April 19, 2001, 01:05
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Originally posted by Dale on 04-18-2001 09:44 PM
Really though, what's the big problem with settlers moving through your nation?
If you can make settlers not to build their cities inside of my borders or just next to my borders then I would gladly allow them to wander through my nation.
If settlers do not build cities inside my borders I suggest everyone to give your map to that AI. Then he sees that there might be too long way to cross your country and he will send his settlers to other direction. I think this helped me once(???)
[This message has been edited by janilxx (edited April 19, 2001).]
April 19, 2001, 01:19
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Argh... texts.zip does not fit into one floppy :-/
Could it be possible that when texts.zip does not fit into one floppy then you would make two smaller zips too for floppy copiers?
April 19, 2001, 21:32
Downloaded the update and install it. The game crashes a lot starting around turn 30. I uninstall the game reinstalled it and it still crashes around turn 30. I set userprofile to "NO", change the Picture 117L. One crash to desktop no error message. The other were all Invalid Fault 0197:0041f86f. Maybe it is my computer? It's not a lot of fun all of a sudden, I like the game and I like the Mod, just can't play very far.
April 19, 2001, 23:01
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Well i reached the renaissance with the new update. No crash so far. Did you reload your modpicker?
Only the milita prob ist even worse now. Normaly they first disappeart in the industria age... . Now they are gone in the medieval age and left my citys defenseless to my enemies arg  .
And the city-limit is much to low. 10 city is close to nothing on a gigant map... . 15 was a much better value in my opinion.
[This message has been edited by Palpatine (edited April 19, 2001).]
April 20, 2001, 01:21
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I had no idea that people would be getting updates on floppies when they had to get the large graphics zips to begin with. Anyway, you will just have to use two floppies this time, due to the pics included with the texts this time.
Joseph, I don't know why you would still have the 117c pic in your files, but you need to delete it. The new pics have a corrected file in them.
The mod is being developed for play on regular-sized, or normal-sized, maps. Everyone needs to use this size for evaluating the beta. Once the public release is out, I will develop a version for huge maps.
The militia code always goes buggy on me in the classical or medieval age, so count yourself lucky if you have been making it further.
April 20, 2001, 01:41
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Originally posted by WesW on 04-20-2001 01:21 AM
I had no idea that people would be getting updates on floppies when they had to get the large graphics zips to begin with.
I do not have internet connection from home because I live in quite small town(75 000 residents) and this f***ing little town can not offer me fast internet connection(yet but if I will wait a few months I suppose I will get DSL connection to home). And I do not like slow modems.
So I can only use my company's internet connection to get mod updates. I burned the first big files to cd and took them home that way but now I do not want to spend money to CD-R every time you have a new update so I am using floppies.
PS. Did my floppies work at home yesterday? NO! Damn f***ing floppies! I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!
[This message has been edited by janilxx (edited April 20, 2001).]
April 20, 2001, 03:26
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Hi Y'all,
Been a while since my last post but I'm busy with work so excuse me
But anyways, gonna try this new update tomorrow a whole day of medmod playing...wow has it been this long ?
I read a post a while back and it struck me......indeed there are a ****load of units which you just don't get.
Like arquebusier or somethin' they didn't show up on my build queue, is it a bug or are they just not yet in the game ?
The refugee bug adds a great deal of realism to the game I think, with all your armies racing through enemy territory is bound to spawn refugees which flee to the nearest city.
Excellent work on that one !
Now for a suggestion, could there not be a script which enable the capture of enemy units, like in WW2, the germans captured like 10000 russian tanks etc.
Could there be something like a one-in-100 possibility that a unit will be captured.
I don't quit see the good for such a trigger but its reality...and that is what we are goin' for ain't it ?
Maybe it's a stupid question to ask but...has anyone heard from locutus in the last two weeks ? Where's he at ?
Is that militia trigger working or not...I hear people which it did not work, I hear people that it did work.
Has there been any improvements to the trigger since two updates ago ?
the thing that bugs  me the most is that I should have all these neat units and I can't build them ...... whoohoohoo
WES : BTW : When installing the newest update winzip gives me a message that a certain sprite/tga already exists and shall be overwritten...is this OK or what ?
