March 28, 2001, 01:12
Local Time: 09:58
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 525
I am very disappointed that Wes hasn't decided to include the Frenzy Mod into the Medieval Pack.
If you have a problem with the AI being predictable, then you just need to look at the game as it is. No fight whatsoever from the AI. I play on Very Hard with Marauding barbarians. The cities are excellently well defended, but the only troops mounting offensives are mine.
Very disappointing...very disappointing indeed.
March 28, 2001, 01:16
Local Time: 09:58
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Posts: 525
To Dale....
Can I just ask...what is the point in the AIs being able to love each other? They can't create treaties between each other of any kind anyway, so it seems kind of academic. (The human player's monopoly over diplomacy is quite disheartening.)
Unfortunately they are way, way, way too peaceful at the moment. Even to the point where I almost never see them at war unless I've asked a military pact to be honored.
The MedMod desperately needs more aggression in it. War seems to be almost like an afterthought at the moment.
To Wes....
What are "Absolute Monarchy" and "City State" all about? I'm afraid the idea that absolute monarchy needs to be researched and comes after the original monarchy is rather baffling. Surely all monarchies begin absolute, but as time goes by, and the human race becomes more enlightened and liberal, the role of monarchy would fade into constitutional democracy and/or Republics (or perhaps even radical leftist movements, well we can always wish anyway). The city state idea is beyond me completely--unless you mean it to be a form of early Republic and intend to bolster the attributes of the Republic itself so it can survive into the modern age (to represent our very own "glorious" Republic, the USA. After all, we're a Republic, not a democracy. Whatever.))
I want to just remove Absolute Monarchy altogether. Don't mean to be rude, but it's just silly the way it progresses. Perhaps more realistic government types, e.g. socialism, military junta, etc, should be included. Perhaps I'll have a go on my own if no one's listening.
[This message has been edited by David Murray (edited March 27, 2001).]
March 28, 2001, 01:27
Local Time: 11:58
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Posts: 150
If emperor/tribe haves a empty space in it's name does it need to be shown as a _ (underline character)? If not then Franklin_D._Roosevelt and United_States should be renamed.
About frenzy mod. I do not necessaily want that to be added to medmod but I would really like to see more enemies wandering and when I am at war I would like to see enemy attacking with large armies. But of course they should have many defenders in cities too if my border or troops are near.
By the way I saw AI to declare war to other AI first time yesterday. I was playing first time at very hard(secondly hardest level).
Wes said that we need to have more moneyimprovements to get technologies in time. I myself and I suppose many other players too are usually building more food/production improvements than money improvements. But if it is now needed to build about 40(money)/30(food)/30(production) improvements then maybe that should be said in manual?
March 28, 2001, 02:41
Local Time: 19:58
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Posts: 3,944
I see your point about Frenzy that warrants it being included in Med Mod, but there is one MAJOR flaw to the script that leaves the AI's in a position where the human can almost destroy it in a few turns. You literally exploit the Frenzy component.
- Position troops close to all of the AI's major cities.
- Declare war and get the AI up to frenzy level (leaving all those troops stationed near his cities, I use stacks of 5 or 6).
- When the AI Frenzys and sends all its troops at you, you quickly take all its major cities. Easy since it'll only have 1 or 2 units defending.
- AI can't afford maintenance and disbands most of its Frenzy stacks.
- Frenzy gets aborted because it has nothing left to attack with, or if it does you can easily defend against it.
- AI is useless as an opponent now since its lost most of its power in its major cities.
This is Frenzy's HUGE exploitation hole, and that's why I wouldn't like to see it in Med Mod.
My vote is not to have it in.
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
March 28, 2001, 08:34
Local Time: 09:58
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Hi Wes,
I would like to throw my vote behind the No Frenzy Mod coalition as well. If Frenzy Mod is in, you will end up having to fight lots of big wars to win the game. It is good if that is your style of play, if it is not, too bad. I do however agree that the AI needs to be a bit more agressive if its personality type warrants it.
One thing that I have noticed in playing around with the new Med Mod is that If you like to play on gigantic maps, then the city numbers are too low. Wes, in the original Med Mod you made a version for people that like to play on large maps. Could you do this again? Another question I have along these lines is to ask if the AI limits the number of cities it builds by the limits in the government.txt file. By this I mean, if I make the government limits bigger, will the AI biuld more cities, or does something else have to be changed as well?
