December 25, 2000, 03:03
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Introducing the Medieval Pack II v1.0 Alpha
Call me Santa.  (Sometimes I feel more like Ishmael, but that's another story.)
The Medieval Mod II Alpha version is posted at .
It is in 4 parts: sprites1, sprites2, pictures and texts. It is a total download of 16megs(!), and you must have Winzip to decompress the files. If things go as I plan, you will not have to download the sprites portions of the mod ever again. As you will notice when you sample the mod, however, I still need many more pictures.
Unzip the files into the Scenarios folder. This is a different place than you unzipped the Med mod I files, so take note.
You will see several other files on the site. Most of these are place-holder files Mark put up until I get my real webpage. The three that people might be interested in are:
1)The Gedrin v1.0, which is the spreadsheet he put together for his mod,
2)The Med mod 4 update, for those of you still wanting to play that mod or perhaps compare it to this one, and
3)The Ctp2 Adv. Chart, a copy of which is included in the texts zip.
Once you have unzipped the files, you need to go into the Medieval Pack II scenario folder, and find the Med readmes folder. This folder, as the name implies, contains all the readmes and charts for the Modpack. The files in it are in various states of disorder right now, since I am just getting things figured out as far as the mod goes. The readme folder will become more important and helpful as the mod progresses, so you need to become familiar with it right away.
Order the files by date modified. The three modified most recently are the ones you *need* to read at this point. A couple like the Med 4 readme and Med 4 Adv. chart are there for you to cover for a better understanding of my attitudes towards certain areas of gameplay and to see what I did in the Med mod I. The two text files are there if you want details on Harlan's graphics mod or a listing of slic stuff that Locutus sent me a couple of weeks ago.
*Note: the Med 4 readme gives a detailed description of the Militia units.
As for the three that really matter, the Terrain and Tile Improvement readme describes the changes made to those two areas of the game, while the Miscellaneous readme retails changes made to the const.txt, civs, and various other odd things that don't fit into any other readme (there will probably be additional readmes added once we get further into the mod).
The most important file, however, is the Med charts spreadsheet. This file lists the current settings for terrain types, governments and city improvements as well as proposed settings for the standard units in the game. There is a page for the Wonder units, but you can see that it is simply a list of their names and the age they belong to at this point.
I have not started to place the standard units with their advances, since we have not decided what we are going to do in that area of the game yet. Please study the unit stats, though, and give any opinions/suggestions that you have.
Once you start the game, you will see two versions of the Medieval Pack II.
The top version is for using the cheat mode to look at the proposed new units. This verison is NOT meant to be used to play-test the mod. You will notice that many of the pictures do not match the sprites. This is something that I will be working on soon. If you hold your cursor over the unit, however, its proper name will show up onscreen.
This leaves the bottom, "Domestic" version of the mod as the one to be used for play-testing. The only changes made to the units in this verison are a reduction in Caravan and Freight costs, and the implementation of the Militia triggers. All the other changes discussed in the first Intro thread are contained here.
Things to look for:
1)Overall changes to AI behavior, except for unit choices and use.
2)City growth and development, especially in the areas of city size, production and commerce.
3)Diplomacy. I fooled around with the diplomacy files tonight, trying a few things. Tell me if you see any noticable changes to AI behavior. Also tell me if you don't. 
4)Barbarian occurrances and prizes from goody huts.
Balancing the game may be pretty rough in the early going. Expect frequent updates to the website as we go along. I will put a notice in the thread here when that happens, probably at the beginning of a post.
I am sure there are things I should have covered here that I overlooked. If you get confused, try covering the readmes again, and you can even peruse the various text files. I have marked my changes in some of them with "WW from ...". If you can't figure out what is going on, let me know by posting here, and I will address your questions.
Known issues: The civ you select to play may not be the civ you get. This is an issue with Harlan's mod which I have yet to work on. It will not cause any problems with gameplay. Other than that, play and enjoy!