Dale : Is the diplomod and the withdraw script and the aircraft refuelling thing final or are you still working on that one ?
WES : Could you use one more slic builder..namely me ? I'm working... YES STILL working on a script for pirates and I thought maybe you could use it in the medmod ? Let me know !
Well gotta go...some work has to be done today ?
Shame that CTP2 can't be played on NT4.0, I have that installed at my work, then I could play all day long
April 20, 2001, 07:49
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Originally posted by Huysmans_666 on 04-20-2001 03:26 AM
WES : Could you use one more slic builder..namely me ? I'm working... YES STILL working on a script for pirates and I thought maybe you could use it in the medmod ? Let me know !
Check my comment about present pirates from the older MedMod thread. I told there about pirates that are still there. And I suggested that there should be two kind of pirates, old ones and new ones. Read that post.
April 20, 2001, 10:46
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Wes, do you still need a seige engine unit? You mentioned in the previous thread that Morgoth was busy. I have a battering ram sprite that looks ok unanimated because its on wheels.
Would you like to include it as a seige unit, as Martin discovered the BonusAgainstCities line in Ctp2.exe ?
April 20, 2001, 16:40
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Huysmans, I plan to put the pirate trigger into the mod as soon as you get it finished.
Btw, for those of you like Huysmans who only check in every few days, you need to take some time and at least read *my* posts since you left. It doesn't take all that long, and it will get you caught up on all the important events since you left. Huysmans is referring to the Elite units which I addressed a few days ago.
As for units, I would rather have a Trebuchet than a battering ram, but if you can send it to me or post it somewhere, I will be happy to take a look at it. None of the unit flags which Martin found in the exe that I have tested have worked. I have not tested the nullify or ignore city walls flags, but I did test the attack city bonus. I would have really liked to have had this one for mounted units.
I have not heard from Wouter either, so I don't know what he is doing.
The latest update replaces many of the old mod's pics, so hit "yes to all" when it asks if you want to replace them.
My apartment connection is 45k, and my parents' is 26k, so I will cry a tear or two for Jani next time I am at my parents'.
April 21, 2001, 06:50
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Wes: I will send my Battering ram to Omni, but there is no guarantee that it will go up, I don't know if he is back yet. I will mail it to you. I have the graphics for a trebuchet (thank you AOK  ), but the attack animations do not go right for me, and I can't figure out the problem, so it may look a little silly.
April 21, 2001, 23:04
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Aaaaawww -- my connection is on ISP cable at 655k!
[This message has been edited by MrFun (edited April 21, 2001).]
April 23, 2001, 01:09
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Originally posted by janilxx on 04-18-2001 02:27 AM

- When does militiias move with numpad(arrowkeys)? In turn 1? Or only after you get phalanx?
I tested this in my new game. Militias moved in the first turn. Right after I built my city. I used numpad keys.

- How many conversations you can have in turn with the same AI? Should be 4 but there might be a bug
I managed to have at least 10 conversations with the same AI in one turn(over 4 was the same request).
I sometime ago read about invisible cities in mountains. And now I "saw" invisible city myself. I suppose that should not happen. Should it be fixed already in mod? Or should I search through the threads to find the solution?
Sometimes when there is a slaver in action the screen is centered to the target city. I saw this last yesterday when orange AI's slaver was in action in Barbarian city. Screen was centered for a few second to the barbarian city. Can that centering be disabled?
I am not sure about this but I am curious. AI finds a unit/technology from hut and then there will be a lag. In my experiences the lag happens most of the time(not alltimes) after orange AI(before green). Have you guys seen this too? Why is it allmost everytime before the green? Is the green usually the player that moves a lot and thats why he founds so many huts? Of why? I am just curious.
April 23, 2001, 04:07
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About the militia moving, would it be too simple to give them 0 movement points? I can't beleive no-one thought of this before, so what's stopping you doing that, rather than using some dodgy (no offense Locutus, you are still the God) SLIC?