I also noticed t
March 28, 2001, 10:18
Local Time: 09:58
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Hi evryone,
Not much to browse through nowadays.....only the medmod thread is active !
But anyways ...... I just downloaded Wes's new I'm installing them as soon as come home .... can't wait !
BTW....can I install the new textfiles load a savegame and notice the effects or do I have to start all over again ? or do I need to reload the SLIC.
I mean for the changes other than SLIC, like units and buildings.
Can't wait to see about that airplane refuel script, hope it works, I'm getting so ****ing tired of the sound of crashing planes !
Dale, your absolutly right, it's only the kelpbed area that are trouble, I had an example of two enemy ship, one on plain sea and one on kelpbed, the one at sea did nothin' but the kelpbed one gave me that expellsound.
Where have all the barbs gone though...I enjoyed them very much and now I'm in 1916 and they're all gone.
I miss those stacks coming towards me !
The enemy doesn't build tile imps very well, neither do they defend their cities very well.
Isn't the trigger working which forces an enemy of which the capital is captured to rush buy a new one ? I captured washington DC  and then made peace....installed an embassy but when I look at the info on the united_states there is no capital ????
You should make the AI somewhat more aggresive and more vengefull, I captured 3 cities (his biggest) of the americans and we've been at peacy now for 3 turns and their happy with me as their neighour...that's not quite realistic now is it ?
Furthermore..the enemy does not defend it's cities well, maybe because it does not build tile imps well, that they do not have sufficient military forces to maintain their territory ?
For example, I play on very hard, and I could conquer an entire country with my one 12 unit stack that I have there.
Futhermore..the AI does not upgrade their units, I've seen musketeers walk about and they have fyrdman defending their cities ????
Is the militiatrigger suppose for them too by the way ??? Hope it is !!!
To make a long story short, I think, and this may be a game thing, that the AI does focus on one thing and is crappy about other things, for exmaple it can build up a city but then the military would suck or vice versa !
It cannot do all things it's supposed to which are : build up cities, tile improvement, and military all in correlation with each other !
I hope that that will be addressed.
To all those people who complain that they have nothing to build but units... isn't it so that you have to build as many caravans as possible for trade.
I made them every time I had nothing to build and now I'm making lots and lots of money on trade which in turn boosts my science.
So also all you people who say that science is going slow....think about it !
Don't build ****ty units all the time...TRADE is the key to money !
Well, hope to hear from ya soon !
March 28, 2001, 16:03
Local Time: 11:58
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Hi guys, I'm back. I'm downloading the MedMod right now (though I won't be able to finish the download before tomorrow, 'cause the Dutch national football team is about to play a *very* important match against Portugal and I wouldn't want to miss that for the world), so I can start on some serious debugging work. I haven't heard from Harlan in a while either, so I'm assuming for now the Alexander scenario is on hold until further notice, so I can focus on the MedMod and the SLIC documentation (and some minor things).
If you need my help on the pirate code, now is the time to mail me (unless of course you're watching the game too  ). BTW, thank you for your support (and you too, Timeline, even though you probably didn't know what the hell it was about  ), I'm feeling much better now.
BTW, from day 1 both Wes and I have argued that the Frenzy mod is a nice thing to play with but is not even close to being suitable for inclusion in the MedMod (all pros and cons have been mentioned several times already, so I won't bother to repeat them), so the decision on that was made a long time ago (it is, after all, Wes's mod). It's too bad that the AI isn't too aggressive yet, but I think the reports about the barbarians prove it is indeed possible to make a challenging AI, it just takes a lot of time to get there (just look MedMod I: it took a long time but eventually we ended up with one heck of an AI and we weren't even done yet).
Well, game is about to start, I gotta run...
March 28, 2001, 18:53
Wes I did the Userprofile thing and the save game loaded and I was able to play it. A big thank you. Tonight I will download the new text.
March 29, 2001, 02:03
Local Time: 03:58
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Thanks for the United_States error. I have corrected it.
Non-slic changes will take effect in old games when you load them.
Tim, I am not sure if the AI expands to fill the government limit. There were lines you could alter to influence this in Ctp1, but I don't think they are available in Ctp2.
I have noticed that the Start strategies do not stay in effect the whole game. I would think the AI would expand more when those are active. From what I can tell, though, the AI does a pretty good job of filling the map on my Normal-sized games.
