November 24, 2000, 05:24
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Introducing the Medieval Pack II
Time to get down to business...
I am starting with the small stuff first, making only those changes which seem obvious to me, and leaving alone a lot of things I tinkered with in Ctp1. Here is what I have done so far, and afterward is a general outline of what I will do later on.
First, I have implemented the version of Harlan Thompson's Graphics mod that was in the Med mod I. Below is the jest of that mod's effects. A more complete readme, with instructions on how to make your own leader pics and a few other things, will be included in the "Med readmes" folder.
"This modpack enhances the graphics for CTP. It also improves the civilizations in a
number of ways.
This modpack adds two city styles of Pyramid and Castle to the three existing land city styles of Roman, Arab and Asian. In addition, it adds a style for completely new age, the Industrial Age for all five city styles. So there are a total of 34 new graphics for cities.
This modpack also
1)adds twenty city names for each civ,
2)replaces the leader pictures for all civs with actual famous leader pics,
3)replaces 6 civs with new ones and adds three extra civs.
There are no longer both male and female names for each civ. Each civ usually only has a male name, but in some instances it has only a female one and no male one. For instance, the Austrians with Maria Theresa. This was done to prevent the absurdity of having a picture of say, Cleopatra, but the name given in text as Ramses.
The civs in the first column have been replaced by the second, with the last 3 added to the total:
Irish ---------Arabs
Cubans --------Byzantines
I have gone through the terrain, tile improvement and government files so far, and updated the buildings page of the Med charts spreadsheet to show all the new improvements and their settings. I am going to wait until I play the game some before making any changes to building settings, though I am afraid the upkeep for TVs is all screwed up.
Here is the readme for these two sections of the mod:
Terrain & Tile Improvement Readme for the Medieval Pack II
By Wes Whitaker
Originally, ocean types were generally better than land types in overall value, which didn't seem right to me. Therefore, I have strengthened some of the land types, and weakened some of the ocean ones. A list of terrain types and their values is given in the Med chart's terrain sheet.
Placing Forests costs 400, instead of 800.
The defensive bonus of Hills has been raised from 50% to 75%. This puts them between Forests/Jungles and Mountains, which seems more realistic, imo.
Kelp and Reefs can have food improvements.
Drilling Platforms now increase production, not commerce, adding 20 production and 5 gold at a cost of 1,200. (The same cost and effect as advanced mines on Hills.) They may be built on Shallow Water, Kelp, Tundra and Swamp tiles.
Ports can only be built on beach tiles.
Fortifications give a +100% defense bonus.
Listening posts cost 500.
Airbases cost 600, and take 3 turns to complete.
Undersea tunnels costs 800 for shallow-water types, 1,200 for Deep Water, and 1,600 for Volcanoes and Rifts, due to the seismic instability of these last two terrains.
Tunnels cannot be built over Trenches.
I am leaving alone the cost of food, production, commerce and movement improvements until I play the game some, and get feedback from people. (I thought putting drilling rigs on tundra and swamps was a moment of inspiration.)
Here is a paste of the new terrain values from the Terrain sheet of the Med charts:
Terrain Food-Prod-Gold
Grassland 15----5---5
Plains ---10---10---5
Forest---- 5---15---5
Jungle--- 10---10---5
Desert---- 0---10---5
Swamp--- 5----5---5
Sand Dune--0---10---5
Polar Hill---0---10---5
Brown Mtn--0---15---5
Polar Mtn--0---15---5
Deep Water10---0---10
(God, I hate trying to post charts.)
The biggest changes were to Forests, which only gave 5 production before (who decided that?), and to deserts, which I gave 10 production to (hey, if plains give 10...).
I eliminated the production from most sea terrains, and adding some gold to other types, since sea-faring nations were traditionally big traders as well.
The new function of Drilling Rigs will help balance out the terrain in the later stages of the game, but something had to be done with the original setup.