April 23, 2001, 04:16
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I just tried the militia move, and they do move now. I can't explain that one. Anyway, the AIs don't seem to be moving them, and that is what counts the most.
I just checked my current game, and confirmed that the AIs only build farms on grass, and mines on plains. That one is frustrating, since they should build things based upon what the city needs, on any terrain which can support the needed TI. They still do a much better job than in any of the Sid games, where there is no connection between improved squares and worker placement, but the settings in the strategies.txt should be handling this.
I guess the AI conversations thing is another bug due to the new diplomacy system in the game. I can't do anything about it. It should not be a big deal, however.
I thought I had gotten rid of the city sprite bug months ago. I play-tested it pretty thoroughly and did not have the bug re-appear. Jani, you may just be bad luck.
The slaver thing is a bug, probably. I would not think it to be a big deal, either.
The lag occurs whenever anyone gets a unit (long lag) or advance (shorter lag) from a hut. It must be something to do with adding units and advances to the mod. I guess we will just have to live with it.
Btw, I really like the new gov't settings. I had to conquer the Japanese in my game, and have 18 cities under a Monarchy. Revolts are a problem, though they can be overcome well enough. I raised the Revolution level to 65 for the next update, to make things even more interesting.
Other than the problem with plains and grass mentioned above, the AIs seemed to be doing an awesome job managing their empires. Buildings, units, TIs, trade and diplomacy; they all looked great.
April 23, 2001, 06:22
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Originally posted by WesW on 04-23-2001 04:16 AM
I thought I had gotten rid of the city sprite bug months ago. I play-tested it pretty thoroughly and did not have the bug re-appear. Jani, you may just be bad luck. 
Nice. You sounds like a real programmer  "Bug? No that is not a bug and it only appeared once. I do not fix it"  I hope you have sometimes time to seek invisible city problem.

The lag occurs whenever anyone gets a unit (long lag) or advance (shorter lag) from a hut. It must be something to do with adding units and advances to the mod. I guess we will just have to live with it.
Yes yes yes I know that and I can live with that. But my point was have anyone recognized that almost every time lag appears between orange and green color. It seems to be so in my games. And maybe someone would have a wild guess why it happens mostly with green AI. Is green AI usually the AI that moves most and thats why he founds more huts that others. Or why? Any guesses?
PS. Not settler anymore? Hmm I do have more than 30 posts. And still settler. GRRR!
[This message has been edited by janilxx (edited April 23, 2001).]
April 23, 2001, 09:11
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sorry, just my fault
[This message has been edited by walkerjonny (edited April 23, 2001).]
April 23, 2001, 19:16
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I think I found a solution to the plains and grassland problem. I have re-worked the strategies.txt to make the AIs use more specialists in their slowest growing cities. I had tried to take specialists out of the game for most instances, but I think this is the best answer to the problem. If I block the building of mines on plains, the AI will most likely not build anything at all on plains tiles. This is just how the routines work. I struggled with this type of thing in Ctp1, and never did find a good answer.
Jani, I have found that the lags are distributed evenly among all players in the game. This is a point I tried to make yesterday.
On another topic, I have been trying to get the AIs to stack slavers with their armies so that they can capture slaves when they win battles. I have not been successful with this, but it finally occurred to me that designated slavers were not normally posted in Roman armies, to my knowledge, and the Romans were the among the most prolific slavers in history. What I propose is to give the "victory enslavement" flag to offensive infantry and mounted attack units up through the Renaissance age. This should enable the AIs to employ what has been a strictly human advantage until now. Any thoughts on this?
April 24, 2001, 00:56
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Originally posted by WesW on 04-23-2001 07:16 PM
Jani, I have found that the lags are distributed evenly among all players in the game. This is a point I tried to make yesterday.

On another topic, I have been trying to get the AIs to stack slavers with their armies so that they can capture slaves when they win battles. I have not been successful with this, but it finally occurred to me that designated slavers were not normally posted in Roman armies, to my knowledge, and the Romans were the among the most prolific slavers in history. What I propose is to give the "victory enslavement" flag to offensive infantry and mounted attack units up through the Renaissance age. This should enable the AIs to employ what has been a strictly human advantage until now. Any thoughts on this?
