I have been playing CIV since day one, but I have never ever been interested in mod's. I may be interested if somone could help me out with my understanding of the txt documents and changing settings. As I said, I have never ever tried changing anything, but am I correct in assuming that all these people that are editing the AI are using the txt documents to do so? If so, is anyone doing anything else, or using another method? Is anything else able to be done, but to play around with the txt documents?
Having that said, I would just like to know, if I 'did' decide that it was worth while changing these documents, and just say I started a multiplayer game with someone who hadn't... and if I was the host... would my AI act as the AI for all parties or would other peoples txt documents be still in play?
I would assume that 'my' txt documents would be the 'leading AI', and if that is the case, I am very interested in changing the txt documents around.
Also, if that is the case, what's stopping people from editing these documents, starting a game on Game Zone for example, and trying to make out they are the 'beez neez' at civ?
Anyway, I'm probably just tripping, but if anyone 'That actually KNOWS' what they are talking about could brief me on this entire subject, I would be very appreciative
It's better to close your mouth and let everyone 'think' you're stupid, than open it and let everyone 'know' you are.