March 23, 2001, 07:27
Local Time: 09:57
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Hannibals War Scn Posted
Hi,to anyone intrested,new scenario for SPQR
Historical commentry for Hannibals War
The first scn dealt with Dacia, this one deals with Carthage and their
2nd Punic War with Rome,regarded by most as Hannibals War.
Hannibal with his army arrives north of massilia heading for n italy,
Scipio, a roman consul, by chance puts in at massilia for supplies
for his army in route to spain where he expects to find hannibal,a
sharp cavalry action follows and hannibal force marches to the alpine
pass he has selected to lead him into italy.A second consul is tasked
with the complete conquest of sicily.At this point history is now
yours to make.
new for this Module:-
Siege weapons/assembled when wanted otherwise packed for transport.
Pirates/ there all stealth units, hidden untill adjacent and packed with
pirate troops.
Ambush detatchments/ static stealth units a general places to ambush.
Generals/ can carry other units, breaking the stacking rules usful for
getting troops through terrain that they ordinarily cant,Posistions
ambushes,siege equipment.
Cavalry of all types has lost the ability to fortify, this is because
cavalry are primarily an offensive unit not a defensive one,would
gain no advantage by being entrenched/fortify even if they capable
of it in the first place.
Active defense, many units have this ability when an ai is doing its
turn you will here the combat being resolved, that means if your quick
you can scroll to the combat and see results.
The naval warfare is now more thoughly used by the ai,excpect to see
much more going on at sea.
I have taken advantage of diplomod to increase the effects of diplomacy
in the game,alliaces of power blocs will be the norm.
Carefull placement of your units will show you much
of what is occuring in the world as the game now zooms to show what you
are observing, so theres much to watch as the ai do their turns.
New ai specificly for this module.
Units no longer disband with anarchy but you do lose them if you switch
a new different goverment.
Xcell playsheets for all game info.
Largely replaced trade routes with ports,these generate wealth.
This scn has a number of chalanges to you the player,your main field
army is across an enemy dominated sea,how do get reinforcements to
it?how can you replace its losses?do you send your limited reserves to
Sicily or Sardinia or to the toe if italy that is not yet under Roman
control?can hannibal capture a base of operations in the Po valley and
and become self sustaing?can you through diplomacy set your allies
againgst Rome?These and other problems can be yours to solve,or you
can whine about how the game as shipped is a disapointment.
Give omni a while to add it to files,sent all details today.
March 23, 2001, 17:50
Local Time: 10:57
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March 23, 2001, 18:46
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Posts: 72
Sorry i have i lisp.
March 23, 2001, 22:56
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This is now posted in the ACS database at . Please note that it is in the beta phase and will be updated.
March 25, 2001, 03:02
Local Time: 03:57
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When I unzipped the mod, it did not unzip with a folder structure. Is this a bug? If you make everyone create their own folder system and sort out where everything goes, I am afraid you might not have many play-testers.
[This message has been edited by WesW (edited March 25, 2001).]
March 25, 2001, 08:06
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March 25, 2001, 09:27
Local Time: 10:57
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Originally posted by Martin Gühmann on 03-25-2001 07:06 AM
Senatus PopulusQue Romanus - Roman Senate And Roman People
or something like that:
senate and people of Rome (maybe a better translation)
I've seen Gladiator, I study latin, but I still failed to get that. Spot the moron  <----
March 25, 2001, 10:20
Local Time: 09:57
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Posts: 72
Thanks for pointing that out,is anyone else getting this problem?
The file was zipped using winzip7 from ctp2/scenarios,and should unpack
directly onto the ctp2/scenario folder. I am unable to recreate this
error on either of the machines i have.The only explanation i have is
that your settings on winzip are diffrent from those i used to zip it
up with, however if i create a selfextracter.exe this will allow you
to unzip with no further problems.
Sorry for any inconvenience
March 28, 2001, 16:29
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WEEK 1 Playtesting report
First impressions were that this was another great scenario from Hannibal.
As soon as I clicked the endturn button, second impressions hit me as the computer crunched its way through the turn, like in the Alex scen.
But never mind that, the scenario is easy to get hooked up in, once you get into the game properly.
This scenario is very much a war-war-war type scenario, there isn't a great deal of city management, except to churn out new units!!
It is also a very hard war, and my Alpine troops all died before i got to a Roman city. (Hamilcar escaped with an archer escort, after the battle of Someplace Pass, but was rounded up by a wandering band of Celts, as he tried to manouver back to Africa  NB. could there be a hapinness affect of his death?) The Barbarians are everywhere!! On the plus side, I took a great deal of effort into ridding Sicily and Sardinia of Roman scum, and suceeded, so I'm happy now. The triremes have just too few movement points to load in North Africa (pick up sleepers in city), move across to Sicily, and unload in one turn. This is either genius or somethng that should be altered to aid in military campaigns in Sicily.