December 25, 2000, 03:42
Local Time: 09:48
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Posts: 13
Merry Christmas!..
Looks like alot of work went into the pack.
But either 2 things have happened either
1) Im an idiot
2) houston we have a problem
After unzipping the 4 files (Sprites 1 and 2, Pictures and texts) into the med directory which i placed under the scenario directory. I launch Cpt2 go to scenario's and choose the med 2 scenario choose the bottom version and it loads..
Durring loading i get these errors..
DB Error
ICON_TILEMP_PILLBOX not found in icon database
ICON_TILEMP_BARBEDWIRE not found in icon database
of course this stops the loading, so i figure ok lets try to bypass it go back to the selection screen after clearing the errors by pressing ok, notice the bottom says the scenario name launch the scenario and GPF CTP2 after a DB error.
Hope this helps
December 25, 2000, 10:16
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Hey, same thing happens to me!
Wassup wes?
December 25, 2000, 14:41
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Sorry guys, it's fixed now. For those of you who haven't gotten the alpha yet, you don't have to worry about this bug.
For those of you who do have the bug, you can either get the texts files again, or simply go into the original game files, and copy the tileimp.txt from the default\gamedata folder to the same folder in the scen0001 directory of the Med pack scenario.
The pillbox and barbed wire were not supposed to be in the domestic version of the mod. I put those two things in yesterday, and checked the "units" version to make sure it worked. I didn't think to check the domestic version for conflicts.
For those of you interested, the units version is the real mod, and the domestic version simply has unaltered files placed into it to block out the changes made in the units version that are not ready for play-testing yet.
It's the same theory they use to block cable TV stations from your house.
[This message has been edited by WesW (edited December 25, 2000).]
December 25, 2000, 23:54
Local Time: 03:48
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This is embarrassing, but this fix I posted earlier was incorrect. By using the original game file, I was leaving out the tile improvement changes I had made to the game. Nothing major, but they need to be in there to properly evaluate everything.
So, for those of you who already have the mod, you need to download the texts portion again.
Also, I would recommend that you delete the english folder of the "units", or main, version of the mod before you unzip the new texts portion. This is the english folder located on the same level as the Med readmes folder. I have removed a couple of unneeded text files from that folder. It should not hurt anything if you want to leave them in, but I would prefer we all have the exact same setup.
You will notice that the scen0000 folder is empty. This setup allows you to have a "default" version of the mod, and use the other scen**** folders to contain only those files which are differnet from the default version of the mod, in the same manner that scenarios only require those files which are altered from the original game files. This allows myself and others to make variations of the basic mod without having to copy all of the graphics files, or even those text files which are not changed. This should come in handy if any of you want to tinker with my tinkerings, or try out your own ideas and concepts.
Finally, one suggestion: Keep the zipped portions of the mod, in case you accidentally delete or over-write something. Create a folder somewhere, like inside the Activision folder, and stick the zips in it. This could possibly save you from having to download several megs worth of stuff someday.
December 26, 2000, 06:52
Local Time: 09:48
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I hate to say it, but can we get some version control and change logs up?..
Just a sugestion..please dont shoot me..
So far what ive seen great job, having a problem loading after the latest update going to re-install from scratch and see if that helps, was an error loading chinease city #31 or something expected number of civs not found..will update if it still occurs after the re-install...
Ok works fine after the re-install..
[This message has been edited by Avalon_Grey (edited December 26, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Avalon_Grey (edited December 26, 2000).]
December 26, 2000, 08:42
Local Time: 09:48
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Ok wes some thoughts on the mod so far..