Your proposal souns good but does it make slavers almost unnecessary after citywalls. I mean if slavers will be used only for capture slaves(from city) action they will become almost "obsoleted" after enemy builds citywalls. I agree that AIs would need the ability to capture slaves after victory. Of course you need to handle the situation where army attacks to a city and wins it. Then it would be not so good idea to capture slaves  )
Maybe slavers would need some more power after citywalls? Or think about my next text about nowadays slaves and figure some new ideas and bring them to the game.
There were so called "slave ship" sailing in African coast few weeks ago. I suppose news about that are shown in everywhere. So newspapers tried to take all advantages about this ship and many newspapers told about slaverly in nowadays. The result is that there have not been ever so many slaves that there is nowadays! Children, women and even men are slaves in many places in Africa and Asia. So the slave problem is much worse than it was about in year 0 AD.
So my question is could it be sometimes(not at once  ) to add some kind of support for nowadays slaverly?
I got Feat of Wonder yesterday. Something about Conquering. The messagebox told me about conquer and that I got the Feat of Wonder. But there were no text about the award(or bonus) I got because I got the feat of wonder. Is that Feat of Wonder new in Mod? I mean if it is Mod's Feat maybe some of you have forgot to type the award/bonus text to the messagebox?!?! But if this feat belongs to the original game you can forget this. (Anyone know what is the bonus this Feat gives?)
April 24, 2001, 05:22
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Just an observation about the affect that making many improvements obsolete and replacing them with new one have to the gameplay:
Let's speak about production (it affects gold in the same way).
If you make the factory obsolete when you reach the advance that gives you the robot factory this causes a production lack and because of this it takes much longer to build the robot factory. The newer the technology is the stronger is the effect of that lack.
This happens not in real life. Normally you use the actual technology to build new industies and not the technology which was actual some thousand years ago. And in the most times new technologies are added to the actual ones to make them more effective.
Maybe it's better for the gameplay not to replace the most buildings with new ones but to add them (of course after overchecking their cost and effects).
A question: How can i enable the pollution effect?
April 24, 2001, 10:39
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RE: Slaves
The slaving problem is real - and getting the AI to use them in a military stack would be nice. The AI will use slavers to take them from cities though. If anything, adding the enslave ability to military units might end up making the human even more powerful, especially if there are Barbs in the game. Slavers will automatically become a non-issue too - why build a slaver when all you have to do is win battles, since the victors will always get a slave.
Here is a refinement to Wes' solutions, to at least help the AI get a leg up in this area.
A question - since a slaver normally sits on the back lines, it will get the slaves if the force wins the battle, but placing it on the front lines might not reap that benefit - your army may win the battle, but the slaver might get killed, and might not get a slave out of the deal (this will have to be playtested). So there is a balancing issue within Wes' solution that looks good.
Instead of giving offensive units the ability to enslave if victorious, give the slaver some military ability in the early game, so they will stack with a military unit - place them in the AI ranged unit build list. I would give them a range factor instead of a strong attack/defend - so they would not be the main bulk of the AI forces, since most of the AI priorities for building units are slanted toward offensive/defensive units. If your most powerful ranged unit is an archer, give the slaver the same attributes (but less hit points) and bump up the cost of a slaver over your ranged unit to compensate for its greater ability - and maybe make it available later on the tech tree. I would also remove its stealth ability.
This will be your military slaver unit. You will have to provide an upgrade for each unit, as you move into different ages though - and maybe phase it out altogether in the modern age - though if you have built slavers, before the phaseout, you will be able to still get slaves - but those units will not be able to stand toe-to-toe with the modern ranged units. In fact you can use the same sprite, but differentiate the tga files (by color), so a player can tell the difference between his slaver units while playing.
BTW, does anyone have the CTP1 and CTP2 slaver sprite/tga files to send to me?
This will have the effect of making slaving an option to a player without making it something that a player will have to do. Since the AI follows a scripted list, it may not have that option though, so all AI civs may end up with slaves. Will you, or the AI, be able to use Abolishionists though?
