Hi there,
Do Y'all know of a program which comes in very handy in this sort of situations.
You see...what companies do when you install trialsoftware, they install a register key which does not get deleted EVER !!!
So you need a proggie which could look in the register and see what key the program calls for and then you could manually delete it !
Resetting the eval period !
All this of course I have NEVER done
The program is called regmonitor by
www.sysinternals.com, and it's FREE !
First start up Regmon, then the proggie you want, you will see that the proggie is checking all sorts of keys.
Then stop regmon from looking, and go searching for strange keys, like I have found once a key called "Tenosa", when you find something like it just delete it !
good luck !
Hope it works !