don't know exactly but probably the max amount of tiles the ai changes per city per turn.
after this time(from time of destruction) any road that hasn't already been fixed will be
same again
Increases the amount of roads the ai will build although as stated in a different thread this doesn't work so well

how likely the AI is to build city improvements thaty benefit production.
same again
I dont know exactly but i assume that for each goal a random no. is picked if below the number for the goals e.g.: 109000 then the ai will implement that goal
e.g.: Offensive/defensive
each city will build x no. of settlers
same for special units
how long an AI opponent will like you less for pirating one of his trade routes
Q.What file determines when a certain strategy is being used?
A.I thought it was in Strategies.txt but i'll check it for you.
Q.Can multiple strategies be used at the same time?
A.No(as far as i know) but it could be that the strategies e.g. Offensive/defensive are for single units i just dont know)
Q.Some strategies do not list all the lines and codes; how are those missing fragments set when the computer uses that strategy?
A.Either that strategy does not use that certain line or it uses default strategy.
Q.If I want to add a new strategy, what should I then not forget (editing other files perhaps)?
A.Haven't tried dunno.