I'm trying to create a modern-world-anno-2001 scenario. I'm using a pre-made world map, and I'm adding cities and units.
A few questions:
- Is it possible to set the year to 2001 without clicking the move number button in the scenario editor a zillion of times?
- Is it possible to set all civilizations to a specified age?
- Is it possible to prevent the civilizations from entering the genetic age? I want them to stay in the modern world
- How can I create alliances, peace treaties, set friendlyness, etc among the civilizations?
Originally posted by jotto on 03-28-2001 05:43 PM
I'm trying to create a modern-world-anno-2001 scenario. I'm using a pre-made world map, and I'm adding cities and units.
A few questions:
- Is it possible to set the year to 2001 without clicking the move number button in the scenario editor a zillion of times?
Yes, you have to create a turn name txt file. I'm not sure how but some of the scenarios have it.
- Is it possible to set all civilizations to a specified age?
Yes, you just give them whatever technology grants the next age. Again, I'm not sure what technologies they are, but you can place a few cities and see what makes 'em change.
- Is it possible to prevent the civilizations from entering the genetic age? I want them to stay in the modern world
- How can I create alliances, peace treaties, set friendlyness, etc among the civilizations?
To start at a different time period, you need to create a file called turnlength.txt. This is placed in the main scenario file with savegame.c2g. The format for the file is basically this:
1,Jan 2001
2,Feb 2001
3,Mar 2001
and so on. You need to do this for as long as you need the scenario to last. It's boring and tedious, I know, but it makes for better scenarios.