When I get the regular mod all set, I will look into making a Large version of it like I did for the Med mod I.
Barbs only appear until turn 350, about the middle of the Renaissance age. After that you can only get them from huts. When the Pirate code is ready, I plan to have Pirates start about 100 turns into the game, and end about turn 450. By this point everyone should have enough troops to where barbs are just slavery opportunities for the human.
Btw, I am going to fool with the Unconventional warfare goals on my own sometime and see if I can get the AIs to use them more, and with better effect.
The Capital trigger does not work right now. Wouter said he would try and fix it when he gets back to work.
Nice to see you back, Wouter. And you are welcome, Joseph.
I have spent tonight learning that you can do some interesting things with the info that is displayed in the GL. In the next update the units' vision info will be replaced with hitpoint info.
The government section will be totally reworked, though not without some minor inaccuracies which I will cover later. I also updated the info displayed when you compare gov's in the Empire screen. Now you can see correct stats when deciding to change governments, though the numerical info in the GL will be more precise.
March 29, 2001, 03:23
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Originally posted by WesW on 03-29-2001 01:03 AM
I plan to have Pirates start about 100 turns into the game, and end about turn 450. By this point everyone should have enough troops to where barbs are just slavery opportunities for the human.
I am not sure what year is turn 450 but I read from local newspaper about a month ago that there were for example hundreds of cargoship captures in Asia in year 2000 made by modern pirates. So we could have that kind of pirates in CTP2 too near the year 2000. Maybe near the year 2000 those pirates could be located only in big oceans and they would try to find traderoutes and if they see other ships they would try to hide.
Maybe this would be easiest to do making two kind of pirates. Pirates1 for turns 100-450 and Pirates2 from the turn 450(or maybe from 400 etc) to the end of the game.
[This message has been edited by janilxx (edited March 29, 2001).]
March 29, 2001, 03:24
Local Time: 09:58
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Hi there,
Tried out the new textfiles, including a large GL ! I thougth it was the right one !
But when I opened my saved game, did reloadslic and all but when I open the GL it's still messed up.
Am I an idiot for thinking it was fixed or has there been a mistake of some kind ?
Didn't try much else, like Wouter said very important game yesterday !!!
They were ahead with 2-0 but it finished with 2-2 can you ****ing believe that ????????
Are there any portugese people here....if play good football very nice !!!!
But anyways...glad to see so much activity from you SLIccers and modders !
Veni Vidi Vici !
March 29, 2001, 07:13
Local Time: 09:58
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Posts: 80
I'm working on the GL, so any notes regarding to it should be sent to me.
Huysmans_666, Wes, and so did I, specifically said, that this update of the GL contains ONLY the advances working. All the other sections havent been worked out yet.
If you find any errors in the ADVANCES section, be sure to tell me!
and anyway, there is no need touse reloadslic in order to get the update GL showing up. All you need is to use Modswapper again, and all the files will be automatically updated.
[This message has been edited by alley_cat (edited March 29, 2001).]
March 29, 2001, 07:31
Local Time: 11:58
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Location: Finland
Posts: 150
This is a quite stupid question and the answer might be found from docs but how MedMod is supposed to be updated?
I do it this way:
1. Use Modswapper and select original CTP2 and launch that once
2. Quit CTP2
3. Copy/extract updated files
4. Use Modswapper and select MedMod
5. Done
March 29, 2001, 08:35
Local Time: 09:58
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Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Posts: 80
Sorry, perhaps I missexplained my self.
What I meant that as soon as you will open Modswap again, press twice on "Medival Pack II beta", Modswap will than update all the CTP2 files it usually updates by using the index files called (I guess you already understand the syntax) and by that it updates the Great_Library.txt file.
[This message has been edited by alley_cat (edited March 29, 2001).]
March 29, 2001, 10:15
Local Time: 04:58
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Location: Florida, USA
Posts: 367
Hey Wes,
How far away from a finished Mod do you think we are? A couple of friends of mine woud like to play the mod, but they want to wait until it is completely finished. They wanted me to ask you how much longer you thought it would be. By the way, thanks for putting so much hard work into fixing Activision's mistakes!
March 29, 2001, 10:21
Local Time: 09:58
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Location: Deltona, Florida
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Hi Wes,
I played a little bit more yesterday. I started a new game with the new text files since I was only about 200 turns into the old one anyway. This time around the Militia slic seems to be working fine. I don't know if that if a coincidence of or you updated the trigger, but I thought I would mention it anyway.