Played till 1AD here is what i noticed
- Growth for cities is WAY slower, my largest city is size 6 at this point, this is partialy due to me not having more than 3 hex's of grasslands in my 9 city empire
- Barbarians seemed more agressive
- Food was actualy for the first time in my CTP2 history almost a problem in a few city's
- The AI for the most part kept its distance, except for one race who declared war on me for no reason, but did not attack in mass it was still early at that time and im sure he did not have the units, I was able to get 2 defensive units to a landblock and was able to keep them at bay
- Monarcy was my first goverment, usualy i skip over it, i was unable to skip it so i went for it and got it a bit before 1ad
- Keeping people happy is hard, work week can not be maxed without some major re thinking of my build order at monarchy a max was -12
- I find myself deleting the milita units after i build two of my first defensive units, the milita alter the build order a bit and the starting strategy im not sure if i like them or not, although its nice to have at least something in the way of defense to start.
- The overall pace of the game seems slowed which is a good thing in my opinion. I was able to get some huts with some tech at start but still the most advanced tech I have is monarchy.
Unfortunatly i did not see a AI city yet so i dont know how there doing. And im of the anti-cheeting type
According to the power graph I am in the top jumble of lines
Enjoying the heck out of it so far...
Hope the feedback helps..
December 26, 2000, 09:37
Local Time: 09:48
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Hi Wes,
I have played your alpha mod to about 400 AD.
Some observations:
Militia units work fine. It is nice to finally have them back.
Barbarians are tending to use stacks, but they don't attack every city in site any more. Bummer, because that is how I get most my slaves. Good because it shows the game is playing smarter. Barbarians still attack units out in the field so that is good too.
Civilizations are more chatty now. They will actually offer Peace Treaties and such earlier in the game depending on their personality type and how week I am. They will also threaten me for money. I had the Brazilians do the. I told them no, but before they could follow up on their threat, they were attacked by someone else and went to war. Later in the game I saw what looked like a mixed stack of 5 Brazilian troops nosing around my capital, but they didn't attack, at least not yet. They would have probably lost because I had 4 units in that city including the Militia unit and one ranged unit, all were fortified, and the city was on a forest square, so they were probably playing it smart.
City growth is much slower and food is now actually a concern in the game. I had to use food specialist in some cities because of the nearby terrain, so over all I would say this is a good thing.
AI cities also grow slower, but they also seem to do a better job than I do at it. I have cities of 4 or 5 while they have cites of 5 to 7 or 8. This is around 400 AD, so again this shows that you have accomplished your objective in this regard.
AIs also seem better at getting more cities more quickly than I do also, but this could be a combination of several factors. 1) In the test game I played, I ended up with just one settler to start with while the AIs all seem to have had at least two. This is a random thing, but it did affect it. 2) Because of more initial cities they may have been able to find more Goody Huts than I did. 3) The Goody Huts I got to first contained money or nothing for the most part, so I did not get the random settler or city that the AIs might have gotten. 4)I had mostly swamp, forest, and mountain tiles near me. This also probably resulted in my slow start comparted to the AIs. It will take more games to determine the reason for the few cities, but I think the 4 I outlined are the most likely. Oh, I also ended up on a large but not huge size continent with 4 other civs that got out troops and explorers faster due to the issues discussed above. That may have had somthing to do with it too. This resulted in my being forced into a relatively small area. Much smaller than I usually am forced into. At most I would have been able to build one 7 or 8 cities. When I quit, I only had 5 with room for 2 or 3 more.
I did not see the AIs using slaver units. This suprised me because in the past they have used them. This may have been due to several factors also. 1) They may not have yet discovered the prerequisite tech yet. I didn't get it until much later than usual because of the much slower tech rate. 2) They were at war with each other fairly early so they may not have had time to get them out once they discovered them because there were in hot war at that point. 3) Your giving it a lower priority in the AI Strategy files may have limited it as well. At any rate, I am glad they didn't because I would have been in big trouble if they had.
This last post brings up a new question. Is there some way to bring back the trigger that says if you have walls slavers cannot capture slaves from within you cities? I think this is an important flag. Otherwise, it becomes very hard to survive if you are near a slaver type civ.
