March 7, 2001, 02:47
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The Medieval Pack II Beta: The Gathering
Installation and Introduction to the Medieval Pack II
To install the modpack, simply unzip the portions into the "Call to Power 2" folder. The Pack readmes are found in the Med readmes folder located within the Call to Power 2 folder. In addition to the four portions of the Medieval Pack II, you also need Paul's Modswapper, which is covered below.
After installing the modpack, you need to install the Modswapper, which can be downloaded from my website in the Accessories section. Simply unzip it into a temporary directory, and run the setup program. After installation, you may delete the temporary folder and its contents. I would suggest keeping the modswapper zip, as well as the Med Pack graphics portions, in a permanent folder so that you can re-install the mod should something happen to the game.
I suggest that you *not* use the option of creating a desktop shortcut to the Med Pack II. Modswapper works by first re-naming the current gamefile, newsprite and Great Library texts, to "orig-gamefile.txt", etc. Then it copies the those three texts from the mod you selected, and re-names them "gamefile.txt", etc. in place of the three original files. What is important is that you first re-load the original game files before switching to a mod. To make a long story short, you will lose your original gamefile, newsprite and Great Library texts if you do not follow this procedure. I will post copies of the original files replaced by modswapper at my site in case you lose your files. Also, I have removed the intro video from the game, so you are automatically sent to the Start screen after the game loads at start-up.
The Medieval Pack II combines the Medieval mod with customized versions of Harlan's Graphics mod and Dale's Diplomod, plus SLIC triggers from Locutus, Dale and others. (This list will certainly grow as new components are added to the modpack.)
The Medieval Pack II adds many new units, both player-created and from Ctp1, 60 new advances, 3 new improvements and 3 new governments, as well as numerous smaller changes.
There are a number of readmes in the Med Readmes folder, which deal with specific areas of the game or provide other types of necessary data for players.
1)The Advances Chart is modeled on the one which accompanied the game, and is designed to be printed out as a substitute for the chart which accompanied the game.
2)The Med Charts spreadsheet lists the stats of the units, terrains, governments, city improvements and wonders in the game, and is a crucial reference point for understanding the mod.
3)The Triggers readme covers the workings and effects of all of the various triggers and settings made through SLIC. This readme is very important, as these triggers have huge effects on certain aspects of gameplay.
4)The Terrain and Tile Improvements readme explains the changes made to the game in those areas.
5)Harlan's readme covers the changes to civs, leaders and city names in the mod.
6)The Main readme covers all of the other major changes to gameplay in the modpack.
7)Finally, the Miscellaneous readme covers the things which do not fit in the other readmes, tells you how to print out the Advances Chart, and lists the color scheme used throughout the Med mod readmes.
These files were written using Microsoft Word 97 and Excel 97. If you do not have Word or Excel, go to the site listed below, and download the free Word 97/2000 and Excel 2000 spreadsheet file viewers. They will allow you to read and print out the readmes. It is especially important that you are able to print out, or at least view, the Advances Chart.
The Med Charts spreadsheet allowed me to use the readmes for descriptions of general changes to the various parts of the game, to point out specific changes to unit abilities and Wonder effects, and to list odd changes that did not fit into any of the sheets. I believe that this approach does an excellent job of providing the user with all the info one needs to understand the modpack, without being overwhelmed with details.
Mod-makers note: I have made notes listing most of my changes made to the const, diffdb, and texts pertaining to AI behavior. In addition, I have made notes in the newsprite.txt detailing the sprite numbers used, with notes on why some are not currently used, and my recommendations for those of you who add new units to the game for your own mods. Additionally, the Chop spreadsheet zip at my webpage contains the Gedrin creation which was used to implement and alter the settings for much of the mod.
This modpack contains the efforts of many people, without whom it could not have been made. These people, and their specific contributions, are listed at the start of the Main readme. Please take the time to read this, and acknowledge those people either in the Apolyton forums, or through personal emails. I know that your kind words would be appreciated.
This concludes your introduction to the Medieval Pack II. I hope you enjoy.
Wes Whitaker
Note: There are occasional pauses in the game during the AI turns which can last from 20 to 30 seconds. If you wait, they should pass and the game will continue. These pauses have not crashed the game in my short trials so far. Please report any instances where your computer does become permanently frozen.
Also, PLEASE READ THE READMES! If you don't you will be confused, and unable to properly judge the game. They don't take that long to read, and are well worth the time for the info they give.