I mean, the AIs were founding cities on solid Glacier continents, and making large, productive cities simply becuase Beaches were the best un-improved terrain type in the game. It was ridiculus. They can still have large cities, I suppose, but now they will have to buy most anything they have in them.
For Governements:
1)I set turns-to-readiness for all govt's to the Med mod I settings.
2)City limit for Monarchy reduced to 15.
I want to play the game, and get some feedback before making major changes to gov'ts right now.
Notes: People have complained about Fascism coming so early in the game. Well, it is much less powerful than it was in Ctp1, so it fits in with its current place in that regard. I figure I will insert CD's Fundamentalism gov't form into the game, and perhaps my Constitutional Monarchy, and move Fascism back to its historical place, with settings similar to what it had in Ctp1.
Also, when I change strategies.txt to get the AIs to building more roads, I will probably raise the distance unhappiness modifiers like CD did as well, but keep the max unhappiness settings at their current lowered rate. This way if you discover a distant city from a ruin or something, it won't riot and be distroyed on the first turn, which often happened in ctp1.
The next thing I will probably do is go through the strategies.txt, and alter some of the AI settings in it. The main thing I am going to do there is re-write the unit types defined in the game to match what I did with the Med mod I, since their are simply not enough categories once you get into the modern eras.
By the time I get this done, we should have some concensous on what units to have in the game, and I will start into all of that.
Next will be adding enough advances necessary to handle the units, and any wonders that we decide to add.
Finally, we will get into slic functions, which will hopefully be a lot of fun. The four I know I want right now are:
1)Med mod I's militia triggers,
2)Wonder-enabled special units,
3)Gedrin's new Refugee trigger, which takes a portion of the population from a conquered city and spreads it among the remaining cities of the original owner, and
4)a yet-to-be-made unit repair trigger, which will sutract shields from your public works pile to pay for healing units to full strength in cities. If you can't pay for them, your units don't heal any more than they would out in the field. This will have a major impact on waging war, and go a long way towards making the game more realistic.
The current practice of getting free repairs for spending the night in town sounds like something out of Dungeons and Dragons, and should have been addressed years ago.
Btw, I need to come up with a name for this version of the mod, and you can help! Since I am a fan of both Babylon 5 and Star Trek, I am thinking about two possible names.
1)The Med mod II: In the Beginning
Since we are starting from the beginning of the game, and this is the first version for Ctp2.
2)The Med mod II: The Next Generation
Since Ctp2 is the next generation of the Ctp series, and this mod will be the next generation of the Med mod series.
Well, what do you think?
[This message has been edited by WesW (edited November 24, 2000).]
November 24, 2000, 09:03
Local Time: 09:46
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 225
Well, since they called the game "Call to Power II" instead of "the awesome and new Civilization Call to Power, second version" I think you could follow the lead and simply call it "MMII" (med mod 2)
November 24, 2000, 09:04
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Location: A real Master of CTP-PBEM - together with all the others.....
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Wes - what do you think?
Go on.....
I'll support and irritate you (with words and posts) just as I use to do
Just - I can't playtest anything yet
I don't know when the game will come in the stores in Denmark - think I have to wait a couple of weeks yet
Woodstock was here!
November 24, 2000, 09:21
Local Time: 09:46
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Posts: 225
...and pleease:
1) leave production in the sea (you know, there are cities in Scandinavia built almost with only whale bones)
2) what about :
-ancient age (piramid city)
-classical age (the roman city)
-middle age (the castle...thank you for the castle)
-renaissance (a renaissance city)
-industrialization (again, thanks...)
-modern age
-information age ("genetic"? really?)
-diamond age (we love you, Neal Stephenson: anybody read the book? Snowcrash?)
3) there are some issues on the ages units in some threads... without make an uselessly enormous number of them, and leaving stealth units as they are, what about :
-ancient: warriors, hoplites, horsemen (scouts), archers, chariots, triremes;
-classical: legions, elephants, catapults, mounted archers, fire triremes;
-middle age  ikemen, knights, swordsmen, crusaders, longships;
-renaissance: musketeers, cannons, dragoons, galleons, frigades;
-industrial age: ship of the line, ironclad, riflemen, cavalry, artillery, zeppelin (why not?);
-modern age: all the modern stuff in CTPII.