I noticed that my last post got cut off so I will ask about ship bombarding again. Which naval units can bombard land. I have not seen that anywhere yet.
Timothy Pintello
March 29, 2001, 10:41
Local Time: 09:58
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Hi Y'all,
Yeah oke, my fault, I thought the WHOLE GL was good but only the advances part.
Well sorry oke ! jeez !!!!
Really hope to get some more testign done, plus I'llbe expecting a trigger from locutus soon which will get me back on track with my SLIC script for pirates.
I can also do it with adaptation of some files but I like using SLIC for those kinds of things !
Don't ask me why !
Well gotta go, goin' home ..... work's done !!!!  thank god for small favors !
March 29, 2001, 10:42
Local Time: 09:58
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Location: Somewhere over the Rainbow ........
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Hi Y'all,
Duplicate post ...having some probs
[This message has been edited by Huysmans_666 (edited March 29, 2001).]
March 29, 2001, 12:12
Local Time: 09:58
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Location: Rohrbach, Bavaria, Germany
Posts: 6
Hi folks,
I've build tile improvements (especially gold improvements), i've build traderoutes but i haven't enough cash to get the sience work properly. Do you have any idea for me?
There are some suggestions to get a better cash flow and sience plus some other improvements, too:
city improvements:
What do you think about a city improvement "post office" in the late Renaissance Age? This improved the cash flow and trading.
And a "telegraph office" in the Modern Age improved cash flow by increasing stock exchange and sience because the peoples were able to send important informations in a short time.
And now in the Information Age improves a "Mega Store" (the really big stores we have now) cash flow significantly.
"Printing Press":
I assume to change the "Publishing House" to "State Library" (+30% Sience). The state librarys came up at around the same time than the printing press. This should enable another advance ->
"Public News" or "News Paper":
Here could the "Publishing House" be placed. The publishing house increases both the sience research and the happiness of the citizens (+15% Sience and +2 Happiness)
tile improvements:
I'm wondering why building roads, railways, maglevs and undersea tunnels doesn't affect food, gold and production. In our normal life it does it very strongly. Because of this i assume following ->
Road: +5 for gold, food and production
Railway: +10 for gold, food and production
Maglev and Undersea Tunnel: +15 for gold, food and production
Maybe the following things are correct but i just want to verify they are:
I've seen that the stealth fighter has now a movement of 10 and the stealth bomber of 15. In the standard game this was just the other way round. I think it was ok by this way because fighters are faster than bombers, aren't they?
Why the space plane is slower now than a fighter (movement 12)? They're normally much faster. The speed of the standard game was ok (movement of 18).
While using plasma destoyes and dreadnoughts i noticed that i was able to exceed the shown maximum range of those ships. This might be really a bug.
I recogniced further, that the computer generated players have the same cash flow problem than i. Maybe this causes some of the "stupid AI" issues.
That's it for now.
But again: This mod is very nice at this time! :->
Im really looking forard when it is finished. Great work, guys! :-) :-)
March 29, 2001, 12:30
Local Time: 04:58
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I have been playing the latest up grade, on very hard normal map barbs on max. Barbs are no problem just keep all armys at at less three and they can't hurt you. Don't know who said that Ai's are not agressive enought, but they are killing my. thy arn't doing anything on land they do have large stacks but don't attack. They are sending out many spys, slavers, abolitionist, and settlers. But on the water they are sending stacks of 8 at me. I am having hard time getting enough PW to suport my army and build anything(at war on three fronts)even with mines everywhere. I did not have SOL long enough to build one, got two Ironclads built, then game disbanded one becouse of lack of support. They became obsolete at Oil Refining.That left me with no more ships I could build except Galleon.My adversaries had stacks of SOLs and ironclads to make my life miserable. Why can't culverin bombard ships? I have been left totaly defenseless against my foe.
Last game I played ended when I had just got the adv Autombile. I was at less 2 ages above all Ai. I was playing on hard level. In this game it is 1926 and I am at top of science. and am only at Chemistry.
Wonders go ok till yu get to London Exchange, it takes over 100 turns to compeat. That seem way to long.
I find that I must be working specialest to keep citys happy and produce enough gold and PW. Mayors don't do anything I can see to help. You can't let your citys get two big or you can't keep them happy. If you can't have big citys you must have many citys, but the Ai's don't see it that way. So you spend much time at war. this will lst till you get to mondern age then you are so powerfull that the Ai will do anything you say.
