April 4, 2001, 02:15
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Hi everyone. I'm back. Sorry for the absence and lack of scripting for the mod but I had a personal situation to take care of. Thanks Wes for understanding.
Anyways, just a couple of comments.
1. READ THE READMES! Too many things are being posted that are addressed in the readmes.
2. UPDATE! I also see a couple of things relating to earlier versions than the posted one.
3. The guy who reported the double-embassy sound. I'd say it's the soundcard. That's a common sympton when something's wrong with the soundcard. It probably only occurs with certain wavelengths, and that file is the right wavelength.
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
April 4, 2001, 03:29
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Hi Y'all,
Sorry for not being here !! But I'm having trouble coming to the forum, ie 5.5 says that the page could not be found so I had to put www. before the URL.
Is this just me or do y'all have that same problem ???
Hadn't had much time to test, very busy with my work, but vacation is coming along in which I intend to spend a lot of hours playing and rewriting my script.
Had to begin all over again due to not making comments in the code I made an error somewhere but can't find it !!!!!
Anyways...hope there will be a new update soon and that I can reach this page normally !
Bye now !
April 4, 2001, 03:35
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Noticed this too late :
Joseph1944 : In this thread early pages 1 or 2 perhaps 3 there are some articles about an error made by one of the modders where a sprite was named wrong so the game would crash......just look up this article, you should rename your sprite...just forgot to what so look it up
Hope it works !!!!
April 4, 2001, 04:02
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What units do you need Wes? and do they need to be animated at all?
April 4, 2001, 05:46
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Sorry for not being here !! But I'm having trouble coming to the forum, ie 5.5 says that the page could not be found so I had to put www. before the URL.
Yep, all of us need to use "www" in order to get in, since all the links regarding to apolyton.net don't work anymore. I was quite surprised to find that out the fisr ay apolyton was shut down for repairs.
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April 4, 2001, 10:38
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I don't ever remember anybody saying anything about Apolyton being shut down, so it was a little suprising to me too. Wes, for the final publication are you going to put the files into an install program that will automatically extract the files to the proper directory? I know for some begginning users they would be much more likely to use the mod if they only had to download one exe file and run it and it would do everything. Just a thought, let me know what you think!
April 4, 2001, 11:04
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I don't ever remember anybody saying anything about Apolyton being shut down, so it was a little suprising to me too. Wes, for the final publication are you going to put the files into an install program that will automatically extract the files to the proper directory? I know for some begginning users they would be much more likely to use the mod if they only had to download one exe file and run it and it would do everything. Just a thought, let me know what you think!
I don't think that an installer is needed. Wes brought the mod in zip files that the directories were build into them. All you needed was to direct it to the CTP2 directory and the zip program did all the rest. That is EXACTLY what an installer does, except that than it is an EXE file that don't need another program, thats it.
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April 4, 2001, 11:58
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That's true alleycat, and I guess most people would have winzip so it shouldn't be that big of a deal. I'm really looking forwards to the next release of the mod. when the next mod comes out, do i have to start all new games? Or can I just reload the mod and still play my old games in the new mod?
April 4, 2001, 13:39
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do i have to start all new games? Or can I just reload the mod and still play my old games in the new mod?
I can't tell for sure cause I'm not the one who actually created the Mod, but I guess its only going to be a text update (like a GL update), meaning that you will only need to reload Modswap in order for the updated Mod to work on your exsisting game. But I can't tell for sure...
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April 4, 2001, 13:48
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Well, I didn't mean to sound rude.
I think the idea that there should be any bonus at all for same-government civilizations is wrong--theocracies hate each other because they don't believe that any other religion is God's religion that their own, Monarchies battled it out for control of the world in the medieval age, democracies constantly have disagreements, and so on. Maybe it should be enabled for certain types of governments only--fascism, virtual democracy, etc. But why bother?
If only the real world was a peaceful as CTP2...I don't want to see war become the be-all and end-all, but almost all of our major historical events have been wars or the results of wars...and personally, I don't know about you guys, I don't find "diplomacy" with a pre-programmed pile of drives, screws and cream-colored casing very fruitful.  I much prefer to experience the wonderful emotion, intellect and cunning of a human...so perhaps too much effort goes into tweaking things that don't really need to be tweaked, and yet war is still inconsequential in CTP2.
As for milita...they are a good idea in principle...but in practice they give free units and undermine the need to manage defenses as efficiently as offensives...so if they are in at all, in my opinion they should have severely marked-down stats to represent the fact that local militamen aren't as well trained as trained troops.
[This message has been edited by David Murray (edited April 04, 2001).]
April 4, 2001, 18:56
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Originally posted by David Murray on 04-04-2001 01:48 PM
Well, I didn't mean to sound rude. 
I think the idea that there should be any bonus at all for same-government civilizations is wrong--theocracies hate each other because they don't believe that any other religion is God's religion that their own, Monarchies battled it out for control of the world in the medieval age, democracies constantly have disagreements, and so on. Maybe it should be enabled for certain types of governments only--fascism, virtual democracy, etc. But why bother?
David, if you read a post of mine back on page 5 I think it was, you'll note that I've taken out the same-govt cheat.