[This message has been edited by WesW (edited March 10, 2001).]
March 7, 2001, 15:34
Local Time: 09:58
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 57
Sorry to come up with this as the first reply to your Med Mod 2 beta but I am unable to install the modswapper. I have sucesfully downloaded and installed all the required files from your site but when installing the modswapper I get the following error message.
Could not open file named:
C:\Program files\modswap\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\gamefile. txt
I click on retry but nothing, so I then click ignore and the next error message is :
Could not open file named:
C:\Program files\modswap\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\newsprite .txt
Modswapper then tells me the setup was not complete and deletes all files it tried to install.
Any help would be welcome, I hope I have not overlooked a simple process.
March 7, 2001, 17:25
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I got no problem when I instaled the Mod BUT when I start the game I got a error: Win2000 say that the program (ctp2.exe) has generated errors and the game exit.  when I select orginal ctp2 in the Modswapper then the game work, but not the mod  Have you tested the prog./mod. in win2000????
Sorry about my bad engelish
I want to play the game!!!
March 7, 2001, 17:37
Local Time: 09:58
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Posts: 57
I apologise for my earlier post. I have found what i was doing wrong and have corrected it. Damn I'm dumb!
In your misc readme you mention being able to have new civs when revolts or barbarian takeovers of cities occur. (Maxplayers=0) However if you change this number to anything other than 0, it produces a message every few turns saying global warming has resulted in an increase in sea levels. I take it not even your mod has managed to fix this
[This message has been edited by Ganja (edited March 07, 2001).]
March 7, 2001, 18:04
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For other people with the same problem as Ganja: the Modswapper must be installed in your CTP2 directory. It does say that in the setup program, but I guess you could easily miss that. But if everything works as it should work it should automatically find your CTP2 directory and put that as the default install directory.
March 7, 2001, 22:13
Local Time: 09:58
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Posts: 11
Well, it's been a looooong time since I posted anything, and I'm bummed to make it a bug report, but.....
I did a fresh install of the game, then the patch, then the MedMod 2 pack & finally the Modswapper. I start up a fresh game (after modifying the const & map files to allow for a 125 x 250 map), finish my first turn and blamo! I've got a SLIC error that pops up a whole lot! Here's what the dialog box says:
SLIC Error
In Object DIP_Mainroutine, Function _ConsiderNewProposal: Wrong Type of Argument.
As I haven't even begun to play around with SLIC, I've got no idea what's up, other than it's related to Dale's Diplomod. Have I got something wrong with my setup, or is this a bug?
Thanks to everyone for all the hard work on this, I've been waiting very patiently for the chance to play a decently reworked CTP2!
(Formerly known as Celegorm - a long time ago!)
March 7, 2001, 22:51
Local Time: 09:58
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Posts: 3
I've been having this problem with the latest version of Diplomod, and I posted about it in the "Diplomacy mod" thread last night. It will work if you comment out ( // ) these lines in Diplomod.slc:
if(DIP_request == 7) {
for(DIP_tmpvalue2 = 1; DIP_tmpvalue2 < DIP_NumOfPlayers; DIP_tmpvalue2 = DIP_tmpvalue2 + 1) {
if(DIP_tmpvalue2 != player[0]) {
ConsiderNewProposal(player[0], player[1], DIP_requestpriority, 7, DIP_tmpvalue2, ID_AIS_LOVE_AIS, ID_AIS_LOVE_AIS, ID_AIS_LOVE_AIS);
if(DIP_request == 8) {
for(DIP_tmpvalue2 = 1; DIP_tmpvalue2 < DIP_NumOfPlayers; DIP_tmpvalue2 = DIP_tmpvalue2 + 1) {
if(DIP_tmpvalue2 != player[0]) {
ConsiderNewProposal(player[0], player[1], DIP_requestpriority, 8, DIP_tmpvalue2, ID_AIS_LOVE_AIS, ID_AIS_LOVE_AIS, ID_AIS_LOVE_AIS);
I suppose you could delete them instead, but I'm pretty squeamish about ripping stuff out of files on a permanent basis. I haven't got a clue what's going wrong with ConsiderNewProposal, because to my untrained eye, it looks like Dale has used it in exactly the same way that he used it everywhere else in his main routine. I guess we're just going to have to wait for Dale to rescue us.
