This Scenario IS A MUST for those who love a challenge.It took 4 days to finish and i lost. Ok i have sent the Scenario in too Mark I dont know when he will add in database.......but i figure its only a matter of time. But Here are some pros and cons of the scenario.
I found this scenario is impossible with ai frenzy. yes CTP2ers this Scenario is IMPOSSIBLE ! To me atleast
,Anyway here is what I encountered playing it.I started the game as Eygptians.In order too have a competitive game , You must be the Pheonicians,Hebrews,Assyrians,Persia,or Eygpt. Because Turkey , Rome , and Greece are superpowers and are ment to slug it out against one another.Heres what happened when i played .The Hebrews were Conquered Quickly,But the phoenicians Launched an Attack which kept me from pushing up the mediteranian coast.Me and the Assyrians became friends but they were helpless cause soon aterword the Persians (who made good use of the AI frenzy mod) took them over.
Since the Phoenicans had Stopped me i decided to land Settlers on Cyprus. Then on Crete.Suddenly i controlled 2/3 of the Eastern Medditeranian.I discovered the Romans and the turks who were dividing Greece up.I quickly took Athens Pennisula to have a stake in europe.But the Samurais and Knights i landed were up against stacks of 12 Pikemen and Catapults. So they Push me out of europe.Within a few hours the Romans had overun the Turks all the way back from venice to Istanbul ! And the Persians Overran My Hebrew provinces.Plus the Romans had gained control of the entire mediterainian. With Stacks of Ship of the line and had taken my island of Crete.
ok ok enough of this....... when the scenario is posted you will see what i mean! It is on a Huge map and the first 3 city location (say if i was Phoenicia it would be Baalbek, Berytus,Byblos) Are all in historically accurate areas.
Good luck to all..........youll need it
Also somthing you should know....The romans and turks will Grow and usaully Take over all of Europe, North Africa,and the mediteranian regardless Of how good of a start you got off too!Chances are when you find them they will probably have about 30 citys. Pray that there Huge Armys dont overrun they did me
good luck
The Scenario will be in the database as soon as apolyton puts it there

[This message has been edited by Steve5304 (edited February 04, 2001).]