-information age: "genetic" stuff in CTPII;
-diamond age: diamond stuff plus some new air powerful whatever (we can use ALL the old sprites from CivCTP, they are still there!)
4) government: fascism in the Renaissance? What about in industrial age, AFTER industrialization and nationalism? And by the way, theocracy BEFORE the republic.
I know, I probably ask for too much, but I wanted to show my point.
November 24, 2000, 12:51
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Location: A real Master of CTP-PBEM - together with all the others.....
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No Yoleus - you have not asked too much.
Go to the CTP forum >CTP-Creation and CTP-General, choose "Show topics from the last year".
Then you will see.
Wes, Morgoth, Harlan, Nordicus - I would not mention more, its unfair to whom I forget - but there were many-many more.
They made CTP to a game, that I would never sell or trash.
I play CIV II too, with patch 2.42 of course (the last free) - that will not be trashed either - due to the patches.
November 24, 2000, 14:20
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You go, Wes!
I like all of your ideas mentioned above, and look forward to playing the mod.
As for Fascism, my main gripe was submachinegun-toting Fascist units appearing so early. I say move Fascism back to where it was in CtP1 (as you describe).
Another suggestion for Fascism: make it even more powerful, but include a random refugee trigger whereby a citizen would "escape" one of your cities and flee to another empire's city, every now and then...
Unit suggestion: make machinegunners more defensive than offensive, to be more accurate. Once you have machinegunners, infantry (and other machinegunners) shouldn't be enough to overcome them without artillery and/or tanks and/or air support.
November 24, 2000, 15:23
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Sounds very good Wes, I'm looking forward to trying it out. Maybe you shouldn't post charts here but save them as HTML files and post them on your website? It will make posting them easier for you and reading easier for us, a win-win situation
FYI, I already converted the Militia code from CtPI to SLIC2 format, but I haven't had the time to test it yet. The Wonder triggers should be a piece of cake, I'll look into those one of these days as well. I suppose I'll leave the Refugee trigger to Gedrin and start working on the Repair trigger after finishing my tests with the Militia code. Do you know if the rate at which units heal (inside or outside cities) is stored anywhere in a text-file? Having that info and being able to manipulate that will make things sooo much easier
Personally, I like MedMod II: The Next Generation best. Everyone knows Star Trek and ST: TNG but you have to be a bit of a Sci-Fi freak to know and appriciate Babylon 5, so I think The Next Generation will appeal to more people then In the Beginning.
November 24, 2000, 15:30
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I think all of these suggestion are pretty good, but I just add one thing. Now please understand I am not a historian nor do I wish to get into an arguement with one, but I believe that historically cities and colonies are initially more prosperous near water than they are land locked. And not just for the trade; Food is easier to get, as well. I don't know about production though, I imagine if grasslands can give you some production than oceans should give you some and beaches should give you a little more than ocean. I think beaches should be some of the best lands as far as resources goes. But again this is just what I think. I hope I didn't upset too many people with my remarks. Thank you for giving me the time to post my thoughts.
Yours in gaming,
November 24, 2000, 17:10
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Posts: 139
Actually Youleus Republic came before theocracy, the ancient greeks and romans had replubics setup.
November 24, 2000, 17:13
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What about wonders? I loved the wonders in MMI. I hope they can somehow be translated to the new version for CTP2.
November 24, 2000, 22:39
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Originally posted by WesW on 11-24-2000 04:24 AM
Time to get down to business...
Terrain & Tile Improvement Readme for the Medieval Pack II
By Wes Whitaker
Originally, ocean types were generally better than land types in overall value, which didn't seem right to me. Therefore, I have strengthened some of the land types, and weakened some of the ocean ones. A list of terrain types and their values is given in the Med chart's terrain sheet.