Can't think of anything else to discuss right now. As I playtest more, I will give you more information.
Timothy Pintello
[This message has been edited by Pintello (edited December 26, 2000).]
December 26, 2000, 14:44
Local Time: 09:48
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oops! Ignore this, and read ahead plz...
[This message has been edited by FALVES (edited December 26, 2000).]
December 26, 2000, 14:45
Local Time: 09:48
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I've been playng the alpha too (don't remember where in time I left), and I've been observing more or less the same things. So far I'm pretty pleased with the overall feeling of the game, there's just two things that are bugging me:
1-in the start new game screen, when I choose a Civ, it always shows another, although the name of the leader is the correct one for the civ I chose.
2-when I was exploring the map, I found a hut that contained a unit: militia, what's the point, if it has zero movement points and can't leave the tile where the hut was?
I'm gonna alpha-test a bit more and will return here.
December 26, 2000, 16:57
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I started playing a game, but didn't get very far, cos one thing really bothered me. I hope you fix it soon.
As Pintello points out, the AI gets more cities, sooner. This is because I was playing at the second to most difficult level, and at the higher levels you have the AI start out with lots of extra good stuff. I happened to start the game in an ideal spot, but before I could even build a second warrior unit, AI units were already wandering near my only city. I used the cheat editor to peek, and saw the AI civs already had 2 to 4 cities each, a decent number of units and PW, while I was still working on my second unit.
That's when I quit. I would really like to see much less up-front cheating by the AI, and more long term cheating. The end result should actually be better. Instead of the game starting tough and getting easier, leading people to quit once they see they're dominating, it should start relatively easier, and get tougher as it goes along. I'll wait to play it more until this area is improved.
Of course this was a big problem in the regular CTP2 rules, but since everything goes slower in your scenario, the early cheat advantage of the AI is much more noticable.
December 26, 2000, 19:15
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I'm hoping that mods are like an extension of the impossible level and arent being designed for the lower levels.
History is written by the victor.
December 26, 2000, 23:15
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Ok another bug, possible..
After 2 saves Im now getting this error trying to restart my saved game
Paths Error
GC104.spr not found in asset tree
Not sure why this comes up after this being the second time ive saved the game..
No modification to my system has occured...
Strange Eh?
December 27, 2000, 01:21
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Well, the comments are generally positive, so I am glad to hear that. I am especially glad to hear that the growth problem seems to be under control, and with it the tech problem which had you getting gunpowder a 1000 yrs too early.
How about gold? How is the new improvement cost system working? City growth and the cost system were the two big questions that I wanted answered and fixed in the alpha.
Do NOT delete your militia units! They are the same strength as regular units of their type, provide martial law, and cost half as much to upkeep as regular units.
Barbraians should act like they have half a brain now, rather than just mindlessly attacking. Normal civs should also not attack unless they have a realistic shot at winning.
I don't remember doing anything to affect slavery, so you might have been in with civs who don't use them.
Yes, you can set City Walls to prevent slavery completely, as well as conversion. Since you can get Walls so early, it may be better to leave it as is, or perhaps raise it to 75% prevention. Anyone else have opinions on this?
The choosing civ problem I noted at the bottom of my initial post in the thread. I have never heard of getting a militia unit from a goody hut. I will have to check into this. The sprites for militia units are the same as those for regular units of their type, so you need to try and move it to be sure.
Harlan's comment were odd. I have done nothing to the diffdb except line up the columns for easier viewing. I checked the advantages given to the AIs on Very Hard level, and they didn't seem too much, certainly not enough to explain what you saw.
AG, are you sure you downloaded and properly unzipped both sprites portions of the mod? If you have, check the default\gamedata\graphics\sprites folder to see if gc104 is in there.
Have the rest of you noticed any changes in the diplomatic aspect of the game?
