Ok,if this is right this is what we got,city improevements acting as
force multipliers to the defenders, against attackers units, terrain
effects applied to all.
I have just finished creating a unit that acts as an enabler for land
missile units if its present in the stack, as a city can have the same
atribute i see no reason why it could not also have this ability so
what you get for those in a normal game would get is ranged combat
being applied against attackers as they close on the city, (if you set
the range to 1,mod your approprite units etc) now regardless of wheather
they attack or not your city garrison now acts in a more realistc manor
in that they fall back onto a prepared position, the city, to withstand
an assault or siege, but before then engage in hit and run attacks to
weaken the attacker down,now i believe the ai sets its goals for
force matching, asigns priority and then implements,so this will not
stop the attack due to partial or complete unit loses prior to combat.
Now ive not tested it yet but it all looks right to me.
If your interisted, this came about from my intrest in having a general
that has a greater effect in game terms than just having better stats,
currently the guy acts as an enabler to other units, thus as a force
moves adjacent to attack he sends
out his light troops to pin down and skirmish with them then recalls them
for the main battle and uses them in their acustomed role.a supply source so that
units may operate in the field at full strength.
just thought id share these ideas, if you like what you see,post a reply
or if im in error please tell me so.
Nick Spencer AKA Hannibal Ad Portas