Placing Forests costs 400, instead of 800.
The defensive bonus of Hills has been raised from 50% to 75%. This puts them between Forests/Jungles and Mountains, which seems more realistic, imo.
Kelp and Reefs can have food improvements.
Drilling Platforms now increase production, not commerce, adding 20 production and 5 gold at a cost of 1,200. (The same cost and effect as advanced mines on Hills.) They may be built on Shallow Water, Kelp, Tundra and Swamp tiles.
Ports can only be built on beach tiles.
Fortifications give a +100% defense bonus.
Listening posts cost 500.
Airbases cost 600, and take 3 turns to complete.
Undersea tunnels costs 800 for shallow-water types, 1,200 for Deep Water, and 1,600 for Volcanoes and Rifts, due to the seismic instability of these last two terrains.
Tunnels cannot be built over Trenches.
I am leaving alone the cost of food, production, commerce and movement improvements until I play the game some, and get feedback from people. (I thought putting drilling rigs on tundra and swamps was a moment of inspiration.)
Here is a paste of the new terrain values from the Terrain sheet of the Med charts:
Terrain Food-Prod-Gold
Grassland 15----5---5
Plains ---10---10---5
Forest---- 5---15---5
Jungle--- 10---10---5
Desert---- 0---10---5
Swamp--- 5----5---5
Sand Dune--0---10---5
Polar Hill---0---10---5
Brown Mtn--0---15---5
Polar Mtn--0---15---5
Deep Water10---0---10
(God, I hate trying to post charts.)
The biggest changes were to Forests, which only gave 5 production before (who decided that?), and to deserts, which I gave 10 production to (hey, if plains give 10...).
Last time i checked, real world deaserts only produced anthing of value when they had Oil under them, or a water source over them, (Dead Sea, Salt Lake. ect) it might be more realistic to alow all of the Terain inprovements on them.
(also you might want to see if you can put up a 3rd slot good on the list, that may increase the traidgoods density, although i suspect they were expecting folks to be trying for the 30+ pop Cities with wideley dispered cities)

I eliminated the production from most sea terrains, and adding some gold to other types, since sea-faring nations were traditionally big traders as well.
The new function of Drilling Rigs will help balance out the terrain in the later stages of the game, but something had to be done with the original setup.
I mean, the AIs were founding cities on solid Glacier continents, and making large, productive cities simply becuase Beaches were the best un-improved terrain type in the game. It was ridiculus. They can still have large cities, I suppose, but now they will have to buy most anything they have in them.
For Governements:
1)I set turns-to-readiness for all govt's to the Med mod I settings.
2)City limit for Monarchy reduced to 15.
I want to play the game, and get some feedback before making major changes to gov'ts right now.
Notes: People have complained about Fascism coming so early in the game. Well, it is much less powerful than it was in Ctp1, so it fits in with its current place in that regard. I figure I will insert CD's Fundamentalism gov't form into the game, and perhaps my Constitutional Monarchy, and move Fascism back to its historical place, with settings similar to what it had in Ctp1.
Also, when I change strategies.txt to get the AIs to building more roads, I will probably raise the distance unhappiness modifiers like CD did as well, but keep the max unhappiness settings at their current lowered rate. This way if you discover a distant city from a ruin or something, it won't riot and be distroyed on the first turn, which often happened in ctp1.
Watch it when you do that, the AIs like to throw their citys all over the place (often without reguard as to wheter or not the most of their cities come into contact with eachtoers borders)when they start plating cities , so they will end up needing to burn PW to build roads, you may need to modify their multiples slightly for Production and PW to adjust for that quote:

The next thing I will probably do is go through the strategies.txt, and alter some of the AI settings in it. The main thing I am going to do there is re-write the unit types defined in the game to match what I did with the Med mod I, since their are simply not enough categories once you get into the modern eras.
By the time I get this done, we should have some concensous on what units to have in the game, and I will start into all of that.
Next will be adding enough advances necessary to handle the units, and any wonders that we decide to add.
