Just for fun, I am working on my own mod, to see am I really capable of creating one, and perhaps that would even add some fun here. It includes new techs, buildings, wonders and units, and here I come to the problem.
OK, I can give all the characteristics for the new unit I want to appear, but I need sprites for them. I have the tool for making sprites out of .tif files, but what I need are these .tif files. I want units like Chariots, Monopolists, Crusaders and others, so I just wonder where can I get sprites / tiffs. Is there a website with a collection of pre-set images for CtP II modmakers or something like that? I'm a very bad artist, so my attempts to draw a unit would end in something really terrible.
I am also trying to learn something about SLIC, as I'm sure that's neccessary in a mod - I have some programming habits in C++, so don't think that would be much of a trouble.
Also, I have added several Feats of Wonders to the Mod, but I'm very upset about the number of possible conditions and effects. There is
Building { Building IMPROVE_BANK Num 5 }
and for technology discovered, but I also though one can create a Feat of Wonder that triggers once a player has got a certain number of units of certain type, like this:
but these don't work. Perhaps it's possible to make an alternative for Feat of Wonder using SLIC language?
Thanks for the help.
Solver -