Basically it is a good scenario, that is well worth playing, and all subsequent points are just picky little things that I found:
__________________________________________________ ________________
>Barbarian transport ships are visible, and rarely (never?) unload their cargo.
>Elephants are slow, and are too easy to kill in my opinion.
>At the beginning, the Diplomats(?) spread around the map to make embassies, are pseudo-abolishionists, is this right ? Oh, and they were all killed within a few turns
>A civ attacked one of nmy cities with 7 ships! The naval combat is a more challenging aspect than it usually is, and the sea is crowded!, but the bombard did very little damage
>It seems that the civilisations I have encountered do not enslave as much as was implied in the readme. I couldn't see any Roman cities with slaves, which struck me as odd...
>Even 3-size cities that I attacked were defended by 5 militia, and this made even small attacks very *expensive*, and I don't know whether all wars in those times were that costly to life, as I suspect they might have been.
>Is it mentioned in the readme that there are three typs of hill ? Its hard to plan unit routes without this knowledge, as they have different movement costs.
>The Polar mountains should perhaps be renamed to high peaks or something, as they are nowhere near the pole. (Fussy...)
>I thought the Ambush detatchments were stationary units to be carried by generals ? Mine has a movement point.
Thats all for now. PLAY IT!!
(PS. Celtic cavalry coming soon Nick, I haven't forgotten  )
March 29, 2001, 15:18
Local Time: 09:57
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Posts: 72
Thanks for playing,a few pointers for you....
pirate biremes are stealthy,barbarian trasport are just that, transports that the barbarian
use, no different from anyone elses.Its the biremes you dont see.
The suffetes main use is to ransom slaves,secondry to that is their vision of whats goin on
so its a good idea to explore and load back to a ship for safty and next turn explore again.
Diplomacy is handled by diplomod so as a player you only need a diplomate if you want to
establish a new embassy,as you begin on good terms with most hellenestic nations you will
only need a diplomate to eastablish contact with the germanics.
Slave taking is difficult to see unless you have bring the city under observation you wont know
if its recenctly gained slaves,however the sound of slaves being freed tells you some other nation
is ransoming slaves.They have more suffetes out than you and its a race as to free slaves.
Some armies are led by a slave taker,so when you hear a citytaken send your suffete
to that country to find the slaves and ransom them before somone else.As your citys grow slowly
these slaves are a good way to increase pop.if your suffete sees a combat you can work out the
likly city that slaves have been sent to.
Missed adding in the terrain changes for this scn, will add them all in.Explained in Dacia but
missed it for this one.
Staitionry units, ive given them 1 movement point to allow the ai to use them, otherwise replay
value is lost as you always know where enemy ambushes are set.
if you only comit your elephants as flankers, ie you have numbers on your side,their true worth
becomse apparant,most animals do not perform well in combat and were extremly vunrably to panic.
Rember elephants get a big bonus vs mtd and flankers usually match up on the flanks.
the damage a bombard does should be enough for a second attack of equal numbers to win,remeber to
use muliple attacks against a stack,the first wave to weaken, the follow ups to kill,this maxes
your vet chance and gaurantees victory this tactic applies to both land and sea,so a bombard
(skirmish)precedes the first wave who inflict damagebefore withdrawing,then a kill stack to ocupy
the tile and protect the damaged units from counter attack.All this requires some manuvering of
your troops in mutualy supporting stacks,fidly but effective.a single stack is not an army,3+
acting to gether is.Veterans stats are +100% on both attack and defense.
The scn opens with some options for you,your celts have risen and can take both Insubres and Boii
provinces,but are unlikly to hold them both,better to take one and stay as a bigger stack.
Hannibal can do either,retreat down the rhone and take massila,cross lower down the rhone and
face less gauls,carry on and fight or manuver his way into the alps,these are the prime options,
ALL will require reinfourcements from somewhere,so do you act aggresive or rely on manover to
prevent losses?If you use your Lcav to go 2 forward 1 back its scouting will make you unlikly
to be surprised.
Im particulary interisted in how the ai is performing,how many cities change hands in the first
25 turns,how aggressive in general are the ai players.(You hear a city fall even if you dont see
For playtesting its best to only play the opening 25 turns,trying differnt strategies,ie can i
take sicily,can i rienforce hannibal,can i take sardinia,can i take the toe of italy,etc.
remember the combat is more tactical than just having a 12 stack and going in like a lion.
March 29, 2001, 16:46
Local Time: 10:57
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My first playtest was just 25-30 turns, so it wasn't a major game, but I did concentrate on Sicily, and only later sent some troops to Sardinia. I still maintain that slavery is not used by the AI that much, but who knows about later on.
Also, the only cities I saw change hands was the Sicilian one I took from the barbarians, but I play with other music on, so the sounds are drownded out.
Thanks for those guidlines btw, I'll spend some time next week trying difefrent tactics.
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