December 27, 2000, 01:36
Local Time: 09:48
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Wes having a BAD problem...well not realy BAD but BAD
Ok I jump started the game, what i did was start a new game, selected the mod and then when in that game loaded the save I had which bypassed me from the error.
Now the msg's in the msg tab are well for lack of a better term F'd up..
Alot of them say just
"Turns" with the eye graphic, clicking on it centers to a city..(i belive that city had built something)
Also i get in the msg window
[madlib.dip_res_head] rejects your [madlib.emote_demand_r] [madlib.res_demand_piracy][madlib.res_restall.attatude]
I have done no diplomacy! nor any piracy
clicking the eye graphic centers me to my capitol.
gc104.spr IS in my
F:\Program Files\Activision\Call To Power 2\Scenarios\Medieval_Pack_II\default\graphics\spri tes
Lets see 560 AD all my citys have 2 farms at least, a few nets if there close to the water 2 mines and full roads, infostructure is growing slowly but shurly and it seems to be slowed well in constant with the rest of the game.
When my milita "upgraded" to pikemen it just about scared the hell out of me, i guess to do it in slic you have to kill the unit well i heard all these death sounds jumped trying to figure what went wrong
AI seems to be occupied elsewhere and is respecting my borders I have a good view of the indians (mad genius ai type) who flucuates between hating me, and liking me and sending maps..he's an odd cookie, he also hates diplomacy...
He has 9 cities of size 1-10 very varied while my cities are between 4-8 his cities are also closer together than i would have placed them and has a few with mostly mountains in there radius and no farms in the space that is non mountains im wondering how those will ever grow..(there size 1 now)
Gold seems to be working on line with the other slowdowns while its not been a problem i dont have 1 billion gold lying around its been borderline to low..causing me to micromanage gold and trade a bit more, which is good!..
[This message has been edited by Avalon_Grey (edited December 27, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Avalon_Grey (edited December 27, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Avalon_Grey (edited December 27, 2000).]
December 27, 2000, 03:05
Local Time: 03:48
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Can you email me a copy of the saved game file which is causing the errors when you try to load it? Send to
December 27, 2000, 07:22
I started a gams as well, Impossible, huge map, 8 civs, with CTP 2 1.11. I have done only around 45-50 turns, and, managed to build one city, and conquer three!!! i the city bild queue I have
Br. Swordsman
and heavy Swordsman as the choice for units from the beginning. Settlers are 34 turns to build, all the other units are 11 turns??? - and they all show the same detais - 10-10-1-0-1-1 as if they were all the same, perhaps this is not sorted jet, but just to tell you.
Than in this 50 turns, there were 4 different barbarrinas and one in a 2 unit stack, and twice a heavy swordsman unit. They didn't seem to want to attack me or the AI. (ok 1 did attack)
out of 4 goody huts, i got gold 4 times.
now the AI, when i wondered down the river with my first warior, I found Assyrians in a city size 2, I attacked them, and there was no defensive unit in the city, so I just walked in!!! - that was maybe after 25 -30 turns... i built a fyrdman, and a heavy swordsma, in that city, while wondering with the warrior which found the other Assyrian city, - sent the warrior and heavy swordsman to attack the other city - It had an archer inside now, but my units just managed to beat him (the warrior left with 1 - 2 hitpoints left) - and Assyrians were destroyed. i have seen one other Assyrian unit wandering near my first city before that.
With three city's and two of them near river - i had 14 science per turn - science is surely slow...
i am wondering why I didn't get militia units in the city straight??? not did the AI.
-city's were definitly less happy, and expanded to two citizens in the first 50 turns - even though i had some grassland in the city radius.
-I couldn't check money - goody huts brought too much...
And than I saved the game... but that is not all...
This morning when i tried to open the saved game, it loadead almost fully, and than crashed just before the end of the loading. This happened twice. The error said: CTP2 caused an invalid page fault in module ... and than it listed registries etc... 
