
Originally posted by WesW on 02-18-2001 12:25 AM
Risks.txt contains settings for various hut and Barbarian attributes. You can't really use it to specify special things like feats, but it can alter some of the things you want to do.
Ok Wes..Thanks..
Now..work with me a little please...
If I were to put a string in Feats.slc...along with adjusting feats.txt...say....something like...FEAT!..First person to find 10 advances in ruins!..I could write a line that maybe..(just thinking outloud here..(..the person getting this feat would recieve and additional 20% boost in science for next 25 turns.
I may try this tommorrow..I am again just asking, as I may be nothing more than a MAD SCIENTIST MODDER-WANNA-B!!!!
Thanks for any/all help Wes!!
Keep up great work!
The Forum Fur Flyer