Finally, we will get into slic functions, which will hopefully be a lot of fun. The four I know I want right now are:
1)Med mod I's militia triggers,
2)Wonder-enabled special units,
3)Gedrin's new Refugee trigger, which takes a portion of the population from a conquered city and spreads it among the remaining cities of the original owner, and
thinks it would be a bit more realistic to have it produce "Settler" units instead, that try to move to the nearest cities, but that may be beyond slic, and also, Do setlers have the ability to add to population anymore?

4)a yet-to-be-made unit repair trigger, which will sutract shields from your public works pile to pay for healing units to full strength in cities. If you can't pay for them, your units don't heal any more than they would out in the field. This will have a major impact on waging war, and go a long way towards making the game more realistic.
The current practice of getting free repairs for spending the night in town sounds like something out of Dungeons and Dragons, and should have been addressed years ago.
you dont hang out with many Marines, do you? considering that early one a turn takes ~20 years, i Find it entirely plausible for a Military unit to er, "Replinish" itsself!
(joking) serisously though, i would think that having a slic code that takes out (say) 10-100 "new persons" from the population growth poolper hp needed to be replaced would be a bit more acurate(in theory,creating and disbanding a unit would alternalty take and return the pop to the cities, but the game should have been created to acount for that in the first place,but that is just my 2Ē

Btw, I need to come up with a name for this version of the mod, and you can help! Since I am a fan of both Babylon 5 and Star Trek, I am thinking about two possible names.
1)The Med mod II: In the Beginning
Since we are starting from the beginning of the game, and this is the first version for Ctp2.
2)The Med mod II: The Next Generation
Since Ctp2 is the next generation of the Ctp series, and this mod will be the next generation of the Med mod series.
MedModII is just fine

Well, what do you think?
[This message has been edited by WesW (edited November 24, 2000).]
I think its odd that Al Gore is trying soo hard to Become President during a >>>0<<< year election!
(for thoues of you not familiar with US history, IE the typical American), their is suposedly a Curse atached to being Elected President in a year that ends in 0, the only president that has survied the 0 curse, is Regan, Who was Shot by Hincly, then developed alshimers while in Office,(witch, incidentlay, Explains the entire last 3 years of the Regan prresidency)
Log Cabin Republican, and this year, another Straight (sheesh i hate that word) ticked Democratic Voter.
[This message has been edited by Drakenred (edited November 24, 2000).]
November 24, 2000, 22:58
Local Time: 04:46
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Boy, I just got the game today, and this is coming down the pipelines already...
I vote for 'In the Beginning' as BAB5 is a whole lot better than 'Star Trek' (Blasphemey to some, gospel truth to the enlightened)
Any way to include some more ancient civs (Hittite, Babylonian)
Move Fascism to Modern and replace it with Constitutional Monarchy.
How about adding some kind of government based on Medieval Islamic (variation of Theocracy), which would be a strong scientific/military Government, as opposed to gold production of Theo. Of course you'll need to include military from them too.
I really like the units you had for the MedMod, and with the longer timeline, they will be used in CTP2. In playing your Mod, I used just about every unit as it came available.
That refugee trigger sounds very good!
I have a question regarding the tile improvements, as it seems they have a less powerful impact on your city. Since workers work all the tiles around a city, is that improved tile's effect somewhat diffused? Darth made the point that a non-improved city grew at a close rate to an improved city. Any testing in this been done?
Is there any way to change the value of certain goods, based on the tech available? (Oil for example) I knnow this wasn't possible in CTP1, but I can hope, can I???
And I would be willing to put together another 'Collector's Edition' Tech Tree and unit specs chart once this is done. Notify me with the specs before you bundle it, and I can get it together for the final release.
[This message has been edited by hexagonian (edited November 24, 2000).]
November 25, 2000, 01:00
Local Time: 09:46
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Historically, Democracy came out of Monarchy as the Industrial Revolution started (or the Second Industrial Revolution if you include the Medieval Agricultural developments as a First Industrial Rev), followed by Communism as a reaction to the excesses of unbridled Capitalism, followed by Fascism as a reaction to Communism.