March 7, 2001, 23:48
Local Time: 03:58
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UPADTE ALERT: New Diplomod zip posted.
Dale sent me a new version of his mod a few minutes ago. It adds the trigger to re-establish embassies after peace is declared, and may fix the crashes you have been experiencing. You get a pop-up message at the start of the game to let you know the mod is active.
This file is not in the standard folder structure, so you need to place it into the ctp data\default\gamedata folder manually, replacing the old file.
Btw, thanks for the info on the global warming messages. This had had me confused. The messages went away when I re-installed the game, but I didn't think to make the connection to the gamefile, with all the other things going on at the time.
[This message has been edited by WesW (edited March 08, 2001).]
March 8, 2001, 00:00
Local Time: 19:58
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See diplomacy mod thread for discussion of the above error.
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
March 8, 2001, 02:25
Local Time: 03:58
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Are you guys having problems with the game freezing about turn 75?
I have played 2 games, and both permanently froze at that point, one game at date 1810 BC, and the other at 1780BC. On the last AI's turn, the sound of the troops' marching hangs up, and goes into an infinite loop. One time, the sound did not even stop when I used control-alt-delete to exit the game.
Btw, I want all of us to use a regular size map, with 6 players selected in the start screen. I know many of you like to play with gigantic maps, but this is not good for testing a beta, where you need average-length games to test things and see how science flows.
March 8, 2001, 03:00
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UPADTE ALERT: New Diplomod slc posted.
Damn you. I have waited this mod for a looooooooong time and now finally I could get it. But No! There is a link to the new diplomod slic in wes's page like "Diplomod update March 8th update"( but that fu**ing file does not exist
So I do not get mod home today(I am working now and I do not have internet connection from home).
So Wes, add that file
March 8, 2001, 03:50
Local Time: 09:58
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Posts: 3
I am having problems installing Modswapper. I run seup.exe and nothing happens? Any ideas?
March 8, 2001, 04:25
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Originally posted by bjnod on 03-08-2001 02:50 AM
I am having problems installing Modswapper. I run seup.exe and nothing happens? Any ideas?
Stupid installer? You have OS like W2k or NT and you do not have admin rights? Just guessing.
March 8, 2001, 05:13
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Posts: 3

Originally posted by janilxx on 03-08-2001 03:25 AM
Stupid installer? You have OS like W2k or NT and you do not have admin rights? Just guessing.
Actually, I have win98. I rebooted my system and the setup program worked. No idea why, but happy all the same. Thanks.
March 8, 2001, 05:32
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Hi again bjnod. I hope you read this. Do you have the new MM2_diplomod.slc(it is not in Wes's page)?
Could you email it to me  ? Click email icon above this message to get my email address.
Others: Sorry that I use this forum for this kind of messages but this is a real emergency situation
(I still do have a chance to get medmod home today  )
[This message has been edited by janilxx (edited March 08, 2001).]
March 8, 2001, 05:48
Local Time: 09:58
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 3
Ok, here is my new problem. I get the following messages.
"c:\....\tut2_main.slc:469: ADVANCE_MONARCHY not found in advanceDB"
I seems to still let me play, but I've only played a few turns.
I am guessing I am missing a file or something. Does anyone know what this is?
Thanks in advance.
March 8, 2001, 08:50
Local Time: 09:58
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OK - here are the problems I've found so far.
1) I also cannot get past around 2000BC without the game freezing. Interestingly, if you look at the little progress meter for the AI's moves, it always seems to be exactly in the middle. The program appears to be accessing the hard drive for something as I can clearly hear HD activity. CNTR-ALT-DEL works to get out of the program (it shows CTP2 'not responding').
2) The new wonders do not seem to work properly. It says in the docs that if you obtain the Stonehenge wonder, for example, granarys should disappear from the build lists - they don't.
3) The entries in the encyclopaedia are all mixed up. The main problem seems to be the new Absolute Monarchy government. Apart from the title the whole entry is blank. Other problems I've found include the early wonders showing the wrong info e.g. Stonehenge showing Great Wall details.
4) An AI noble appeared outside my capitol. I used the expel function, the trumpet sound and graphic duly appeared, and lo and behold he was back again on the next turn, and the next turn, and the next turn...
5) I also have experienced long waits on some turns while the AI makes its moves as mentioned in Wes's original posting. What is happening while this is going on. Is it tied up the freezes that happen later?
