Hi everyone. I'm making a World War 2 scenario that might go on till the end of the Cold War, but need a little help. Please?

First off, is there anyway to make the player/AI start at the modern age and stay in it, like you can in multiplayer? Preferably without any AI tweaking, as everything I tweak turns to ashes

Secondly, is there anyway to make the player/AI keep to one goverment type, such as the Germans to Fascism and the Russians to Communism? I can change their goverments through the editor, but they never keep them

And finally, this one isn't so important as I don't care who fights who

, but is there a way to make AI's and the player ally with certain others, and then, say after the war when Russia turns nasty, to change them?
Thanks in advance,
Chris Braund
Quote from ancient Greece:
"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
[This message has been edited by cbraund (edited January 06, 2001).]