Its funny I cant seem to find a mention of the function
LogRegardEvent in the slic2func file, but here is what i think it may do:
LogRegardEvent(playerx, playery, value, ?, REASON, no of turn);
where value is any integer where -9999 is REALLY hate you and 9999 is REALLy love you. Reason is the reaon and needs an id such as ID_DECLEAR_WAR. This si what it looks like from the Alexander the Greaet Scenaario. I tried this in mine using this
LogRegardEvent(1, 3, 0, 0, ID_NO_REASON, turnMax); //Make 1 netural with 3
LogRegardEvent(1, 2, -1000, 0, ID_NO_REASON, turnMax); //Make 1 at war with 2
LogRegardEvent(2, 3, 110, 0, ID_NO_REASON, turnMax); //Make 2 favor 3
But it didnt have an effect on my diplomactic relations. Anyone help with this?
I'm still messing around with this myself as well. One important thing I found out is that it takes one turn for these events to take effect, so AIs don't instantly love or hate you if you use this function.
Take a look at the top of diplomacy.slc (the original one). I'm pretty sure it has a LogRegardEvent demo there.
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."