6) On the subject of waiting, there seems to be some long pauses when you investigate a goodie hut. I think it's only when a new unit (settler or soldier) or advance is generated. If it's cash or empty speed is normal.
7) I too cannot get to the new Diplomod update via Wes's site.
Keep going with this Mod lads; I'm sure it's going to be fantastic when the little wrinkles are ironed out.
March 8, 2001, 12:36
Local Time: 03:58
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The diplomod can now be downloaded from the site. It is now zipped, but you still have to place it in the correct folder yourself. I will try and address some of the other questions later today.
March 8, 2001, 15:10
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bjnod, I believe tut2_main.slc is part of the CTP2 tutorial. I would suggest that you play with the tutorial turned off. I think that should solve your problem.
March 8, 2001, 17:52
Local Time: 04:58
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Wes, got your mod working by using metheglyn's change to diplomat file. tried to use the change from your web site but ended up with all kinds of sintex errors. I had it in the right file.
What I have played of your mod is good, but it locked up at year 1690 I had two citys with one to be built next turn. gold seem good adv seemed real fast. 2 civ already had embassies with me. Whoever did spearmen and zulu did great job. Can we do anything with the message that we can't support our unit? If you hit no on end turn it goes to next turn and doesn't do anything. You don't loose any units
[This message has been edited by preacherman (edited March 08, 2001).]
March 8, 2001, 20:00
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Hi All,
I too run Windows 2000 and I am having the same problem as Cobra_3000. Does anybody have any suggestions?
Timothy Pintello
March 8, 2001, 20:23
Local Time: 04:58
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Ok played two more games first was hard--8civ--normal map. game frozeup at turn 79 year 1630. Had two ai's trade maps but they were not even conected to me large blank spots between each map. Reloaded game using autosave and went one turn gave me slic error In object MM2_try militia, variables 'MM2_tryMilitia#loc' and 'noname' are different.
2nd game hard 6 civ normal map. game froze at 1660 BC nothing unusual happen. Do Ai's have to pay as much for wonders as we do?Bar were stacking 3 deep. then would chase me down to attack. This game will be great when workingright.
March 8, 2001, 23:51
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Okay, heres my bug.
Loaded everything, installed the modswapper. Installed the files. Installed the diplofix. Installed everything. In the first turn of my game, after I click on "Next Turn", I get a horrendous number of slic errors....
D:\games\CALL TO POWER\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\mm2_deplomod.slc: 151:Array index 13 out of bounds.
Any ideas?
Shut everything down and started again. No joy.
March 9, 2001, 01:18
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After installation of the beta files and modswapper, upon loading I get repeated message to insert the CTP II CD. Inserting it, or starting with it inserted, doesn't work. Didn't have this problem with the alpha version. Any ideas, anyone?
March 9, 2001, 01:34
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Wes -
I don't know for sure what turn I was on (I can email you the autosave file), but I've had the same freeze issue. The AI's turn begins, whoever's orange is moving, then everything freezes. Eventually (after around 5-10 mins) the game dumps to Windows & completely dissapears. I've no clue what's going on or why. Seems like this might be a bit of a ***** to track down too, but good luck!
March 9, 2001, 01:55
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Originally posted by Gooner on 03-08-2001 07:50 AM
OK - here are the problems I've found so far.
1) I also cannot get past around 2000BC without the game freezing. Interestingly, if you look at the little progress meter for the AI's moves, it always seems to be exactly in the middle. The program appears to be accessing the hard drive for something as I can clearly hear HD activity. CNTR-ALT-DEL works to get out of the program (it shows CTP2 'not responding').
If you use cheat mode to remove the fog of war, it will show you all the AI moves, and their accompanying sound. When the game crashes, you will hear the sound stuck in an infinite loop. The two games I checked this way stuck on different units, but with the same player- 5.
It seem to remember sound problems like this in the past, but I don't remember the solution. The big question is why they started appearing.

2) The new wonders do not seem to work properly. It says in the docs that if you obtain the Stonehenge wonder, for example, granarys should disappear from the build lists - they don't.
That trigger is not in the game yet. I forgot to take it out of the readmes. It is currently out-commented in the scenario.slc, and needs to be de-bugged. Any volunteers?

3) The entries in the encyclopaedia are all mixed up. The main problem seems to be the new Absolute Monarchy government. Apart from the title the whole entry is blank. Other problems I've found include the early wonders showing the wrong info e.g. Stonehenge showing Great Wall details.