You can also retain the non-military slaver unit - placing its availability further on the tech tree.
There was a suggestion in the forums to disband a slaver every time it took a slave, which was something that I was hoping to see implemented. Anyone have any success in doing this?
April 24, 2001, 13:57
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Why not give the militia units zero movement points, surely this would solve the movement thing. (or can they not expell without movement points?)
always one step ahead of me
Disband a slaver every time ??? ouch.
I got the CTP1 sprite and captured video shots. Any good ?
[This message has been edited by Immortal Wombat (edited April 24, 2001).]
April 24, 2001, 19:27
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He guys, I'm back again (don't even ask  ), hopefully with very good news. It's getting rather late over here and I have an important exam in 7 hours (rule number 1 in making exams: always get at least 4 hours of sleep the night before  ), so I'll keep it short for now.
I think I found the cause of the militia problems that many people are experiencing (the no-upgrade thing, not the movement thing). It appears to be a bug with the savegames (now, where did I hear that before?  ). The only way to solve it is to reload SLIC every time you load a save-game (open the chat window with the '-key and type /reloadslic). This may be a bit annoying but since you normally don't load games all that often, it shouldn't be that much of a problem (unless you're one of those people that saves the game 3 times a turn and loads it again if the outcome of a battle isn't quite what you expected  ).
I hardly had time to test it yet, but it seems to work on my system (but I never had much problems with the militia, apparently because I play most of my test games in a single session). Let me know how it goes on other systems.
Oh, BTW, you can continue to play your existing games, even after the bug occured. Just reload SLIC and wait until your cities change size and the militias should reappear again (in that particular city).
April 24, 2001, 21:30
As some of you know I been having a lot of trouble playing the game. So I called Activision Tech support and they asked me to send my Direct X info. Below is their ans. Maybe this will help some people out there to play the game. (Tech support will help if you ask). (And btw I sent the info. to the only address that I had and it went to st_swithin. She answer me with her non-Activision addresss and said if I needed to reach her send e-mail there (Wes if you need it?)).
Hello Joseph,
Thank you for taking the time to write our customer support department. I
will try to assist you with any problems/questions you may have regarding
our products.
From the description of your problem, it seems like you are having problems
with your video card or sound card not having drivers which are 100%
DirectX-compatible. Please make sure you do in fact have DirectX-compatible
drivers for your video card AND sound card. You should contact your
video/sound card manufacturer or go to their websites to get the latest
DirectX-compatible drivers.
Also remember to close all background tasks/programs before running the
game. In Windows, press CTRL-ALT-DEL and close everything except SYSTRAY and
EXPLORER. In addition, before you run the game, make sure you set your Video
Settings to 16 bit high color, 640x480. To change the desktop, right click
on the desktop and select properties. Then click on settings. Change the
desktop settings to 640X480 and High Color 16, and then reboot the system.
It would also be a good idea to make sure you have the latest versions of
DirectX installed on your computer, you can download the latest version from www.microsoft.com/directx
If the problem persists, I will need you to send me your DirectX info in
order for me analyze your system properties and further assist you with your
Go to your Windows START Menu / RUN / and type DXDIAG. A DirectX Diagnostic
Tool menu will pop up, there should be an option at the bottom to to save
all information. Save that [DXDIAG.TXT] text and attach it to a reply email
and send it back to us. (Also if you know your motherboard brand and model,
please include that information in your reply too.)
Please write back if you have any further questions or concerns. IMPORTANT
NOTE: Also please include entire email in any future replies.
Kenneth Chia
Activision Customer Support Representative
Customer Support Phone: (310) 255-2050
(Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Pacific Standard Time)
[This message has been edited by joseph1944 (edited April 24, 2001).]
April 24, 2001, 21:53
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Re: slaving.
Won't having an infantry unit that has the abilities of a slaver make the populations of the cities get a little out of control? Every time there's a skirmish between a couple of hoplites, some city's going to get a pop point (10K slaves?). I haven't looked in the files...is there some way to reduce the pop growth from slaving?
