
Originally posted by phoenixcager on 03-02-2001 03:40 AM
I'm not sure about the technical aspects of what you guys are saying, but from the perspective of a regular player, I'd agree pretty much with the statement that the AI isn't very bad.
However, even though I haven't read many of the strategy posts, and I haven't beaten the civ2 and c:ctp AIs at anything beyond 'Prince', I'm still finding that the CtP2 AI is easier to beat. And it isn't that I'm using any fancy strategy, just doing my own thing and attacking cities when they bother me. So there's definitely something lacking here.
There are nine words that a reviewer can write that will kill any work of fiction: "I don't care if the hero lives or dies."
The problem with playing CTP2 solitaire is that "After a while waiting for something to happen, I don't care if I win or lose." --It gets awfully boring.