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
April 4, 2001, 21:54
I did go back and look at the post. It was Wes that told us to change the sprite from UPUP117C to UPUP117L. So now the big question again is what do I do now? I would like to continual the game from here and not start over.
April 4, 2001, 22:11
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Sorry if it sounded like I was coming down on you. I see what you are saying about that stuff and it does seem like a good idea to keep the militia hit points down, and maybe their defense too. If Wes is reading this maybe he'll see this and think about changing that!
April 4, 2001, 22:12
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Sorry if it sounded like I was coming down on you. I see what you are saying about that stuff and it does seem like a good idea to keep the militia hit points down, and maybe their defense too. If Wes is reading this maybe he'll see this and think about changing that!
April 4, 2001, 23:26
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As far as new units, I need a sprite for the Partisan unit. Gemini made an unanimated Partisan unit for his WWII units pack, to give you an idea of what it should look like. The unit would have to have different facings, plus walking and attack animations. Death and acknowledgement (or whatever the initial animation is called when you place a unit using cheat mode) animation is optional.
Harlan didn't want me using his WWII units if I had any other choice, due to their lack of animation, and I agree with that, especially regarding infantry units. It's better to use a unit that is similar to what you need rather than one which is incomplete.
Tom (Morgoth) has his Mongol unit mostly done, and Harlan told me that Tom had told him that he would make a Siege Engine. The Apolyton Pack unit I am currently using is good enough until Tom gets the Seige Engine done, and I can use the Apolyton Pack Horse Archer, currently slated for the Nomadic Horseman, until the Mongol is done.
After that, the Paladin unit would be nice, with the animations mentioned for the Partisan. An early 20th century rifleman unit would be nice as well, to replace the Brown Marine from the WWII scenario currently being used.
As far as putting the mod in a self-extracting file, we tried that with the Ctp1 Awesome Aips, and found that Mac users could not use those types of files.
With the current setup, there should not be any problems, since you open up the Call-to-Power folder for extraction, and there is no reason for people to move around folders within the game itself.
I wanted militias for Ctp1 to prevent the common occurance of undefended AI cities, especially isolated ones. There are flags in Ctp2 which are supposed to prevent this, but there are also flags specifying that settlers should always be escorted, and we know that often they are not.
Anyway, once the code was in, I found that it eliminated the drugery of building that initial defensive unit when the city is founded. This helps the game move faster too.
I debated making them weaker than regular units, but that would mean they are a liability when you need 12 units in a city for a big battle. Besides, it you are attacked by a decent force, the militia unit is not going to be able to hold out without regular units to help, so I don't think that they take any strategy out of the game. You ordinarily leave a unit or two in all your cities for martial law and barbarian defense anyway.
April 5, 2001, 03:43
Local Time: 09:58
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Joseph1944: You can just rename the file to what it should be and play on !
The game will search for the file and where it used to find a missing one it should find the right one now.
No need to begin all over......that a ***** I know
Bye Bye
Holland signing off !
April 5, 2001, 05:36
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This just popped to my mind. Sometimes when I get a new technology there will be "animation" of ONE unit dying in a city.
I first recognised this in my current game(27th march version). I have now played it ummm about to the year 200AD. In this game I have seen this dying animation two times. Both times only one unit in one visible city have been died. I had no time to see it well but it might be a sprite with a one man standing with dark(maybe black) shirt on and that man is maybe falling backward.
After the animation I have checked the units in that city and it seems that all units that were there before are still there. And militia is the same as before(phalanx).
I am not sure if there was a sound when a dying animation occurs but I think there were no sound.
And this dying animation only occurs(if I remember right) when I get new technology.
Anyone seen this too?
April 5, 2001, 07:01
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That happened to me once, but in my game it seemed like one unit died in every city, although I went and looked and I hadn't actually lost any units. Has anyone had any problems witht the wonder movies at the beginning of the game? The science wonders at the begginning all play the same movie, I think it is the agency movie, but I'm not sure. Somebody let me know if you've seent his too.
April 5, 2001, 07:45
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I reported such a problem not long ago. It was after i got a technology and than all my Spearman Militia in all my cities were killed (that was pretty early in the game). Its nice to know I'm not the only one having this problem, only it appears a bit diffrent in our cases. In my case, All my spearman militia in all my cities died, and I saw them dying one by one, with the sounds (sounds pretty horrific, right?  ).
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April 5, 2001, 07:57
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Originally posted by alley_cat on 04-05-2001 07:45 AM
I reported such a problem not long ago. It was after i got a technology and than all my Spearman Militia in all my cities were killed (that was pretty early in the game). Its nice to know I'm not the only one having this problem, only it appears a bit diffrent in our cases. In my case, All my spearman militia in all my cities died, and I saw them dying one by one, with the sounds (sounds pretty horrific, right? ).
Your situation is different(I think). I have had this "all militias gets killed" too(and I reported it too  ) but I suppose it is now fixed(in 27th). It happened when you got technology that gives you the phalanx.
But this new thing happened two times and with technology that does not give you phalanx or other new militia units and no units in cities were really killed(it just looks like that).