Great game--getting better with each mod
March 29, 2001, 16:01
Local Time: 03:58
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I forgot about the Great Library (GL) being a special text file. Here is what you need to do to update all the files. If you continue a previous game, you will also have to reload slic.
1)Extract update.
2)Open modswapper, select Original game and press "Load and Save". Close modswapper.
3)Open modswapper, select Med pack II and press "Load and Save". Close modswapper.
4)Start Ctp2 in the normal fashion.
Steps 1 and 2 can be swapped if you prefer. The critical thing is to not do step 3 without doing step 2. This is why I suggest closing modswapper between steps 2 and 3. The game version which is highlighted when you open modswapper is the version currently in use.
The Public release is still a couple of weeks away at the earliest.
I will keep the Pirates in mind, Janil. I will see what I can do when I see the finished code for it.
Dark Yellow ships starting with SotL can bombard land. Red ships can too. I have just now updated the Med charts so that everything is spelled out.
Remember that Banks, Harbors and City Clocks only increase gold, not commerce, so they will not help your science. There upkeep *is* taken out of commerce, however, so if you are not short on gold you may be better off not building them.
Roads do not function the same way in Ctp as in civ2. If you give them a commerce bonus, it will be an incentive to build them "everywhere", ala civ2, which I for one do not want to see.
If science continues to be a problem, then I will decrease the cost of the technologies, or increase the max gold percentage for governments.
Fighters are faster than Bombers, but they have much smaller fuel tanks.
Sorry, P-man, that was a bug with the Ironclad. I have made them obsolete with Mass Production. You are right about the Culverin. I have given it the ability to bombard water. All gunpowder artillery units can bombard water now. I also found while checking that the enabling advances for the Plasma Cannon and Hovertank were switched, and corrected that.
When Dale and Wouter finish their current triggers, I will post another update.
March 29, 2001, 18:35
Local Time: 04:58
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Hello Everyone!  I’ve done some more testing, this time of the GL Ally Cat wrote.
All in all, some very good work Ally Cat. It looks like a massive job, very nice of you to do this for Wes and for all of us  . I searched through the advance database and found some errors, they are posted below. I used the Advance Chart in the Med Mod readme folder as my point of reference.
GL says Agro Industry gives Industrial Farms, I believe it means Hydroponic Farms.
GL says Arcology advance gives nothing, it gives Arcologies and the Leviathan.
Assault Tactics prerequisite is Automatic Rifles, not Automated Machines.
Typing error under Chemistry advance.
Citizenship needs Jurisprudence as a prerequisite.
Composite Bow is not suppose to have any prerequisite.
Conservation needs Immunization as a prerequisite.
Crop Rotation needs Feudalism as a prerequisite.
Decimal System does not need Infantry Tactics as a prerequisite.
Drama gives Amazons
Flight gives the Fighter and Airbase. It does not give the Aircraft Carrier.
Fluid Breathing gives Hover Marine. It does not give the Scout Sub.
Genetic Tailoring does not give the Kraken.
Geometry gives the Hagia Sophia.
Global Comm does not give the Anti-Ballistic Missile.
Global Defenses gives te Anti-Ballistic Missile.
Global Economy does not give the Hollywood Wonder.
Gunpowder gives the Bombard and Arquebusier. It does not give the Infantryman.
Horse Riding gives the Chariot. It does not give the Mounted Archer and Trading Post.
Industrial Revolution does not give the Machine Gunner.
Internal Combustion gives the PT Boat. It does not give the Troopship.
Iron Working gives the Heavy Swordsmen. It does not give the Samurai.
Jet Propulsion gives the Spy Plane. It doesn’t give the Bomber.
Spelling of the Chichen Itza wrong under the Jurisprudence advance.
Mass Media gives Fundamentalism, and it doesn’t give the Outlet Mall.
Mass Production only gives the Destroyer.
The Mechanical Power has a Geometry prerequisite, not Feudalism.
Modern Metallurgy gives the Battleship and not the Ironclad.
Nano Assembly does not give the Sea Engineer.
Nano Machines: Okay, confusing here. The Med Mod Chart says this advance gives the Moray Striker and Adv. Undersea Mines, and says it doesn’t give something called an “Aqua-Filter” that is referred to in the GL. Guess you should take a look Ally Cat.