See the bottom of my initial post.

4) An AI noble appeared outside my capitol. I used the expel function, the trumpet sound and graphic duly appeared, and lo and behold he was back again on the next turn, and the next turn, and the next turn...
I don't know why it kept returning, unless it was following a river, but you should not fear the nobles anyway. Let'em move around if they want to; they're harmless.

5) I also have experienced long waits on some turns while the AI makes its moves as mentioned in Wes's original posting. What is happening while this is going on. Is it tied up the freezes that happen later?
6) On the subject of waiting, there seems to be some long pauses when you investigate a goodie hut. I think it's only when a new unit (settler or soldier) or advance is generated. If it's cash or empty speed is normal.
I think the goody huts are the most likely source of the delays both here and during the AI turns, at least I hope they are. I am trying out a new way of determining which units may be gotten from huts, both for you and the Barbarians. If this is not related to the crashes, and I don't think it is, then the feature is worth the occasional pauses.
7) I too cannot get to the new Diplomod update via Wes's site.

Keep going with this Mod lads; I'm sure it's going to be fantastic when the little wrinkles are ironed out.
I feel confident as well.
As for some of the other crashes, I am afraid I am not qualified to speculate.
I did not have the tutorial in mind when I designed the mod, so I would suggest you become familiar with the standard game, then try out the Med mod when you no longer need the tutorial. (It will help you appreciate all the improvements that way.) 
As for Windows2000, I don't have the technical expertise to even comment o this, which is why Tim called out for "anyone's" suggestions. That is all I can call for as well.
GENERAL DE-BUGGING ADVICE: In the default\gamedata folder, look at the bottom of the script.slc. There you will see the lines which "include" all the individual slc mods.
If you are getting crashes, try out-commenting individual mods by putting "//" in front of the "#" at the start of the line, and starting new games. If you no longer have the crashes, then you know which mod is causing them.
Dale already has a thread for the Diplomod, so report Diplomod crashes there. If it is the scenario.slc causing them, then it is one of Locutus' triggers, and you can report it in a "Locutus triggers Crashes" thread.
The Diplomacy mod is part of the standard game, and I have not messed with it, so I doubt it would cause any problems. The Feats slc should not cause any problems either, at least not yet, and if it does the error message should specify the feats file or something similar.
If we divide the crashes like this, it will help us to keep things straight and allow the slic guys to isolate and correct the problems faster. Keep in mind that Locutus will not be able to help much in the next few weeks, so you slic guys need to help us out there if his triggers are the source of some of these problems.
I guess it would be better to create a "Modswapper crashes" thread as well, which I know Paul to stay on top of. I am sure Paul will welcome any help anyone wants to offer there as well.
If you have out-commented the slic mods, and you still get crashes, then report them in this thread. I should be able to handle some of those, and if not me then maybe someone else here (and don't wait for me to reply before you speak up).
To address Blue's post; Be sure you install all the Med Pack components and updates before installing the Modswapper. If you have not done this, un-install the Modswapper using the Start\settings\... sequence, and re-install it after making sure the mod is in place (you should not have to re-install the mod itself).
Sorry I can't be of more help, but most of these crashes seem to be out of my area of expertise.
March 9, 2001, 03:53
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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States
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I too am having problems like "Bluevoss" wsa describing. I'll remove and reinstall modswapper and see that works... I am really excited to play this mod finally... hey, why doesn't activsion hire some of you crazed slic coders, you would make seriously kick ass CTP3...
March 9, 2001, 04:26
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I reinstalled Modswapper, but same errors as before.... Alas, I'll take a break from it...
March 9, 2001, 05:01
Local Time: 19:58
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Posts: 3,944
If you are getting the "array out of bounds" errors, then take a look at the diplomacy mod thread for the discussion.
I took a deeper look into files and stuff, and I think the reason I'm not getting errors is because of CTP2.EXE. I'd like to compare file version/dates/sizes and stuff with someone, so if the details could be provided from someone with the errors, that would be good.
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
March 9, 2001, 07:09
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Wes, my schoolwork is gradually getting less hectic, I'll see if I can do something about possible SLIC bugs in the weekend.
(Man, why do I have to be so busy right now? I want nothing more than to try your mod ASAP but it seems like I'll have to wait a couple of weeks more  )
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