I have no knowledge how to utilize SLIC, but thanks to Locusu's help, I think I am beginning to learn more about it, although I have yet to actually attempt SLIC modifications.
So, here is where the proposition comes in.
If anyone, including you Locusus, have any new Units, Wonders, City Improvements, or Advances that would need new Great Library text for gameplay and historical aspect, I will be interested in creating the text and then send them to you. It will not be shoddy work thrown together in five minutes - whatever I do not know, I will research on the Internet or elsewhere about what you would like added in your mod (and I'm currently a BA History student).
In exchange, I would like any future help with SLIC or answers to any future questions. So Locusus, if you're still the only one knowledgeable about SLIC, I would be happy to help you in return if you need any Great Library text made.