Nano Warfare: Nano Defense is called Micro Defense in the GL (Error?).
Nationalism gives Partisan and Republic. It does not give the Spy.
Oceanography is supposed to give something called Ocean Mapping (according to Med Mod Adv. Chart).
Oil Refining needs Chemistry as a prerequisite.
Plough advance is not suppose to have any prerequisite.
Steel does not give Infrastructure.
Ultra Pressure Machines is suppose to have HP Construction and Adv. Composites as a prerequisite.
*Gasping for Air*
Wheeewwwwww!! That’s all of em!!
Now, as I am sitting here in my chair at my desk, I am just realizing that I was using an old printout (march 8) of the Advance Chart as my reference. So it is possible that there may be some errors in here that have already been fixed, I am very sorry. I already caught a few that were corrected in the new Advance chart.
Hey Locutus! Glad to hear you are feeling better. No, I didn’t know anything, just wanted you to know that we all were thinking of you  .
Wes: I see your point now after reading the History Text for the PT boat in CTP2. They had limited range, but operated at high speeds. So now that we have simulated the short range, how about we simulate the high speed? Why not raise the PT’s movement to 8?
Oh btw, WesW, I am *so* sorry about the Self Prop Gun thing. It was a case of me being confused when I was reading the advance chart. In short, I thought they went obsolete at Rocketry. Sorry for the mistake.
Okay, I did have another question for you though Wes: Why does the War Walker come in the Information age, and at the same time as the Battle Tank? I see according to the chart the War Walker comes in the 1990s - 2000s. I don’t think any nation on earth is anywhere near implementing such a thing as a War Walker today . . . unless it is where it is for game balance I think you should move this unit into the Genetic age. I kinda think it was weird that nano assembly and under water construction is all available in the 90s - 00s too. But maybe you didnt have any other place to put it . . .
Are you planning on getting a new sprite for the Rifleman? I don’t know if you read my post in response to your thoughts on the Stormtrooper, but I had said I think you should get a new sprite, if you can, for this type of unit (Modern Assault Unit). I said I would change the sprite before I would change the name. Well, if you get a new sprite for the Rifleman, you can use the old one for the Stormtrooper, just a thought.
I will end with a positive thought: This mod is gonna kick butt!!
[This message has been edited by Timeline (edited March 29, 2001).]
March 29, 2001, 21:00
Local Time: 04:58
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Location: Florida, USA
Posts: 367
I jsut downloaded the newest of all the files for your Mod. After I had installed the game I installed the patch, then the modswapper, then I unzipped all the mod files in the CTP2 folder. I opened the modswapper and clicked MedMod2. After I started a new game it seemed to work until after I had moved my second settler (where it would normally automatically end your turn. Then I got a SLIC error.
It said :
C:\Program Fles\Activision\Call To Power 2 ctp2_data\default\gamedata\MM2_scenario2.slc:135:A rray index 0 out of bounds.
Is this an actual bug, or is it something that I don't have installed right? Everything is installed exactly the same way as before i downloaded the new updates, and before it worked beautifully. Thanks a lot for your help!
March 30, 2001, 06:07
Local Time: 09:58
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Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Posts: 80
Thanks Timeline. This really helps that you report bugs (and say such nice things  ). I was waiting that someone will report bugs on the GL.
I'll look over what you reported and I guess that the next version of the GL, who is supposed to include units (not all the sections of the units though) and improvements will include all these fixes.
Keep bringing bug reports! You are the one who will benefit from them.
Note: The technologies Conservation, Agriculture (Plough) and Ultrapressure Machinery all have the same problem, which I couldnt solve even after looking many times in the code - The Prerequirements section is always left blank and I can't figure out why, so I told Wes to take care of it. Until than, this bug will stay
Let people hear what they want to hear
[This message has been edited by alley_cat (edited March 30, 2001).]
March 30, 2001, 07:49
Local Time: 09:58
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Switzerland
Posts: 64
I'd like to add my two cents too.
Its the first time I managed to reach future tech with the mod and something hit my eye immediately. All the future gov's seem to be at about the same level of the tech tree. I think it would be good to have 2 earlier future gov's (say corporate republic and technocracy) and two later ones (virtual dem. and ecotopia) like in CTP1. that would also solve part of the problem with the costs of researching techs because future govs should research faster (BTW it kinda feels funny to switch from communism to virtual democracy).