Re: the militia code
Wasn't the code originally written to protect newly formed cities? Maybe that's all it will be able to do and auto-upgrading the militias will forever be buggy (I'm one of those who often plays only 2 or 3 turns a day and would loathe doing a reload slic every time I play). One thing the AI does do a decent job of is building units to defend it's cities, so perhaps all you should ask of the slic IS to protect new cities and let the AI (and the human player, of course) be responsible for upkeep of the defense.
Myself, I'm not a big fan of the auto-upgrade concept (though with militias it makes sense) so I won't lose sleep if the slic can't be made to work. One potential problem (if the slic only creates the first defense unit) is that a "defense upgrade" advance would occur just after a new city is formed and the AI does not have time to build it's own defensive units. Thus it would be defenseless. Maybe the militia could be disbanded after the 2nd generation upgrade (ie disband the Hoplite Militia after Infantry is available rather than Pikemen (in unmodded CTP2 parlance)) instead. Just an idea.
April 25, 2001, 01:07
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Originally posted by hexagonian on 04-24-2001 10:39 AM
RE: Slaves
...I would also remove its stealth ability...
...You can also retain the non-military slaver unit - placing its availability further on the tech tree...
There should always be a slaver unit available that is stealth(invisible). AI uses invisible slavers now and I would like AI to use them in the future too. This is my opinion.
April 25, 2001, 01:14
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Originally posted by Locutus on 04-24-2001 07:27 PM
I think I found the cause of the militia problems that many people are experiencing (the no-upgrade thing, not the movement thing). It appears to be a bug with the savegames (now, where did I hear that before? ). The only way to solve it is to reload SLIC every time you load a save-game (open the chat window with the '-key and type /reloadslic). This may be a bit annoying but since you normally don't load games all that often, it shouldn't be that much of a problem
Argh! My games usually lasts weeks or months  So there have to be saves too  And loads of course. Could it be possibbble to add /reloadslic to be ran in every turn? Or would it slow the game too much? I mean every time my turn begins there could be a script that would reload the slic. Is that possible?
April 25, 2001, 01:15
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And the third thing...
Have anyone done something to the all AIs loves other AIs? I checked and now I do have one AI-AI relationship that is not love and all other AI-AI relationships are love.
April 25, 2001, 10:42
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Time for a more elaborate response... (just noticed that last night's post was my first post in this entire thread :eek
I'm sorry to hear people don't like having to reload SLIC everytime they load a savegame (he, I don't like it very much myself either!), but I'm afraid there's simply no way around it. To my knowledge it's not possible to reload SLIC automaticly, but even if it could there could be all kinds of side effects I wouldn't want to have to deal with.
If there's enough people who want it or if Wes requests it, I could make a trimmed down version of the code that only creates a militia in every city and never upgrades or anything, could probably even make it so that it wouldn't take more than changing a single in MM2_scenario.slc to switch from the current version to the reduced one.
In any case, I still need people to try this out, to confirm that it indeed works for everyone, esp. the people who had problems with it before. I'm gonna try it out some more tonight and also try it on hex's mod to see if the same problem exists there as well and if so, if it can be solved in the same manner.
On a different note, I too found the movement bug now, never noticed it before but I could have overlooked it. I will see if anything can be done about it but I wouldn't count on it too much. The SLIC code catches any movement orders that are given to Militia units and cancels those. Apparently the orders given through the keypad are in some way different from the mouse orders, but I don't know if I can catch those too. It might seem more logical to catch the actual movement event instead of the order but that causes all kinds of ZOC problems, as you'll all remember.
Anyway, I'll have more to say later, but for now I have a bus to catch...
April 27, 2001, 03:43
Local Time: 10:00
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Somewhere over the Rainbow ........
Posts: 40
Hi Y'all,
Locutus is back  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers.
Well, that indeed sucks bigtime, but if that's what it takes then ...
Gonna try it out today, see if it works !
The trimmed down version doesn't sound good to me, reloading the SLIC isn't that tedious is it ?
Well gotta go, have to catch...ehhmmmm, well something, i dunno....
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