MedMod - Is science too slow?
I'm on my third game on the MedMod (the first two croaked at 0ad - now I know the trick to load the slik and keep playing).
Anyway, I want to see what everyone else thinks - I use 0ad as a good date to see how well I am doing. I can compair myself to the romans and see if my science is as good as theirs. Anyway, in every attempt, I've always come up short. I never have all the big ones - iron working, masonry, horseback riding. I've never been able to hit all these on a medium game.
I'm thinking of nudging science back up (by adding to the basic_wage). It was 4.0, but Wes raised it to 5.0 (meaning you pay more money to wages). I figure that it took a further hit in his reajustments of square production (and the smaller cities).
I might move wages to 4.0. What does everyone else think about this? Are you having the same problems, or is it just me?