In game terms, Democracy should be a product of Age of Reason, Communism a product of Economics and perhaps Corporation (which should be earlier in the tech tree) and Fascism a product of Industrial Revolution and Mass Media. I've already started modifying the tech tree, but since I've started with the Ancient era and am testing by playing a test game as I go, it will be some time yet before I get up to modifications in the Modern era...
As for the units, I've already changed the Machinegunner to a Defensive unit with factors of Attack Range Defense = 30, 20, 40. I'm working on re-naming the Fascist as Infantry (I prefer the first Gunpowder infantry to be Musketeers, and so they are again in my version) or Stormtroopers, and dsignating them as the regular Attack infantry unit for the Modern era with factors defined as above at 40 15 30. This would be a general unit, not specific to Fascism.
I've already noticed that with a lot more playing time (in turns) in the Ancient and Renaissance eras, the general lack of early Flanker, naval warship, and decent Attack infantry units really slows the game down early on. This is the reason I'm agitating to return the Trireme and Legion to the Ancient units and add an early Light Cavalry or Chariot unit. By the same token, to balance things I suggest increasing the effect of City Walls to +25 defense instead of +15. This makes a carefully balanced and powerful attacking Army a necessity to take walled cities - right now the City Wall effect is simply not enough to protect a city without a large garrison, which unbalances the game a bit towards the early attacker who "jumps" an early city before it's well-garrisoned.
November 25, 2000, 01:29
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Posts: 122
Hey WesW, Locustus, etc.,
Can you make the AI attack with larger armies? Perhaps the "RallyFirst" flag can be tweaked? In the games I played, it sends a pathetically small army. It wins sometimes because it uses more advanced units (since it is ahead in science), but that's not very satisfying because we all know how much the AI cheats at the highest difficulty levels. Often the dude has several units hanging around, that it keeps sending to their deaths one by one.
I'd rather have the AI beat me fair and square. Let it send in a balanced army of 12 and take my city!
November 25, 2000, 05:45
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Location: Switzerland
Posts: 64
WesW, you seem to know how to change the names of the empires. I'd like to do that for a normal game. Could you tell me how to do so?
Thanks in advance
November 25, 2000, 07:32
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...Oh, if this is possible too.
Bring back the message icons that show up on the left side of the screen.
Nah, didn't think so.
November 25, 2000, 10:07
Local Time: 03:46
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Location: Florence, Al., USA
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I am glad to see so much interest in the mod. All the posts actually make it a little difficult to address everyone, but I will comment on a few things...
To change civ names and cities, you need to alter the civilization and cityid texts, respectively.
I agree there are towns in Norway built upon whale bones, but you see whales are a special resource, and the Norwegians probably had to venture away from the coast to get all of them.
I didn't eliminate production from all sea tiles, but I just couldn't figure out how beaches give you much of anything to use in building, other than the occasional piece of driftwood.
You can usually get something out of most any land tile, whether its clay for bricks, or grass for roofs, or stone and gravel, etc.
Beach is probably the most common terrain in the game, and its original setting made it possible to build cities on ANY piece of coastline and have good results.
Also, I think that most sea-farers still got the bulk of their diet from plants and animals.
I will try and check and make it possible to build about all types of improvements on deserts. I think that it is about that way now. I know you can build both farms and mines.
Deserts are such a common tile in the game, I wanted to do something to make them a little more valuable, so that you didn't have large parts of the map practically un-useable.
November 25, 2000, 10:37
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Location: Florence, Al., USA
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I have gone through the strategies.txt, and made a number of changes to each AI type. The common changes are:
I have the Barbarians building some sea units, and maintaining garrison troops.
Btw, I really like how you can specify what kind of units you can have in the garrison.
-I gave all the AI types a max science percent of at least 70, public works percent to no more than 25, and a max unit support cost of no more than 40.