Which leads me to the second point. The high wages together with the apparently weak economies of the democracies not only makes it difficult to sustain them (I'm running a deficit that will bankrupt me in about 25 turns) but also results in longer research times for advances than in not so research adapted govs.
March 30, 2001, 08:20
Local Time: 10:58
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 18
In a game I am running on a normal map with 8 civs, very hard level. I have just discovered sanitation in the year 2075. I have not been in that many wars and I am in 2nd place in the science.
I think the tech three should run a little faster in the modern ages. Early in the game it seemed just fine. There also seem to be a lot of advances late in the game that just enable research on new advances. This ofcourse slows the pace of the research.
Also when I don't discover sanitation until so late in the game it forces my cities and the AI's to stay at size 16 which then leads to lower production and income.
I don't have a clue on how to solve this problem but I am sure you guys will figure something out.
[This message has been edited by GreatDane (edited March 30, 2001).]
March 30, 2001, 08:40
Local Time: 09:58
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Posts: 80
Timeline, thank you VERY much for all the bug reports  . I took care of most of them, but had some problems with others.
Here are some notes for all of you regarding to the bug reports:

Decimal System does not need Infantry Tactics as a prerequisite.
It DOES need Infantry Tactics (at least at my Advance Chart).

Drama gives Amazons
Yeah, I know. But I found nothing in the text files I work with that talk about Amazons. I think that Wes should work on this one.

Spelling of the Chichen Itza wrong under the Jurisprudence advance.
I couldn't fix that one because I don't have the needed font installed on my computer in order to write the special "a" and "e". Somebody else should do this. Maybe Wes.

Nano Warfare: Nano Defense is called Micro Defense in the GL (Error?).
I fixed that one too, considering the fact that the Advance Chart is also written that way, but I'm not so sure that this is the right thing cause the Med Charts do call it Micro Defense.

Oceanography is supposed to give something called Ocean Mapping (according to Med Mod Adv. Chart).
This part havent been prepared and should be deleted from the Advance Chart as far as I know.

The Mechanical Power has a Geometry prerequisite, not Feudalism.
It DOES require Feudalism.
And about the Plough, Ultra Pressure Machines and Conservation, I already told what the problem was in the last post.
Please supply me with more bug reports!
Alley Cat.
Let people hear what they want to hear
[This message has been edited by alley_cat (edited March 30, 2001).]
March 30, 2001, 14:37
I found this last night. When you get the advanced to build Horse Archer you build Cavalry instead. Somehow the Cavalry Sprite was change for the Horse Archer. I used him against a Heavy Swordsman and the Cavalry/Horse Archer lost. I play around 300 plus turn w/the lasted text changes and only one crash to desk top. The crash was one of those computer code crashes and not a slic or internal mod crash. The barbarian in my game took two cities from the Assyrian and when I attack them (barbarian), one city had six or seven mix defender and the other city had about five defender, plus they were sending stack of two and three units to challenged me. Also the Germans started a war with me. I’m playing at the middle level.
March 30, 2001, 22:55
Local Time: 04:58
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Sunshine State, USA
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March 30, 2001, 23:23
Local Time: 03:58
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Florence, Al., USA
Posts: 1,554
If you have the latest advances chart, you can see that the Info age extends until 2040, and that it shares the third-to-last column with the Genetic age. This means that War Walkers can come as late as 2040 in the timeline. This is still too early, and I would rather have a sprite like the Paladin being developed by the US Army, but I have to go with the sprites I have.
I may push the Fascist sprite back to the Mech. Inf. unit, and use one of the Ctp1 infantry sprites for the Stormtrooper. The Marine or Paratrooper would be the choices.
Rhuarc, if you re-installed Ctp2, you will have to set debugSLIC back to no.
The future gov's appearance is based upon the length of time since the previous gov for that type. Check out the color-coding to see what I mean.
The mod is designed for AI players, who use one gov type throughout the game (blue, yellow, purple, etc).
I have gotten into the future ages in any game yet, but the stats in the Govern page don't suggest a gold shortage for Democracy-type govs. You may not be able to use the max science rate of 90% for V-Dem, and you can't have a large army under Dem unless you have a huge GDP.
I don't plan on adding the Amazons unless I can get regular-sized sprites for them. Since BlueO seems to have permanently disappeared, I will take them out of the charts.
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