AI stategy questions
I'm not sure if this is directly related to changes I've made or a general bug. Every AI straegy has maximum turns it needs to build a unit/building/wonder. Seems like by 3800 bc all the Ais are massively building wonders, with some civs having both their cities building the same wonder. Even tho I increased the minimum number of garrison units to 3 for every strategy, many of these cities only have 1 unit in it, so are easy pickings for the barbarians when they start arriving in 3500bc. i didnt compete for early wonders and noticed that they generally took over 80 turns to build but no strategy allows wonder building if it takes over 35 turns. I'm totally confused as to what strategy the AIs start with. The 2 choices seem to be expansionist, which works as expected, and this unknown build wonder strategy which is idiotic.
This brings up another confusion on my part. What makes the AI change strategy? I was testing a game that had one civ alone on a smallish island (room for 6 cities medium spread out) so it was playing the island strategy and building a big navy. Makes sense so far. But then the barbarians start arriving and city after city falls yet the AI is still only building boats. it wasnt too long before the barbarians had conquered all the island cities and that civ was left with only its scattered colonies left.
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