I've been reading though your stuff in particular OmniGod.
I don't know if my email ever got to you, but feel free to ignore it if it hasn't yet. All I asked was basically the same as above.
No Rush, I'm off to a good start I think.
I've been recreating the map in photoshop at a resolution of 10K X 10K so I should be able to adjust it down to whatever is nessisary when the time comes.

My goal is to use a 200 X 200 in game map cause the unaltered AI should function properly correct?
From what I've read in the archives, the map will be the easiest part. I'm frightened of the upcomming tech tree. I figured out a way (in theory) that should provide multiple indepenant 'trees' so that I can focus on the study of the 'one power' and of standard tech.
Thanks in advance.
- This Space for Rent -
[This message has been edited by alderaad (edited March 30, 2001).]