That IS big news on the Civ2 front, especially the gigamaps which make me wonder how a giga-Europe might look.
As for denigrating C2 mod efforts, it is important to realise that their efforts were only viewed unfavourably compared to the greater effort of ridding the underachieving and user-unfriendly CTP2 (although the type of differances in the game you discussed may take similar depths of advanced technical knowledge - I don't know). Without any point of reference, I would like to make it clear that C2 modifiers added 12 months onto the life of C2 for me and my circle of friends (prior to the multi-player version) without ever asking me for a penny.
As I seem to be in the business of handing out pats on the back, I hope you and your fellow C2 modifyers will accept one as well

Lots of games receive fan support, but Civ, in all it's incarnations, has attracted some of the most intelligent and generous people to it over the years.
[This message has been edited by John Barbarossa (edited February 08, 2001).]