After that i tried to start a new MED Mod II game(or a new game, I am not sure anymore) and than CTP2 listed as the empire name - 'BADSTRING' - and as the leader name junkstring_DESCRIPTION ... the other butons were OK...
Than i left, when i get back from work this evening, I will try and see, perhaps I will have to reinstall MED MOD II or even CTPII. We will see...
December 27, 2000, 09:08
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Yea there seem to be some stability issues with the mod, i sent my save game to the person that asked, wes if you want it as well just hollar and its yours. Hopefully it can be tweaked out..
[guess why wes is calling it a alpha  ]
So far I love what ive seen of it..
My guess is that when a file is loaded the mod that it is under is for some reason not fully loading in, im not sure why its happening i'd love to see if activision had anything to say..
[This message has been edited by Avalon_Grey (edited December 27, 2000).]
December 27, 2000, 10:02
Local Time: 10:48
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Posts: 18
I have started a game on impossible level with the mod and so far I am impressed. I am at about 1000 AD in the game.
The AI is more agressive and actually took one of my cities. (First time I am happy when that happens  )
Regarding the diplomacy:
So far all I get are reguests to share maps. I would like too see more early sharing of advances (also between AI's) but then you would need to move the diplomot unit in tech tree cause now it becomes available too late. Maybe it should be available with the writing advance....
In the original game the AI hesitated to make embassys and so they were never able to make alliances and gang up on you. I have not seen this happen yet in the mod cause it is still early in the game....
Nice work so far. Keep it up.
December 27, 2000, 11:03
Local Time: 09:48
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Location: Deltona, Florida
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Hi All,
Avalon_Gray, which version of the mod are you using. Wes included 2 versions in his Alpha. The first contained lots of changes that weren't fully implemented but there so you could get an idea of what the Mod may be like eventually. It sounds like this is the one you are playing with. The second one, Wes called "Domestic" is the one you should be playing with. That is the one I used and I didn't have any of the problems you mentioned.
Wes, gold is working well in the Mod. Don't know why I didn't think to mention that when I wrote my first post. Gold comes at a slower rate and you don't build up huge reserves of it now. That is a good thing. Also, even though it came at a slower rate, it didn't come at such a slow rate that it was constantly causing problems. Again this is a good thing. One last question, why did you call the playtesting version of the Mod Domestic? Still haven't figured that one out. :-)
Timothy Pintello
December 27, 2000, 11:10
I used the bottom scenatrio, or the domestic version, and still got the crash...
December 27, 2000, 11:23
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Avalon_Gray, which version of the mod are you using. Wes included 2 versions in his Alpha
Using the bottom scenario i belive its called domestic.
December 27, 2000, 14:44
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Suggestion for the Militia units - some things I noticed from the last version of the Med Mod for CtP.
After the last upgrade of militia units, there should be continual 'updates' to increase the numbers of militia where appropriate, and place them in newly-conquered cities. These could be just like the existing triggers, but tripped with subsequent advances.
Increasing vision radii for more advanced militia units - has effect of allowing cities to see farther, regardless of their size.
There were also several problems with the placement of militia units for space cities... but that's just FYI - those are obviously no longer relevant.
December 27, 2000, 16:22
Local Time: 10:48
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Posts: 18
Now I also got the GC104.spr not found in asset tree error when I tried to load the game. This was after two saves just as Avalon_Grey.
Is this a bug in the Mod or in the game?
December 27, 2000, 16:46
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Great Dane,
Please see my questions in the GU???.SPR thread.
December 27, 2000, 17:29
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Posts: 122
A problem with the militia units in CTP1 was that when you disbanded the city, the militia would remain in place. Has this been corrected in this mod? I suppose, this would mean adding ane extra line in the code that
prevents the militia being moved,
HandleEvent MoveUnits ... (or whatever), {
Get location of the militia_unit,
If location has a city on it,
movement not allowed (STOP?)
movement allowed
of course this is not the best way to handle the problem. There may be a way to disband the unit when you disband the city itself ...
