronunciations.
Tenochtitlan (Te-noh-ak-teet-lahn)
Teotihuacan (Teo-te-oo-a-kan)
Texcoco (Tesh-co-co)
Tlaxcala (Tlash-cala)
Calixtlahuaca (Kal-ish-tlah-hoo-aka)
Ixtapaluca (Eee-sha-tay-pal-oo-ca)
Jilotzingo (Hee-loht-seen-goh)
Xochicalco (Shoh-hee-cal-co)
Zitlaltepec (Seet-lal-te-pec)
the vowel sounds are ah, eh, e, oh, oo,
x sounds like sh,
z sounds like s,
j sounds like h,
c is either s or k,
and h is usually not pronounced.
February 24, 2000, 14:28
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Wow! I'm totally impressed, Hoss. Great detail in your explanation. Problem is, I still can't pronounce them at a pace that doesn't sound like I'm severely mentally challenged.
"Ee...shay...pal...kay...moo........Ahhh, forget it."
February 25, 2000, 01:51
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Th-an-ky-ouv-ery much!
I'm impressed with your command of "Aztec Speak" 
SG (2)
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