I had just posted this morning that I could not see the art for the new advances that I added. I was using harln's art from another forum that I had saved as a jpg. Then I went to look for a good Astronomy file so I decided to use his Apollo file, just to see what happened. Maybe his files were saved differently.
I wanted to use the paintbrush to paint black in the center and write some text on it to see how the "First Frame" and "Icon" files were different.
When I chose a color and tried to draw the program stoped me and said something like I could not use that tool, that the tool required a non null background.
I used the dropper to pick a color from the mining graphic from the forum and chose a weird brown.
When I painted that into the Apollo picture it let me put it in. Then I added text to say "ICON" and "FIRST FRAME" and saved them with different names.
When I went to save them they told me that because of a restriction on the type of file that something about only 1 alpha layer would be saved.
I Thought that was interesting so I let it do it because he says something about alpha layers in his older unitcreation zip for CTP1.
This new picture shows up partly!
What's the secret for getting the pictures to show up all the way, and not be a big black block in the Great Library?