December 27, 2000, 23:30
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Let me reply to the other stuff before getting around to the crashes...
Coflek, if you are seeing new units in your game, like Fyrdmen, then you are using the wrong version of the mod. The reason I called the lower one "Domestic" is because it doesn't introduce any new units into the game, nor does it affect which units the AIs build. The mod deals primarily with non-military, or "domestic" issues. (I think this is the proper terminology.)
I am glad to hear that gold seems to be well balanced, but the bigger and more developed your cities get, the harder it will be to balance your income verses expenses. I am very interested to hear what happens when you get into the Modern eras.
I have been working on making pictures for the Ctp1 units the last day or so, and have succeeded by using a program called HyperSnap available at . I ran the unit videos from Ctp1, and used hypersnap to capture a screenshot of the video. They worked out beautifully. Thanks go out to Harlan for telling me about the program.
I also noticed that the Trireme showed the Catamaran sprite from the Alexander scenario. They fooled me by naming it "Trireme" in the Alexander units.txt. Anyway, I copied the Trireme sprite from Ctp1 and put it in with the pictures portion of the mod, which I will upload shortly.
Harlan told me that we was converting the background of all his new units to the Ctp2 brown background (the Ctp1 units and those created by users had a black background). Myself, I don't mind that some have brown backgrounds and others black. What do the rest of you think?
With the new unit arrangement, you will have graphics for two units which are not slated to be in the mod at all at this point: Morgoth's "Br. Swordsman", and the Ctp1 Cavalry, the "Dragoon". If we decide we want or need more units someday, remember that those two are in there.
Other notable Ctp1 units that are not included in the mod are: Marine, Paratrooper, Combat Engineer, C-17 Transport (used like Ctp2 Cargo Helicopter), Cyber Ninja (I think the new one looks stupid), Cleric, Cattle, Sub-neural Ad, and most all of the space units.
I think Locutus is still working on what to do regarding militias in newly conquered cities. If the original owner re-takes the city a few turns after losing it, it would not make sense to have him fighting militias of his former people. This is something we need to debate.
I didn't know that the new trigger updated the militias by killing off the old ones. Oh, well.
With the new city settings, you should be able to see to the radius of your city at all times, regardless of any unit effects.
Militias should be immediately disbanded along with the city. Locutus called this the Maginot Line (bad spelling, I know), and told me that this had been fixed.
Finally, as to the crashes, I am just as dumbfounded as the rest of you. The 104 sprite, which everyone says is not being found, should not be the first new city sprite loaded by the game. The 104 sprite is for the 5th city style. Both the 4th and 5th styles are new. My question is why are the styles for the 4th style apparantly being loaded correctly if those for the 5th style aren't?
I had an odd thing happen once when I was play-testing the mod. I was playing the Germans, who use the troublesome 5th style. Once when I loaded the game, it showed the Diamond-age city sprites. This was at a time when I was having some message string problems similar to those listed by Avalon. The answer to the message problem was to move the strings I added from the ldl.str to the med.str. I didn't have the city sprite problem again, either, so I assumed it was connected to the strings in some way.
About all I have been doing the last week is making sure the mod loads. I have not been saving and re-loading games. I will do some of that, and let you know what I find out, if anything. I think there may be a bug in the paths relating to loading scenario saved games, since there have been problems of this type with Harlan's work on the Alexander scenario.
December 28, 2000, 00:54
Local Time: 09:48
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Austin, Texas USA
Posts: 13
Well Wes I certanly dont mind playtesting it for you so you can concentrate on geting everything in order im sure most of us dont..
Is there a work around or fix for the string bug?
December 28, 2000, 05:28
Local Time: 09:48
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: A real Master of CTP-PBEM - together with all the others.....
Posts: 6,303
Hi Wes.