April 5, 2001, 09:08
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Hmmm... you got me there.
don't know about the case you described.
you should ask Wes and other SLICers about it.
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April 5, 2001, 10:31
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The units 'dying off' is tied into the militia code. I am having the same problem in my mod, and the only SLIC code addition I have is the Militia code.
It does not seem to take away your militias, and it occurs as you get certain advances. Wes has mentioned that there still is some bugs in that code, and he is waitng for an update. Keep an eye on what is happening with your militias - whether they are being disbanded, because that will affect gameplay.
For me, I find it somewhat amusing and quirky, but that's just me I guess...
April 5, 2001, 11:56
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Now that you explained your problem alleycat, I think I am having the same problem you are, because suddenly it seemed like my units died one by one with sounds for each one, and it happened to every on of the same unit. This was a while ago that this happened so I had kind of forgotten about it. Do you guys have any idea what is causing it? I have the latest update of all the mod files. I read through the readme's and I didn't find anything about units dying when you get the technology for the next unit of that type, but I could have missed something. Any ideas anyone?
April 5, 2001, 20:35
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I just sent the below email to Wes and I thought y'all might be interested in this as well. By changing the file scenario.slc as described below you should be able to fix the problems with the militias. If after this you'd like to continue with your existing savegames you should open the chat window and type /reloadslic, as I explained numerous times before (both in this thread and elsewhere).

Sorry for the late reply, I've been having some problems with my computer (again) and I had to deal with some real-life issues as well (again). Anyway, it's almost 2.30 AM over here and I'm tired as hell so I'll keep this short. I haven't done much with the MedMod lately due to the aforementioned issues. However, I worked on it yesterday and today and I now know approximately where the bug with the militias is located but I don't know exactly what the problem is yet. As a temporary fix you can add the line 'capturedIndex = 0;' to the eventhandler MM2_EveryTurn, right after the line 'i = 0;'. I didn't test extremely thoroughly but this should fix the bug of all militias disappearing from Theology onwards. However, this does have a drawback, as you'd expect from a temporary fix: now conquered cities don't get militia's after a random number of turns but as soon as the city changes size, whether this happens 1 or 200 turns after the conquest. Since this is a much less annoying bug I suppose this is acceptable for the moment, tomorrow and this weekend I'll work on finding a real fix for the problem and fixing any other bugs in the existing code.
PS During testing I finally had the chance to try the mod out for the first time and it rocks! I hope I resist playing the game just for fun and focus on actual testing 
April 5, 2001, 23:07
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I know this is a little late to bring something up like this, but I was just reading in the Multiplaying forum that the hotseat support and things like that are still in the game, they just have lots of glitches and things. have you ever thought of trying to get those working in your mod? That was one thing I really like in CTP1 and was really dissapointed that they took it out. Well, think about it and let me know what you think!
April 5, 2001, 23:08
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I know this is a little late to bring something up like this, but I was just reading in the Multiplaying forum that the hotseat support and things like that are still in the game, they just have lots of glitches and things. have you ever thought of trying to get those working in your mod? That was one thing I really like in CTP1 and was really dissapointed that they took it out. Well, think about it and let me know what you think!
April 6, 2001, 08:10
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Sorry everyone, double post! my browser is so slow I click on it twice because the first time I didn't think it did anything!
April 6, 2001, 08:26
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I'm not so sure that Multiplaying in the Mod will work, unless both players will have exactly the same versions and files of the Med Mod.
Don't know...
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April 6, 2001, 08:32
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Hi Wes,
I have been playing you mod some more. Everything seems to be working fine other than the things that have already been mentioned, so I won't bring them up again.
I have an observation to make about the charts though. It would be nice if you could add a column in the Wonders chart that tells which advance gives a specific Wonder. That would be a very nice addition. Also, it would be nice if something could be added in the Terrain chart that tells what advance gives you teraforming capabilities and what capabilities those are. I know that these are just minor things, but I thought I would bring them up anyway.
Wes, you and the rest of the Mod team keep up the good work. I am really enjoying you mod.
Timothy Pintello
April 7, 2001, 00:51
Thank for the help, I was able to correct the other problem.
I hope I say all of this correctly. I’m in the year 1630 or so, and this is happing. I made the discovery to build Ironclad and Ships of the Line. I put the Ironclad in the building queue and later when I made another discovery (and not sure which discovery) the Ironclad and Ship of the Lines dropped out of the queue, and now I can only build Gallons. I know that in CTP 1 when you made a Discovery that deleted a unit, it was dropped from the queue, but in CTP 2 it was not dropped. Is the cost of everything supposed to be high? (30 turns to build a Granary)?
Well it is now 7:33pm pacific, and now I have a bigger problem. The Cost to build new Unites or Improvments is still the same but the time to build them has gone way up. A granary now take 100 turn to build, a unit 400 turns, a wonder 1,800 turns, I know you wanter to slow things down a bit but this is kinda crazy. The discovery time is still the same, between 5 and 10 turns for a new discovery. I'm in the year 1780.
[This message has been edited by joseph1944 (edited April 06, 2001).]
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