Adding City Improvements???
I am currently attempting to add additional buildings to the game. Here is my first attempt (see below) that I added to the buildings.txt file - and after also making all the other file changes to the gl_str.txt file and to the unitcon.txt file to see if I can get the game to launch without crashing.
################################################## ##########
PrerequisiteBuilding IMPROVE_COURTHOUSE
ProductionCost 1400
Upkeep 5
LowerCrime -0.15
################################################## ##########
BTW, ethics has also been added to my advance tree, and my advances and governments have loaded successfully into the game without crashing.
When I add the building, I get the same type of error message that I got when I added a new government - the game could not find the ratings coefficient, and all the fields that followed.
I resolved the issue in the government by leaving the SameRankAdvice line in all of my new governments to the Monarchy settings (see below for example)
################################################## ##########
Rank 1
My question is, does this SameRankAdvice line link up to a file and affect gameplay? If so, where do I need to go to make the change. Or is it alright to leave those lines as is?
And is there a same line within the buildings.txt file that will also cause the game to crash if it is changed? My initial guess is either the Description DESCRIPTION_IMPROVE_FORUM
line or the PrerequisiteBuilding IMPROVE_COURTHOUSE line, but I do not know, and am not at home to try this out. The Prerequisite line is really not needed - from a logic standpoint, Courthouses will always be built first, as they are more cost-effective. But eventually, it would be nice to have a prerequisite requirement from another area (say a gold improvement) and this is what Activision seemed to want to do by adding this feature into the game. (at least this is my assumption)
I also noticed an improvement.txt file, which seems to have some of the same information, but also seems to be a ctp1 file that was left in the game.
Has anyone had success in adding city improvements. If so, what is the step-by-step process, and all the files that are needed to change and the specific changes? I'm not so concerned about the numbers, as those are easy to tweak, but am more concerned about the other entries in the files.