Do we still have a hardcoded limit of 200 on units - would the game accept units having fx. number *****283.tga or **283.spr?
If it is, then I think ALL units should have it's own unique number - maintain a list with the units name, type, number, era and creator - something like this:
Tank medium, land, 284, WW I, nn
Tank heavy, land, 285, WW II, yy
Tank heavy, land, 286, late, xx
Then we (the rest of us) could just download a unit with all corresponding files. Add it to the units.txt (and several other files if you really want the AI to make use of the unit, I know) and copy the files to their respective folders. No need for changing the numbers (filenames).
If I don't remember wrong - you (the modmakers) had to re-use some numbers in CTP which from time to time gave a little extra work - I can remember that once, I had launched a medival spy as satelite
I do know, that we cannot say "This is an official mod - no one else must use that number for any other unittype". But I'm nearly sure of, if we had such a list, most of the modmakers would stick to it.
I am sure, that I could express my thoughs better in another language (my own  )- but I hope this will do.
December 28, 2000, 08:28
Well i guess that the firt time i started the non-domestic version, though I still think I didn't (I swear that I clicked the botom scenario the first time too???), but who cares... yesterday, I tried again and it was definitley the domestic version (at least i got the same save game error as everyone else, after the second save, which i described in scorpions GUxxx thread)
So to give you just another account of the early game progress...
I played 80 turns,version 1.11, 8 civs, huge map, so this is what happened.
Out of 10 goody goody huts - out of 10 three times nothing - two settlers - two militia units (they look as warriors, but you can't move them, and dissapear once you build a city over them)- one normal warrior, science, and 351 gold. No barbarrians, but i guess they come later on in the game.
I have been attacked by barbarrians only once, even when i wandered around a lot, there are barbarrian units around but they don't seem to be agressive enough. I even came by mistake with a settler next to a stack of 2 barbarrians, and they didn't attack me??? they just followed me once I tried run away  ... and eventually fought against my hoplite that i send to stop. (hoplite was easily killed? by a warrior - maybe just bad luck). Anyway they didn't attack any of my cities. - they used to in the normal game i played.
I met three civs, and they (two - I attacked one) were glad to exchange maps with me, (perhaps they do it normally too) once i was asked for a cease fire agreement, and once to move units off their territory - but that should be normal as well.
It took 38 turns to discover the first science (with three cities at the end- 66 turns would be with one (with no gold boost on the empire slider). AI was naturally a lot better in science trough this 80 turns.
Afet 80 turns I was the last economically - on the powergraph, even though i found one goody hut with gold, and i had 1450 gold at that time (without spending).
One civ that i attacked had only the militia unit in the city again (enough to kill my hoplite, but if there was only a warior around i would beat him, so this might be a concern early on in the game) I think that AI should defend with two units early on - just leave on extra in the city. In order not to loose straight to opportunistic humans.
At turn 45 Italians had 5 cities vs my three (with two settlers from goody huts)
Italian city sizes 4 (two farms) - 4 (one farm) - 2 (one farm) - 2 - 1
My city sizes 1-1-1 no farms but two extra settlers just produced.
At turn 54 Japanese had 5 cities sizes 4-2-2-2-1 12 archers scaterred (no stacks) around + three settlers, and a few farms. (scary)
And the last - a city size one on 8x grassland + one beach tile = 740 food per turn - good,
city size 2 on 9x plains = 30 food per turn - and city size2 on 9x-plains but river on 4 tiles is around 150 food per turn. So it seems that it is now really importand where you build your cities.
So at eighty turns i managed to get to 7 cities, the biggest size 2 (but i was building settlers). I am the last on each graps - as it should be. But it seemed that the game would have been more interesting than the normal one - pity for the save game bug. So I wouldn't change any of the start bonuses for the AI, and it should be cheating in the long term as well, to make it a true challenge beating it on the impossible level. (I don't mind stepping down the level, as don't the rest of us - i think  )
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