-Most types did not have sea or air units specified in their unit queues. I have corrected this.
-I generally reduced the number of sea transport units built to about 3.
-I inserted Monarchy and Corp. Rep. into the scientists govt list.
-I raised the establish embassy goal for peaceful types, and raised the attack goal for military types.
-Raised the goody hut and explore goal for all types.
-Military types were set to be primarily defensive in their goals. I have changed this to make them more offensive.
Except for goal settings, all of my changes are marked with a "//WW from ..." comment.
I have begun to re-write the unit build lists, and it's turning into quite a job. I didn't realize how inadequate the original system was until I got into it. I am not sure I like the current setup as well as I did the city-based ctp1 way. We will have to see how it all works out.
When I get finished, I will post the new unit build list for everyone to comment on.
November 25, 2000, 11:32
Local Time: 04:46
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Posts: 187
Thanks a bunch for this modpack, Wes. Couldn't activision have thought that forest should have more than 5 production?! Anyway, I was wondereing if you could fix obsolete advances. I am apalled by the fact that hoplites last till Gunpowder rather than feudalism and cannons last till Cybernetics! Also, you can't build a unit with reasonable attack until the Samauri, which seems bogus. Also, only four wonders are ever obsolete and they didn't think to add new govt types. I would appreciate if you could change these things in the new Mod.
November 25, 2000, 17:01
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Location: Switzerland
Posts: 64
Wow, I'm impressed. Where can will we find the MedMod and the scenario pack once they are ready? BTW thanks for telling me where to alter civ names, but I got a new problem: at the start I get an error message which says something like "don't know how many civs expected" and "no sprites for civ". What's that all about?
Thanks for your patience
November 26, 2000, 01:36
wes, is the scenario pack feature fully working??
can you put ANY kind of game file under your scenario directory?
November 26, 2000, 04:17
Local Time: 03:46
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Florence, Al., USA
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Mark, I assumed all files could be put into the scenario section, since they did so many things with the shipped scenarios. Surely Harlan would have mentioned if this wasn't the case.
One thing does worry me, though. I can't find any of the new sprites for any of the shipped scenarios. Does anyone know where they are?
Sf, it seems like you are adding civs, as well as altering them. This is different. You need to study the files you are playing with if you want to add things. There is a number at the top of one of the files which must equal the number of civs in the file. I don't remember which one right now.
I have posted a couple of text files on my homepage which list the new units, and what category they fall into.
I will post here as I have things ready for players to try out. They will be available at my homepage, but my homepage will be changing soon, so you will just have to click the 'homepage' button above and see where it takes you. 
Putting together a large, comprehensive mod like the Med mod II is an undertaking measured in weeks, and usually months, so if you want to join in, you have to keep this in mind. I spent over a year on the Med mod series for ctp1, for example. I don't think it will take anything close to that for the Med mod II, since Ctp2 is so much more complete than Ctp1 was, but it will still be a long undertaking.
I will release betas on my homepage as we go along, and public versions here at Apolyton when we get everything play-balanced. With the potential of slic2, I think we can spent a long time developing it alone.
I expect to have multiple public release verisons, and that is why I like to name them; it's fun, and it gives them a little personality. The Med mod 3 was 'The Renaissance', since that era was where we did most all the work in, and the Med mod 4 was 'The Age of Wonders', since we added so many Wonders in that mod, and re-worked the Modern and post-Modern eras, living in which would seem wondrous to people from earlier times.
November 26, 2000, 04:38
November 26, 2000, 08:58
Local Time: 09:46
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 399
Can you please add some crude fix to the food problem. ? As it is now you can build a city anywhere and make it grow fast. The food from the tiles should be cut in half.
And another problem. I always give my people the lowest salary and make them work the longest, give them max food and build a therater you are ok, with a huge increse in science and production.
The amount of unhappiniess casued by working longer and less salary should be doubled as well.
November 26, 2000, 15:53
Local Time: 09:46
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 399
Farmers ?
Mark, you donīt need to have them as farmers at all, farmers are useless. All the tiles give enough food if you are not in the srtic, whtou a single sea/ocean square. I always have tons of food left even if I try to build mines and those commercethings. So the food is an issue. I never need to use farmers at all.
If you have a city placed in a normal enviroment you pretty much donīt need a farm at all to reach very high population. This is absurd.
I have placed cities where in earlier games they wouldnīt even grow anything and they easily get to 20 is size, just beacuse they have a few ocean squares. They grow a tad slower but that is all. I want the tile improvements to mean anything, as it is now a nature reserve is great, a farm is a waste of PW.
November 26, 2000, 19:39
Local Time: 09:46
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Posts: 189
Depp, I have to agree with you. I've played about a half-dozen games into the end of the Ancient era, and both my and the ai's cities grow like weeds in anything other than Tundra-Glacier tiles. Just t'ain't right. Historically, the ancient cities that reached 100,000+ population were very limited in number, and in every case it took some serious developments, including long-range (sea or river-based) food imports to get there. Really big cities, like Babylon (600BC), Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, etc., in the 500,000 - 2,000,000 range took the resources of most of an empire plus major food trade to maintain them, and as soon as anything went wrong they 'devolved' very quickly, as happened to Babylon and Rome both.
I'm jiggering the food production in tiles and improvements now, and hope to play a test game in the coming week (I can only play an hour or so a night during the week - gotta work to keep the wolf from having pups on the front porch) to see how it works out. Part of the solution, I think, is to increase the food available from developed tiles, making Farms really important, add a Food Trade possibility in the Trade system, and make it possible to still build units and improvements in a non-supersized city.
Also, historically the mega cities started growing with the advent of Railroad, which allowed very long range food trade and production: New York was fed from California once the railroads went in. If I can take the test game that far in a timely manner, I'll try playing with a greatly increased +Food effect for the Food Silo improvement associated with Railroads or (if I can figure out how to do it) some kind of + Food effect associated with having a railroad connection between cities...
November 26, 2000, 20:25
Local Time: 03:46
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: USA
Posts: 788
That's all well and good, but history isn't always fun. This is a game so let's keep. Okay, with that said here we go.
In game terms a city doesn't reach it's max tile size until it is a size like 46 or 47, which I believe is why the food is easier to get. All in all a huge city like that has got to be hard to feed even with farms and the like. I think this is to make up for the fact that you can fit less cities in the same space as you could in CTP1 (to full potential that is). This is all just my opinion, and comments are welcome.
Yours in gaming,
November 26, 2000, 22:08
Local Time: 09:46
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 399
1. All great ancient cities grew up around rivers. So lets make rivers more important.
2. Transportation is very important. Maybe roads/railroads/maglevs should increase food production even more ? I mean, they donīt increase the food produced but they help getting it into the city right ? Just a small bonus maybe.
3. If one could make the cities radius to be dependent on both size and the transportation avaivible that would be very neat. Maybe with SLIC 2, who knows (where is that documentation???  .
4. And to make all this possible without cities getting tons of food, the food gained from an tile with no improvement should be cut considerably.
Elucidus: I share your concern that this must not affect the fun of the game, but I think it will surely enhance it, since it will take more to get a great city, and hence not all cities will be alike.
Diodorus Sicilus: Can you post your changes here in the forum ? I would love to see what you are doing. I havnīt got enought time to delve into this matters right now, my graduation project is in a busy phase right now. But I could surly be used to discuss the pros and cons of an idea.
I donīt know if there is any way to know in SLIC if there is a road or anything between cities, but the trade system seem to be using the movement points it takes to move between to cities to determin the number of caravans it takes to establish a trade route. So there might be a way...
Thanks for sharing my concern.
November 26, 2000, 23:44
Local Time: 09:46
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 122
Can your mod also address the following concern of mine (deals with AI dumbness),
http://<a href="</a> <br />
From another post of yours, you seemed to know how to get into the game code and hack it (rather than simply change the AI data files).
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